The 2019 Program looks beyond addressing global governance issues based on projects and initiatives, to take a more transversal approach in discussing the pressing challenges related to multilateralism today. A series of discussions on the “governance of governance” touches upon the core topics of the Forum to address transversal questions that affect each of them.
– Anti-globalism and the rise of populism
– Social inequalities or the tension between “end of the world” and “end of the month”
– How multilateralism is doing: The glass half-full and the glass-half-empty
– A better North/South balance in international organizations
Innovative formats encourage open dialogue
Sessions are constructed in a variety of innovative formats to consistently encourage close conversations, gather advice from experts and craft sustainable peace. The program favors short and dynamic sessions. Among the various debate formats, the Forum allows for many direct interactions with project leaders and key public figures. In the Hearing sessions, for example, project leaders present their initiative before heads of State and government present to hear their feedback.
Also including the launch of brand new initiatives, the 2019 debates are specially crafted to encourage open dialogue between a multitude of various actors of global governance. Many debates will be followed by a Q&A session for direct interaction with the participants, as well as various opportunities to interact directly via the Paris Peace Forum mobile application.
Program Highlights
11 November
The first day of the 2019 Paris Peace Forum will feature the Soft Opening, a preview evening reception reserved for members of the Paris Peace Forum community. Following an official welcome by Pascal Lamy, President of the Paris Peace Forum, Anne Hidalgo, the Mayor of Paris, will say a few words. The Paris Peace Forum is also please to welcome back Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary General, to make an address during the Soft Opening.
Please note that the Soft Opening is reserved for the immediate community of the Forum, and is not open to journalists or members of the press.
12 November
The prestigious Opening Ceremony will begin promptly at 9:30am, with a word of welcome from Trisha Shetty, President of the Paris Peace Forum Steering Committee, and featuring:
- Ursula von der Leyen, President-Elect of the European Commission
- Wang Qishan, Vice President of the People’s Republic of China
- Félix Tshisekedi, President of the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Emmanuel Macron, President of France
Throughout the day, we invite you to head to the Space for Solutions to discover the 114 global governance projects that will be pitching their initiatives throughout the Forum.
Debate sessions: In addition to convening governance initiatives form all over the world, the Paris Peace Forum also offera a rich agenda of 80+ debates covering the major challenges facing today’s world. The official start of the debate sessions is 10:30am. To consult the full program, including location, speakers, and detailed description, we invite you to:
A selection of debate sessions – We invite you to find a selection of can’t-miss debate sessions on the agenda for the 12 November:
- Rise of the south: towards a more balanced global governance system
November 12, 2019; 11:00 – 12:00 Location: Agora 1
Over the years, Global South countries have requested several reforms to the existing multilateral system, to no avail. South-South platforms have therefore developed and strengthened. However, our globalized world such as ours, Southern challenges are in fact global and shared. How can we build a more inclusive architecture and update and strengthen the North-South dialogue and partnership?
Participants: HEM Paul Biya, President Cameroon; Mohan Kumar, President Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS); HE HOR Namhong, Vice Prime Minister, Cambodia; Louise Mushikiwabo, Secretary General of Organisation internationale de la Francophonie; Hossam Zaki, Assistant Secretary General, League of Arab States
Moderator: Mo Ibrahim, Founder and Chairman, Mo Ibrahim Foundation
- First anniversary of the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace: building a multi-stakeholder approach to cybersecurity
November 12, 2019; 12:15-13:15 Location: Agora 1
The Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace was launched at the Paris Peace Forum on 12 November 2018. For the first time, a cybersecurity initiative gathered actors of different sectors – states, companies and civil society organizations – who agreed on clear norms and obligations to strengthen online security for all. They are now more than 500 signatories worldwide. How can we continue to promote a resolutely multi-stakeholder approach to cyberspace regulation, and how best to combine these efforts with the UN tracks?
Participants: John Frank, Vice President, European Union Government Affairs, Microsoft, Eugene Kaspersky, CEO Kaspersky Lab, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Secretary of State, Cédric O, Secretary of State, Gabriela Ramos, Chief of Staff Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Sherpa to the G20, OECD
Moderator: Professor Frédérick Douzet, Institut Francais de Geopolitique, Université Paris 8
- Still Not Equal: How to Make the Generation Equality Forum of July 2020 a Transformational Moment
November 12, 2019; 14:00-15:00 Location: Auditorium
Earlier this year, France and Mexico agreed to host the Generation Equality Forum in 2020. This Forum, convened by UN Women and organized in close partnership with civil society, aims to celebrate the 25thanniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action, and give new impetus to the women’s rights initiatives born from this conference. This session will take stock of the current situation, share examples of good practices that can be replicated or scaled-up as well as put forward further commitments, in preparation for this global women’s rights milestone.
