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Press Release
From: http://www.ilo.org/global/publications/books/forthcoming-publications/WC...
The World Employment and Social Outlook 2016 shows that decent work is paramount in the fight to reduce poverty. The report shows that poverty has tended to decline in many emerging and developing countries whereas it has tended to increase in the majority of advanced economies, including in terms of the incidence of working poverty.
The report examines the types of jobs and incomes that the poor have come to rely on, paying particular attention to the quality of jobs and the role of social protection in poverty reduction. It shows that it is not possible to reduce poverty in a sustainable manner unless decent work opportunities are made available to the poor. This finding relies on an analysis of labour market and poverty trends over the past two decades in more than 100 countries, covering a range of advanced, emerging and developing economies.
The report also examines the role that policies play in enhancing decent work opportunities and reducing poverty. It documents a range of country initiatives in the areas of job-centred economic policies, employment programmes, enterprise development, social protection and social dialogue.
The evidence that emerges indicates that well-designed decent work policies can successfully contribute to ending poverty. They can boost productivity, notably in the agricultural sector and in rural areas, where the majority of the poor are located. These policies are also instrumental for facilitating transitions to formal employment in developing countries and improving the earnings prospects of the working poor in advanced economies.
Finally, the report discusses the role of international labour standards in reducing poverty and inequality, thus making growth more inclusive, an essential factor in ensuring that the fragmented nature of global production does not leave the most vulnerable individuals behind.
This analysis provides evidence on the role of decent work in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals which is at the heart of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
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