While we celebrate women's achievements and tenacity, this episode closely examines the narratives around women's strength through stories and perspectives from the ISS community. The last two years of the pandemic have shown us what women can do in the face of overwhelming crises. But it's also exposed what was often invisible, like the litany of care work and the expectation that women can 'do it all', balancing their home, career, and personal lives.
In the sixth episode, guests Brenda and Ezinne talk about how women's strength has been conventionally looked at, specifically in care work, using their opinions and personal stories spanning from Mexico to Nigeria. You'll also hear the voices of various MA students who contributed their own stories for this episode.
Listen to our latest episode.
- More information
Global ISSues is the first official podcast of ISS and a platform for sharing our collective stories and first-hand experiences related to international development and social change.
This medium amplifies ISS voices to explore the changing global landscape in current affairs and shifting paradigms through insightful and eye-opening conversations.
Episodes are dropped periodically on the Global ISSues Soundcloud page
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