Speakers: Martha Delgado, Vice Minister for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Mexico, Marlène Schiappa, Minister of State for Gender Equality and the Fight against Discrimination, Mildred Nzau, Youth Expert AU-EU Youth Cooperation Hub, Anita Bhatia, United Nations Assistant-Secretary-General and Deputy, Executive Director of UN Women, Alexandra Palt, Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer & Executive Vice-President of the Foundation, L’Oréal Group, Pekka Haavisto, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Finland
Moderator: Annette Young, Journalist, France 24
- Art of Dialogue, Dialogue of the Arts
November 12, 2019; 15:15-16:15 Location: Agora 1
Culture and the arts are powerful agents of peace. The dialogue between cultural institutions, including private ones, is built on fostering personal relationships that transcend traditional diplomacy. As such, it is crucial to international understanding and cooperation. Museums, art collectors and cultural representatives can help further understanding and prosperity through art, overcoming age-old suspicions and the unstable nature of international relations. This panel explores the intersection of art and diplomacy.
Speakers: Her Excellency Noura bint Mohammed Al Kaabi, Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development, Franck Riester, Minister of Culture,Ministry of Culture, France (sous réserve de QAG), Anibal Jozami, President Bienalsur, Marina Loshak, Director of The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Thomas S. Kaplan, Founder of The Leiden Collection, Chairman of the International Alliance for the Protection of Heritage in Conflict Areas (ALIPH), Chairman of The Electrum Group
Moderator: Steven Erlanger, Chief Diplomatic Correspondent for Europe, The New York Times
- COP15 Kunming: Last Boarding Call for Biodiversity
November 12, 2019; 16:30-17:30 Location Agora 1
Just one year away from the COP 15 in Kunming, one million species are threatened, with humans at the root of the vast majority of damage to lands and marine ecosystems. In 2020, China will host the next major international forum on biodiversity conservation, an event that requires active preparation of the agreement to be signed. The Paris Peace Forum must serve as a preparatory platform to lay this foundation for the adoption of a new global framework for post-2020 biodiversity governance. To succeed, a paradigm of change in biodiversity governance is essential. Could multilateralism make a difference in Kunming?
Speakers: Huang Runqiu, Vice Minister of Ecology and Environment, Liu Ning, Deputy Director General, Department of Nature and Ecology Conservation, MEE, Lead negotiator, COP15, Razan Khalifa Al Mubarak, founding Managing Director of the Mohamed Bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (MBZ Fund), Brune Poirson, Minister of State attached to the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, Yin Myo SU, General director Inle Princess and Charperson of the Inle Heritage Foundation, Myanmar
Moderator: Jean-Pierre Raffarin, ex-Prime Minister, Chairperson of Leaders for Peace
- Surviving Climate Wrath: Building Resilient Infrastructure in an Age of Global Warming
November 12, 2019; 16:30-17:30 Location: Auditorium
Half of the world’s infrastructure that will exist in 2050 is yet to be built. This presents us with unique challenges and unprecedented opportunities. The key challenge is that during their long lifecycle, all infrastructure systems will be exposed to a range of disasters including more frequent, severe and unpredictable extreme weather and climate events. The opportunity is that given the scale of investment, if we get it right, we can lock-in resilience for the long term. India, in collaboration with partner countries and the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, is launching a Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI). The Paris Peace Forum will be a unique platform to advance dialogue under the CDRI and engage a range of stakeholders with a view to identify specific areas where international cooperation and mutual exchange can promote disaster and climate resilient infrastructure. The message is clear: let’s invest in resilience!
