At this inaugural meeting, States parties to the TPNW will gather to commit to concrete actions to implement obligations under the Treaty, including on providing assistance to victims of nuclear weapon use and testing, beginning to remediate contaminated environments (Article 6) and universalising the treaty (Article 12). It will also be an opportunity for States to discuss some of the treaty’s technical details, like setting a deadline for the elimination of nuclear weapons for nuclear-armed states that join (Article 4).
Other states not parties to the Treaty, as well as relevant UN agencies, other international organizations or institutions, regional organizations, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and non-governmental organizations, are invited to attend the Meeting as observers.
An international conference on the humanitarian impacts of nuclear weapons will be hosted by Austria on 20 June 2022.
Originally scheduled in January 2022, the meeting of States parties was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- UN page on the TPNW MSP: https://meetings.unoda.org/meeting/tpnw-msp-1-2022
- Note Verbale by the UN Secretary General announcing the MSP: https://meetings.unoda.org/section/tpnw-msp-1-2022_documents_14229
- Provisional Agenda and Rules of Procedure: https://meetings.unoda.org/section/tpnw-msp-1-2022_documents_14229/;
- NGO working paper template: https://assets.nationbuilder.com/ican/pages/2149/attachments/original/1653309953/NGO_WP_template_.pdf?1653309953
Civil Society Participation
According to Article 8 of the Treaty, “relevant non-governmental organizations, shall be invited to attend the meetings of States Parties [...] as observers”. As the official civil society coordinator of the MSP, ICAN will provide information to all interested non-governmental organisations about the preparations, registration, NGO participation and other civil society activities around the meeting, as it becomes available. To receive information on how your organisation can participate at the MSP, please sign up here using this form.
Update 27 April 2022:
The UN has shared an advanced copy of its Information Note on modalities for civil society participation in the 1MSP here.
To participate in the 1MSP will require completing a two-step process:
1. Applying for accreditation of your civil society organization
To apply for accreditation under your own organization, please go here to submit the accreditation request form directly to the UN Secretariat no later than 20 May 2022. You must also send a separate, written accreditation request to Diane Barnes on the official letterhead of your organization, listing the full names and titles of the representatives who will attend.
For full instructions, please see section IV of the UN Information Note, found here. The UN will email civil society organizations by 30 May 2022 to inform them whether their accreditation request has been approved or not. Organizations with ECOSOC consultative status will be accredited. The UN will assess all other civil society organizations’ requests based on the organization’s purpose and activities as they relate to the work of the MSP.
ICAN Delegation: Applications to be part of the ICAN delegation, open to ICAN partners and other civil society representatives, closed on May 10th, 2022.
2. Online Registration of Individual Participants
After your organization’s accreditation request has been approved, you will have to register the individual representatives from your organization who will attend the 1MSP via the UN’s online Indico system. Each participant must create their own profile and will be asked to provide (a) the accreditation request letter, including the name of the participant, and (b) their passport nationality and email address. Online registration will be available from 30 May until 14 June 2022.
Side Events
Non-governmental organisations will have a conference room reserved for their use at the United Nations in Vienna throughout the MSP. Details on which room will be confirmed at a later date. Side events can be organised in this room without the sponsorship of a UN member state. If you are thinking about holding a side event, please email Christina Hawley at tpnw-1msp@icanw.org as soon as possible but no later than 6 May 2022 with a short description of your proposed activity.
Civil society forum
ICAN will organise a civil society conference on 18-19 June 2022, along with a series of events in Vienna for NGOs participating in the MSP as well as for the public. The programme and registration for this event will open on 9 May 2022.
Due to public health concerns related to the global pandemic of COVID-19, details regarding participation at the MSP are yet not clear. We will update this page with more information as it becomes available.
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