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Experiencing the earthquake in Karjanha VDC, Siraha, Nepal

Life- Not too certain

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Bammm! And there goes the life.

Nepal Sutra [App Recommendation]

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“NepalSutra” is an online integrated information portal on web, mobile apps and social media channels.'

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Earth: A New Wild | PBS [DVD Recommendation]

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'EARTH A New Wild takes a fresh look at humankind’s relationship to the planet.'

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Celebrating Sport for Development and Peace

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Sport is a big thing but few things of sport as a platform to build peace, development and harmony. Yet an increasing number of organizations, including ENGAGE, are using sport to achieve tangible, durable social impact. A revised version of this article was published on the Kathmandu Post on 5th april, 2015

Maato Ra Mann-माटो र मन | Sahadev Poudel [Book Recommendation]

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'Maato Ra Mann is a collection of Nepali Poetry by Sahadev Poudel. He lives in New York City.Maato Ra Mann has 64 contemporary Nepali poems.'


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Public Talk by Christian Manhart, UNESCO Representative to Nepal @ Nepal Art Council

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"UNESCO's struggle against art theft and illicit traffic of cultural property in Afghanistan, and its legal instruments and international conventions in this field"

Sensitivity, Values: How Do we Live our Lives

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Read for some thought provoking ideas. How do you lead your life?

Global Education Magazine [Crowd-based Advocacy + Announcement]

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'Global Education Magazine is an educational e-journal with international character that seeks to promote ideas and experiences from the work of educational professionals, as well as NGOs, Voluntary Associations, Supranational, National, Regional and Local Institutions and Organizations, that struggle every day to achieve the MDGs.'

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Paradox of orphanage volunteering: Problems everywhere

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French Gap Year Student Enjoying Teaching in Orphanage
Without hesitating we can say, many 'orphanage homes' are intentionally opened and operated for the good money and not for the good social service. Problem is everywhere, we should fight collectively.