Speakers: Laurence Tubiana, CEO, European Climate Foundation, Kamal Kishore, Director, NDMA, and initiator of the Coalition for Resilient Infrastructure, Koen Doens, Director General International Cooperation and Development at European Commission, Antoine Denoix, CEO, AXA Climate, S.E. M. le Président Azali Assoumani, Comoros
Moderator: Onno Rühl, General Manager, Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH)
- The Future of trade rules
November 12, 2019; 16:30-17:30 Location: The Stage
With the creation of the WTO, the 1990s saw decisive progress in the development of world trade rules, helping consolidate economic globalization. Since then, geopolitical power shifts and the 2008 crisis have inflamed tensions between countries. So much so, that some of these rules are now being challenged and the very existence of the WTO is threatened. This high-level panel will attempt to determine whether a new consensus can be found to save the existing trade order.
Speakers: Arancha González, Executive Director, International Trade Centre, Chair of the International Gender Champion Global Board, Alan Wolff, Deputy Director-General, WTO, Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy and Finance, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister and Chairman of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), Hu Shuli, Publisher, Caixin Media
Moderator: Pascal Lamy, President of the Peace Paris Forum
- Looted Art: Taking African Cultural Heritage Restitution Forward
November 12, 2019; 16:45-17:45 Location: Amphitheatre
Culture is a key element of identity, as well as of mutual knowledge and understanding. While most of African cultural heritage remains outside the continent following colonization, the present moment represents a key opportunity to build new relationships, while repairing some of the damaged caused during the period. However, the restitution of cultural heritage raises political, legal, practical and ethical questions, and its implementation hinges on consensus. How can we work collaboratively towards new relational ethics? How can a restitution system which ensures the rightful/original owners keep control of their cultural artifacts and assets be designed? What should an effective process of repatriation of African works of art look like?
Speakers: Prof Dr Ines de Castro, Director, Linden Museum, Achille Mbembe, Professor of history and political science and director of research, Witwatersrand Institute for Social and Economic Research (WISER) at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, Prof. Leopoldo Amado, Commissioner for Education, Science and Culture, ECOWAS/CEDEAO, Lazare Eloundou Assomo, Director of Culture and Emergencies, UNESCO, Andreas Görgen, Director-General Culture and Communication, German Federal Foreign Office
Moderator: Nathalie Delapalme, Executive Director Mo Ibrahim Foundation
- How do we Share Useful Data? The Promised Land of Data Commons
November 12, 2019; 18:45-19:45 Location: Agora 2
Competition, privacy and security concerns are challenging how governments, NGOs and entrepreneurs harness data and AI for good. Initiatives like Global Data Commons and others aims to address these challenges by lowering barriers to data collection, sharing and use through legal, operational and ethical frameworks. Specifically, the data commons can help deliver on the SDGs, and the discussion will start from a concrete question: how can NGOs share nature conservation data among themselves and beyond?
Speakers: Yolanda Lannquist, Head of Research & Advisory, The Future Society, Frederic Launay, President & CEO, Panthera, Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia, Henri Verdier, Ambassador for Digital Affairs, French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
13 November
For the last day of the Paris Peace Forum, doors will again open beginning at 7am. The rich agenda of debate sessions and project pitches will continue beginning promptly at 9am.
Selection of debates – Don’t forget to explore all the sessions that make up the rich 2019 debate agenda. We invite you to find a selection of can’t-miss debate sessions on the agenda for the 13 November:
- Can you be a green Gilet Jaune? Ensuring the social sustainability of environmental efforts
November 13, 2019; 09:00-10:00 Location: Agora 1
In the wake of the yellow vests movement in France, the need for global policies – in particular on climate change – that are socially acceptable to all has become urgent. This debate has been cast as the tension between ‘end of the world’ and ‘end of the month’. Tending to the first preoccupation is vital to the future of mankind, while tending to the second is vital to the first. If we want to ensure the social sustainability of climate efforts, the two political objectives will have to be reconciled, and the two constituencies – sometimes overlapping – will have to agree on new policies. Beyond climate, the Gilets Jaunesand the community of global governance activists share many concerns, like fiscal justice, that offer a platform for political discussion.
Speakers: Ingrid Levavasseur, Activist, Michel Colombier, Co-founder, Scientific Director, Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI)
Moderator: Sylvie Kaufmann, Editorial Director & Columnist, Le Monde
- Rehab: Shaping a More Effective Response to Drug Trafficking Worldwide
November 13, 2019; 11:30-12:30 Location: Agora 1
Global evidence, UN reports and scientific literature indicate that the ‘war on drugs’ has failed to achieve its objectives of eliminating or reducing the production, consumption and trafficking of illegal drugs. Furthermore, it has created major negative consequences, mostly unintended, impacting economic, social and cultural sectors. These include mass incarcerations; a thriving illegal drug market; the spread of infectious diseases; the lack of access to pain relief medication; and gross human rights violations. The panel covers essential areas where cooperation between stakeholders can lead to shaping an effective, humane and cost-effective response to drugs.
