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#ShapingDavos - Call for Participation: Building Trust in Public-Private Partnerships - “Davos at Home” | Global Shapers Kathmandu Hub
'For the first time in history, the Global Shapers Community (www.globalshapers.org) is pioneering Shaping Davos, a gamechanging concept of a series of live events, that uses two way live streaming to virtually connect 40 cities from around the world with the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland.The Global Shapers Hub of Kathmandu has been selected among 40 hubs out of 402 global hubs to host a Shaping Davos panel discussion on the topic: "Building Trust in Public-Private Partnerships."
Deadline for application: January 11, 2015 (5 p.m.)'
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