Corporate Social Responsability and Corporate Citizenship

The concept of CSR changed drastically in the last years and it started to also be referred with the new terminology of corporate citizenship. As you know, there is no any commonly accepted definition of CSR and often different terminologies are used to refer to the different efforts of the private sector to act responsibly towards the consumers, service users, the community in which they operate and more broadly the society at large. It is not just simply about charity but most importantly about the way a business is run and managed. How can a company be responsive to the challenges and requests coming from the employees, their communities and the governments? How private companies can reconcile the drive for maximizing profit with overall broader ethical issues? How to enforce some sort of benchmarks and award the best practices among corporate sector?

In this space you can share your ideas, you can bring examples of best practices from other countries and you can suggest, in a practical way, some possible avenues to strengthen CSR initiatives in the country.


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At the workshop on "Policies Regarding Disabled and Elderly Access and Accommodation in Public Places and Public Venues within Nepal's Laws",  some voluntary commitments were made to achieve tangible results within 6 months from the date of workshop by the participants.  This video shows some of the commitments that were made.  Some of these commitments can be implemented in individual work environments.  For all to see and volunteer to do.


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This 5 part series on "Challenges of Disabled Accessible Tourism in Nepal" is based on a talk program given to some hoteliers at Radisson Hotel.  It was arranged by Four Season Travel & Tours Pvt. Ltd.  The objective was to discuss the possibilities and advantages of disabled accessible tourism in Nepal by highlighting  the issues related to whole concept of disabled accessibility and need for the development disability access in Nepal so it will benefit all. 


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This video gives some background about how an existing ramp, assumed as complinat for the disabled, was modified and how a new complying bathroom and new ramps were constructed on this private premises but a public venue.  The newly constructed facilities meet acceptable access standards and are based on the requirements of the California Building Code.

The Janakpur Women's Development Centre: Going Beyond Traditional CSR Activities

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The JWDC and the potential for investing in CSR activities

A Shop with a Story @ Babar Mahal Revisited in Kathmandu

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A store featuring authentic Nepali products directly from social ventures whilst promoting social entrepreneurship | An initiative of Change Fusion Nepal

Future of Work Podcast | Jacob Morgan [Podcast Recommendation]

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'Each episode of the Future of Work Podcast will tackle a specific theme or idea related to the future of work such as big data, collaboration, management, flexible work, globalization, the internet of things, and much more. An expert guest will also provide their ideas and advice on the topic we cover. Why is the world of work changing? How is work changing? What do you need to do about it? Listen to the Future of Work Podcast to find out!'


More at:

#ShapingDavos - Call for Participation: Building Trust in Public­-Private Partnerships [Crowdsourcing Announcement]

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Dear CEOs, thinking about doing some charity? Let your staff decide

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A letter to all the CEOs about a simple but effective way to empower their employees with responsibilities in the philanthropic aspect of Corporate Responsibility or Corporate Social Responsibility: setting up a charity committee.

Debating CSR in Nepal: A bit bumpy road but without a way back!

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Slowly a community of practitioners on Corporate Social Responsibility is emerging in Nepal. It is open to all; it is free of charge and ultimately it makes sense. Hopefully after reading this piece, you might be tempted to join.

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The idea is simple: creating an open “Portal” where engaged and committed citizens who feel to share their ideas and offer their opinions on development related issues have the opportunity to do...


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Toward the Volunteering Inspired Society.