Speakers: Martha Delgado, Vice Minister for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Mexico, Svante Myrick, Mayor of City of Ithaca, United States, Ruth Dreifuss, Chair of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, Gunilla Carlsson, UNAIDS Executive Director, Alexander Soros, Deputy Chair of the Global Board, Open Society Foundations
Moderator: Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, Professor of International History, Graduate Institute, Geneva
- My country first! Anti-Globalism and the Questioning of Collective Action
November 13, 2019; 14:30-15:30 Location: Agora 1
The past years have seen growing discontent and outward questioning of global elites and global institutions – including traditional multilateral bodies. A wave of political sentiment putting forward national sovereignty, protectionism and nationalism has swept the planet, putting in question not only future global governance efforts, but also existing international rules and mechanisms. In a world were challenges are increasingly interconnected and require collective action, how can we take these voices into account? How do we rebuild faith in the global architecture in the age of ‘my country first’?
Speakers: Julius Krein, Editor, American Affairs, Igor Yurgens, Chairman of the Management Board, Institute for Contemporary Development, Luis Rubio, Chairman COMEXI (Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales) and México Evalúa
Moderator: Sophie Pedder, Paris Bureau Chief The Economist
- Geo-Engineering Climate: Shortcut to Cooling the Planet or Playing With Fire?
November 13, 2019; 15:00-15:45 Location: Agora 2
The climate crisis is real. More than 20 years after the signing of the Kyoto Protocol, states and private actors have failed to curb climate change – with devastating consequences. Greenhouse gas removal or solar radiation management are sometimes heralded as the long-awaited quick fixes. But geoengineering comes with many uncertainties regarding its effectiveness and unintended side effects. Should we interfere with natural systems at such large scale? Does geoengineering present a moral hazard? Or is it the miracle cure we have been waiting for?
Speakers: Elizabeth Burns, Managing Director,Solar Geoengineering Research Program, Harvard University, Kai Uwe Barani Schmidt, Senior Program Director, Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G)
Moderator: Stewart Patrick, Senior Fellow in Global Governance and Director of the International Institutions and Global Governance Program Council on Foreign Relations
Noteworthy participants
For the second edition of the annual Paris Peace Forum, 30+ Heads of State and Government will be joined by numerous leaders of international organizations and companies and various actors of civil society.
Heads of State and Government
Albania, President Ilir Meta
Andorra, Prime Minister Xavier Espot Zamora
Austria, Chancellor Brigitte Bierlein
Belgium, Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès
Cameroon, President Paul Biya
Central African Republic, President Faustin-Archange Touadéra
Chad, President Idriss Déby
Comoros, President Azali Assoumani
Congo – DRC, President Félix Tshisekedi
Cyprus, President Nicos Anastasiades
Djibouti, President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh
Equatorial Guinea, President Teodoro Obiang
Estonia, President Kersti Kaljulaid
France, President Emmanuel Macron
Kosovo, President Hashim Thaçi
Latvia, President Egils Levits
Liberia, President George Weah
Madagascar, Prime Minister Christian Ntsay
Mali, President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta
Malta, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat
Niger, President Mahamadou Issoufou
North Macedonia, President Stevo Pendarovski
Serbia, President Aleksandar Vučić
Sierra Leone, President Julius Maada Bio
Somalia, Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khayre
Tajikistan, President Emomali Rahmon
Tunisia, Prime Minister Youssef Chahed
Other high-level officials
Angola, Carolina Cerqueira, Minister of Culture
Burkina Faso, Moumina Cheriff Sy, State Minister, Minister of Defense
Cambodia, Hor Namhong, Deputy Minister of the Royal Government
Cape Verde, Luis Filipe Tavares, Minister for Foreign Affairs
China, Wang Qishan, Vice-President
Congo – DRC, Willy Kitobo Samsoni, Minister of Mines
Congo – DRC, Nene Nkulu Ilunga, Minister of Trade and Social Welfare
Congo, Jean Claude Gakosso, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Côte d’Ivoire, Jeannot Ahoussou-Kouadio, President of the Senate
Cuba, Alpidio Alonso Grau, Minister of Culture
Czech Republic, Aleš Chmelař, Deputy Minister of European Affairs
Denmark, Jeppe Kofod, Minister for Foreign Affairs
United Arab Emirates, Noura Al Kaabi, Minister of Culture
