The fight for human rights is an ongoing struggle and defenders face an array of obstacles and threats.
In recent years, the situation has worsened, with governments imposing repressive laws, online harassment becoming more prevalent, and an increase in threats and harassment of the families of HRDs. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges for HRDs, making it harder for them to carry out their work and exposing them to greater risks.
To document these challenges and provide insight into the situation, the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) and the Commission for Disappeared Persons and Victims of Violence (KontraS) collaborated on a Joint analysis on the situation of defenders in Asia. This report offers a comprehensive examination of the state of HRDs in Asia, with a particular focus on Indonesia since 2021. It highlights the patterns of violations against HRDs and their impact on human rights advocacy in the region.
It is worth noting that while the report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges faced by HRDs, it is not an exhaustive record of all violations. There are limitations in documenting cases of human rights violations, and the true number of cases is likely higher than those documented in the report. Nonetheless, this analysis serves as an essential tool for those working in the field of human rights, as well as governments and policymakers looking to improve the situation for HRDs in Asia.
For the English version of this report, click here
For the Bahasa Indonesia version of this report, click here
This is the second joint analysis between FORUM-ASIA and KontraS, and you can find a link to the first analysis (2020-2021) here.
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