Making Something Out of Nothing

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Karjanha Village, where I've lived for the past 10.5 months is a pretty typical place for this part of the world, with lots of dust.  One can always find beauty especially in the colors of the women's saris but the shops are pretty sparse, not painted, not really much attention paid to aesthetics.   However the Nepali New Year has shown me how to take a dusty colorless place, at least a small piece, and turn it into something special.

Reflections on Nepali New Year

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New Year is a time of reflection


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Thousands of foreign tourists visit Nepal, particularly for the Himalayan experience, and some are keen to be involved in volunteering. Good intentions in terms of volunteering work also mean immersion in the Nepali life style and culture. A few days of volunteering can result in great memories as well as some bitter truths.

Better Care Better Volunteering Network, Interview with Anna McKeon ( Part II)

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Have you ever heard of Better Care Better Volunteering Network? Have you ever consider that international volunteering based at children homes is not a so good idea? Find here some interesting results on the country studies covered by the initiative. Part I was published on 27th March, 2015 at

Beacon: Crowdfunding Journalism [Crowdsourcing Announcement]

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'Beacon is for people who tell great stories and uncover important information. The web has forever changed the way we produce and consume information, but fundamentally the relationship between reader and writer remains the same. Journalists have stories to tell, readers are listening. Beacon is a simple platform that lets writers connect with readers that value their work.'

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Our Impact

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Tonight, I sat in the middle of a number of children in front of our library.  The children were playing cards, Go Fish/Crazy Eights, chess, playing with stuffed animals donated by my friend Spring Raymond​ from the US, pretending to cook with a plastic stove donated by my friend Pragya Mishra​  from India, reading books from the US rounded up by my dad Norm Rosenkrantz​ and Nepali books donated by the Asia Foundation in Kathmandu.  One adult was teaching children how to fold paper to make birds.

My dream came true

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With resolve, determination and strong will power, everything can happen. Here my story about being selected for a the EU supported Erasmus Scholarship to learn about dance, drama and much more else. It is thrilling and exciting....