Finland, Pekka Haavisto, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Gabon, Alain Claude Bilie-By-Nze, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Germany, Heiko Maas, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Greece, Panagiotis Pikrammenos, Deputy Prime Minister
Guatemala, Oscar Hugo Lopez, Minister for Education
India, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Lithuania, Linas Linkevičius, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mauritania, Ismaël Ould Cheikh Ahmed, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Mexico, Martha Delgado, State Secretary of Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Morocco, Nasser Bourita, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Myanmar, Gyi Myo Thein, Union Minister for Education
Netherlands, Stef Blok, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Norway, Nikolai Astrup, Minister of Digitalization
Palestine, Riyad Al-Maliki, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Philippines, Carlito Galvez, Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process
Qatar, SE Salah Ghanim N.A. Al-Maadheed, Minister for Culture & Sport
Republic of the Congo, Jean-Claude Gakosso, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Russia, Sergueï Lavrov, Minister for Foreign Affairs
El Salvador, Félix Ulloa, Vice-President
Senegal, Sidika Kaba, Minister of the Armed Forces
Singapore, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister of Singapore
Singapore, Grace Fu, Minister of Culture, Communities and Youth of Singapore
South Africa, Angelina Matsie Motshekga, Minister for Education
South Korea, Kim Joon Hyung, Chancelor, Korea National Diplomatic Academy
Switzerland, Jon Albert Fanzun, Special Envoy for Foreign Policy and Security Related to Cyberspace
Sweden, Annika Söder, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs
Turkmenistan, Aknabat Atabayeve, Deputy Minister for Education
United Arab Emirates, Noura Al Kaabi, Minister for Culture
Vatican, Mgr Paul Richard Gallagher, State Secretary for the International Relations
Vietnam, Hoai Trung LE, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs
Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini, Aga Khan IV
International and regional organizations
António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations
Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, President, United Nations General Assembly
Ursula von der Leyen, President, European Commission
Bandar M. H. Hajjar, President, Islamic Development Bank
Peter Maurer, President, International Committee of the Red Cross
Guy Ryder, Director General, International Labour Organisation
Angel Gurria, General Secretary, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Gabriela Ramos, Chief of Staff, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Louise Mushikiwabo, Secretary-General, Organisation internationale de la Francophonie
Catherine Cano, Administrator, Organisation internationale de la Francophonie
Alan Wolff, Deputy Director General, World Trade Organisation
Koen Doens, Director General, DEVCO, European Commission
Pierre Heilbronn, Vice-President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Hilde Hardeman, Head of the European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments
Carlos Ruiz Massieu, UN Special Representative of the Secretary General and Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia
Marina Kaljurand, MEP, Social Democratic Party, Former Estonian Minister for Foreign Affairs
Karen Melchior, MEP, Danish Social-Liberal Party
Franck Bousquet, Senior Director of the World Bank’s Fragility, Conflict & Violence Group
Mario Sander, Special Representative and Director Europe, World Bank
Thomas Greminger, Secretary General, OSCE
Frank Rijsberman, Director General, Global Green Growth Institute
Arancha Gonzalez, Executive Director, International Trade Center
Guy Drut, Special Envoy of the International Olympic Committee to the UNESCO
Maria Luisa Silva, Director of the Geneva Office, UNDP
Claudia Luciani, Director of Human Dignity, Council of Europe
Alexandre Stutzmann, Minister-Counsellor of the President of the United Nations General Assembly
Noëlla Richard, Director, Youth Policy, United Nations Development Programme
Olivier Lavinal, Programme Manager, World Bank
Lamia Kamal-Chaoui, Director, OECD Center for Entrepreneurship, SMES, Regions and Cities
French ministers and officials
Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of Education
Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs
Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy and Finance
Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, State Secretary to the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs
Amélie de Montchalin, State Secretary for European Affairs
