This webinar will offer Spanish and International Sign Language interpretation. Find the information below in Spanish here.
The session will explore how social protection instruments, particularly cash and voucher assistance, can be used to manage and support cases of GBV in humanitarian and human mobility contexts. Speakers will discuss evidence of how cash and voucher assistance can help mitigate GBV risks as well as support survivors of GBV to transition into more resilient livelihoods, illustrating this with examples from the field in two different regions. The discussion will also explore the relevance for cash and voucher assistance for GBV survivors to be linked to complementary social protection mechanism and/or systems in these contexts.
The session will be framed as a conversation amongst the four speakers on the basis of following questions:
What has been the evolution of the use of cash and voucher assistance for GBV response and mitigation in humanitarian contexts?
What is the evidence to date on cash and voucher assistance to respond to and mitigate for GBV in humanitarian and displacement/migration/refugee contexts?
What are the good practice/challenges in this sector?
How is it possible and what are the challenges to build effective linkages to social protection mechanisms, referral pathways and other key services? Are there foundations being laid for an eventual transition to broader social protection?
Holly Radice, Regional Representative for the Americas, CALP Network
Pablo Solis, Coordinator of the Humanitarian Action Program, CARE Ecuador
Adriana Hube, Psychosocial Humanitarian Assitant, Mujer y Mujer Ecuador
Luisa Vega, Program Manager, CARE Colombia
Nathalia Romero, Director for Registration and Information Management, Unit for Victims, Colombia
Moderator: Paola Pereznieto, Senior Consultant, STAAR
Gender and Inclusion - The CALP Network
Cash actors have the power to mitigate GBV - here are six ways to do it - The CALP Network
#GenderCash: Are we making enough progress? - The CALP Network
Integrating Cash Assistance into Gender-Based Violence Case Management: Learnings from Colombia, Ecuador, and Northwest Syria, WRC and CARE, 2022
Integrated Cash and Gender-Based Violence Programming for IPV Survivors in Guayaquil, Ecuador, WRC, CEPAM, CARE, Mujer y Mujer, 2022
Cash and Voucher Assistance and Gender-Based Violence Online Training
DFAT, in collaboration with FCDO, UNICEF, and STAAR, and with the support from the socialprotection.org platform, is organizing a webinar and podcasts series on gender-based violence entitled 'Social Protection for Prevention of and Response to Gender-Based Violence (GBV)'. This series will take place from February to May and will explore how social protection can both mitigate against gender-based violence over the life course providing a protective measure, ensuring that delivery chains have been assessed for and address safeguarding risks and support survivors of violence meet their immediate needs.
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