SIDS are most heavily impacted by climate change, despite being the least responsible for it. Average annual losses from extreme weather events are projected in the trillions of dollars by 2050, and pressure for financial redress is growing.
At COP26 in Glasgow last year, the G77+China negotiating group proposed a loss and damage finance facility. This was blocked by the US and EU in favour of a ‘dialogue’ on loss and damage finance – the Glasgow Dialogue – which, to date, has made little progress.
So where do we go from here? In this second instalment of our three-part series for COP27, ODI climate specialists and leading voices in the loss and damage debate from SIDS discuss what outcomes are needed at the negotiations and – just as importantly – what is happening outside them.
- Sara Pantuliano (host), Chief Executive, ODI
- Avinash Persaud, adviser to the Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley
- Bakoa Kaltongga, Vanuatu’s Caretaker Minister of Agriculture and Special Envoy on Climate Change
- Emily Wilkinson, Senior Research Fellow, ODI
- Charlene Watson, Senior Research Associate, ODI
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