Cédric O, State Secretary to the Minister of the Economy and Finance, in charge of Digital affairs
Muriel Pénicaud, Minister of Trade
Brune Poirson, State Secretary to the Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition
Franck Riester, Minister of Culture
Marlène Schiappa, State Secretary to the Prime Minister for Gender Equality and the Fight against Discrimination
Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris
Hélène N’Garnim Ganga, Director of the Political & Civic Transition Department, AFD
Patrick Ollier, President, Métropole du Grand Paris
Jérémie Pellet, Director General, Expertise France
Fleur Pellerin, Former Minister for Culture and Communication
Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Former Prime Minister, President,Leaders for Peace
Odile Renaud-Basso, Director General for the Treasury and Club de Paris President
Rémy Rioux, Director General, AFD Group
Henri Verdier, Ambassador for Digital Affairs
Notable speakers from civil society
Fauziya Abdi Ali, Founder and President, Women in International Security-Horn of Africa
Jean-Luc Allavena, Président Aspen France
Jacques Audibert, Secretary General, Suez
Bertrand Badré, CEO, Blue Like An Orange Sustainable Capital
Nicolas Bauquet, Research Director, Institut Montaigne
Miren Bengoa, Chief Delegate, Chanel Foundation
Assia Bensalah Alaoui, Itinerant Ambassdor of S.M. King Mohammed VI
Pascal Boniface, Director, Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques (IRIS)
Soundouss Bouhia, Project Manager, Royal Cabinet of the Kingdom of Morocco
Anne Bouverot, Chairperson of the Board, Technicolor
Jean-Louis Chaussade, Président, Suez
Lindsay Coates, Executive Director, BRAC USA
Ronald Cohen, Chairman, The Portland Trust
Michel Colombier, Co-Founder & Scientific Director, IDDRI
Marion Darrieutort, CEO, Elan Edelman
Wim Dejonghe, Senior Partner & President, Allen & Overy
Christophe Deloire, General Secretary, Reporters sans Frontières
Haifa Dia Al-Attia, Vice-president Economic Growth and Regional Development, Luminus Education
Michel Duclos, French Diplomat and Counsellor, Institut Montaigne
Andrew Fielding, Vice-President, Samsung Electronics
John Franck, Vice President, EU Government Affairs, Microsoft
Antoine Frérot, PDG, Veolia
Patrick Gaspard, President, Open Society Foundation
Thomas Gomart, Director, IFRI
Phil Gordon, Senior Fellow in US foreign policy at the Council of Foreign Relations
Olivier Goudet, CEO, JAB
Jean-Marie Guéhenno, Senior Fellow at Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
Marc Hecker, Researcher, Center for Security Studies, IFRI
Sheikha Hind bint Hamad Al Thani, President-Director General, Qatar Foundation
Mo Ibrahim, Founder and President, Mo Ibrahim Foundation
Edna Jaime, Founder and Director General, México Evalúa
Thomas Kaplan, Philanthropist and art collector
Sylvie Kauffmann, Columnist, Le Monde
Eugène Kaspersky, President Director General, Kaspersky
Julius Krein, American Intellectual
Mohan Kumar, Chairman, Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS)
Pascal Lamy, President, Paris Peace Forum
Mark Leonard, Co-Founder and Director, European Council on Foreign Relations
Enrico Letta, Dean of the Foreign Affairs School, Sciences Po
Ingrid Levavasseur, Activist, Yellow Vests Movement
Eric Lombard, Directeur Général, CDC
Marina Loshak Director, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
Robert Malley, CEO, International Crisis Group
Stefano Manservisi, Former Director General, DEVCO, European Commission
Achille Mbembe, Cameroonian Philosopher
Florent Menegaux, Président, Michelin
Laurent Mignon, President of the Executive Council and CEO, Groupe BPCE
David Mills, CEO Europe, Ricoh
Rouba Mhaissen, Founder and Director, Foundation Sawa
Thierry de Montbrial, Founder and President, Institut français des relations internationales
Seung Min Ryu, Tennis Table Olympic Champion, Chair of the P’yŏngch’ang 2018 Legacy
Laurence Morvan, Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer, Accenture
Xavier Musca, Deputy CEO, Crédit Agricole
Christine Ockrent, Journalist
Xavier Pasco, Director, FRS
Stewart Patrick, Research Director, Council of Foreign Relations
Thomas Paulsen, Member of the Executive Committee, Körber Foundation
Joe Powell, Deputy CEO, Open Government Partnership
Anne Raphaël, President, Fondation Boyden
Natalie Rastoin, President, Ogilvy France
Ben Rhodes, American Novelist and Barack Obama’s Counsellor
Kareen Rispal, Consultative Council on Gender Equality (G7)
Mary Robinson, President, The Elders
Augustin de Romanet, President, Aéroports de Paris
Salman Shaikh, Founder, President and Director General, The Shaikh Group
Jeremy Shapiro , Research Director, European Council on Foreign Relations
Trisha Shetty, Founder, SheSays
Antoine Sire, Directeur de l’Engagement, BNP Paribas
