Our Mission
We are a Global South network of local civil society organisations reinventing Aid through innovative ideas, knowledge sharing, and influencing.
Our Vision
A world where local communities have the resources and agency to address the challenges that impact them.
NEAR works to increase local influence on decision-making at the national, regional, and international levels through advocacy, networking, and communication. Using evidence-based research to guide our advocacy agenda and create specific advocacy campaigns, NEAR has worked to influence international institutions and processes, INGOs, regional bodies, and government donors. We push for policy changes that promote new ideas and a different balance of power where local and national actors have a powerful voice and agency to determine how to best respond to the needs in their communities.
We enhance policy-level and operational collaboration between local and national organisations.
NEAR plays an active role:
In agenda setting in global policy processes and institutions – such as in the Grand Bargain, the Grand Bargain Workstream on Localization, Charter4Change or the sub group on Localization of the Results Group 1 of the InterAgency Standing Committee (IASC).
In technical and operational settings – such as in the Global Protection Cluster or with national consortia.
In academic and policy settings – with think tanks, universities and INGOs.
If you want to know more about our work, contribute or share opportunities, you can reach us at advocacy@near.ngo
Innovative Financing
NEAR has developed a localised funding program that provides practical, progressive, and authentic solutions, driven and designed by local and national actors. Historically amongst both humanitarian and development ecosystems, we found the missing piece to be the absence of a coordinated vision and agenda for change from local and national actors themselves.
The localised funding program does just this: NEAR incubates innovative financing models that are driven by local leadership, that shift the balance of power from Northern donors to Southern actors and the communities they represent, and that establishes a different level of ambition for local and national actors in preparing for, responding to and building resilience against crises.
NEAR acts in three distinct roles as a facilitator, advisor, and connector amongst Global South actors.
NEAR facilitates the design of national or localised grant-making funds by activating and supporting local leadership.
NEAR advises actors, including governments, on the launch and implementation of national and localised grant-making funds.
NEAR connects like-minded localised and national funds to share learning.
South-to-South Platform
NEAR’s South-to-South Platform is a unique and innovative online platform that promotes communication, sharing, exchange, and learning amongst local and national actors from the Global South. The platform does not have a precedent: it is a rapid online environment that allows Global South actors to exchange and participate in a variety of ways: through curated chat groups, tailored learning modules and animations, demand-driven webinars, campaigns, and connections to opportunities for funding, consultancies, and more. It will be piloted and launched in 2021.
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