Alexander Soros, Deputy Chairman, Open Society Foundations
Yoichi Suzuki, Former Ambassador of Japan to France
Nicolas Théry, President, Crédit Mutuel
Martin Tisné, Executive Director, Luminate
Justin Vaïsse, Director General, Paris Peace Forum
Hubert Védrine, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mathias Vicherat, Secrétaire général, Danone
Yenny Wahid, Director, Wahid Institute
Jimmy Wales, Founder, Wikipedia
Henry Huiyao Wang, Founder and President, Center for China and Globalization
Scott Weber, President, Interpeace
Melati Wijsen, Founder, Bye Bye Plastic Bags
Nigel Wilson, Chief Executive Officer, Legal & General
Igor Yurgens, President, Board of Directors, Institute of Contemporary Development (INSOR) and Board of Directors’ Member
Our vision
Our initiative is based on a simple observation.
Global problems without cooperative solutions lead to conflicts.
The challenges the world faces—climate change, terrorism, migration, cyber insecurity and the like—ignore borders. Addressing them requires international cooperation and collective action. However, collaboration is increasingly difficult as countries are turning inward. Today, the international community fails at producing the needed solutions.
Our world is not going in the right direction.
States are competing hard for advantage and populism is undermining the institutions and mechanisms for collective action. Democratic spaces are shrinking and inequalities are widening. Military expenditures are growing fast while the United Nations budget is cut. International norms, in particular, human rights, are disregarded. The Internet is becoming a jungle where data is hacked and fake news spread. International justice if being questioned. And we are losing the race against global warming.
This situation is not conducive to peace.
It leads to new conflicts on all continents. Peace is not just the suspension of war. Peace is made up of all the solutions that help reduce international tensions: cooperation to fight climate change and mitigate resource scarcity, institutions to channel power rivalries and better administer global public goods, regulation to address abuses of power and inequalities, intergenerational bridges and gender equality to create more peaceful societies. In other words, peace will only be sustainable if effective global governance underpins it.
Our mission
Our mission is to contribute to bridging this governance gap.
We maintain a specific focus on governance solutions in six major themes:
- Peace & Security
- Development
- Environment
- New technologies
- Inclusive economy
- Culture & Education
We support, improve, and complement multilateral institutions.
Multilateral organizations with universal membership have legitimate mandates for the creation of rules and mechanisms to solve transnational problems. We pick up the slack when these institutions cannot act or when the solutions proposed are insufficient.
We are multi-stakeholder.
We foster hybrid coalitions by gathering old and new actors of global governance: states and international organizations, but also NGOs, companies, foundations, philanthropic organizations, development agencies, religious groups, trade unions, think tanks, universities, and civil society at large.
We are project-oriented.
We showcase and support concrete projects that are either normative (instruments of law, standards, and good practices) or capacity-building (new institutions, mechanisms, and innovations).
Our work
We are both an actor and a platform to advance governance solutions when there are none.
We are an event to mobilize all stakeholders for collective action.
Our Forum is held every year on 11-13 November in Paris with the aim to place global governance at the top of the international agenda. Stakeholders discuss global governance issues and cooperate on solutions through three spaces:
- Space for Solutions: Presenting solutions for incremental change. All organizations can showcase and advance their global governance project to other stakeholders to jointly advance them.
- Space for Debates: Discussing solutions rather than problems. Stakeholders discuss projects, initiatives, and ideas to address the challenges of our world.
- Space for Innovations: Developing digital prototypes. Experts help create technological solutions for the world of tomorrow.
We are also a resource to help implement and scale-up the most promising governance projects.
We identify global governance projects by launching a Call for Projects to organizations from all over the world.
We push forward innovative solutions by inviting public and private organizations around the world to showcase 120 projects.
We put emphasize on sustainability by helping support ten projects selected among those showcased at the Forum.
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