Are university institutions getting social innovation right? (SUMMARY OF THE EVENT BY SIX)

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Over the past 3 years, the Social Innovation through Knowledge Exchange (SIKE) project has brought together a group of universities, across the UK, Germany, Portugal, Croatia and the Basque Country to create an ecosystem that nurtures and supports sustainable, resilient and responsible innovation

Social Finance and Blended Finance: Build Back Better through Blended Capital (Saïd Business School)

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There is still time to register for the second instalment of a two-part series on Social Finance and Blended Finance: Build Back Better through Blended Capital. Date: Tuesday 29 June 2021 Time: 2-3pm BST


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Mary Wickenden, a research Fellow at the International Development Institute, IDS explains the research priorities at the center, including but not only " Disability inclusive participatory research methodologies Working with adults and children with disabilities as peer researchers Working with the most marginalised groups of people with disabilities ".

UnBlocked Cash Project: using blockchain technology to revolutionize humanitarian aid (OXFAM)

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Oxfam’s UnBlocked Cash project (UBC) is a blockchain-powered cash transfer solution that is set to tackle this challenge. It is saving costs of distributing aid, reducing delivery times, and bringing more transparency and accountability in the process. It offers an opportunity to improve how aid is delivered without compromising the dignity of beneficiaries.

Oslo III: Tides of Change Emerging Trends in Violent Extremism and the Future of Prevention (14 – 16 June 2021)

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The third Oslo global Preventing Violent Extremism Conference hosted by UNDP, and in partnership with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aims to understand how the violent extremism landscape has evolved since the onset of COVID-19 and to distil lessons for future research, policy and programming.

SWVR Dialogue: 21st Century Social Contract: Building more inclusive state-society relations through volunteering (UNV)

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We are pleased to invite you to the online dialogue on the “21st Century Social Contract: Building more inclusive state-society relations through volunteering” taking place on 14 June 2021, 09:00-10:00 am EST or 3:00-4:00 pm CEST.


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Over 60% of Swiss voters have thrown out a pair of initiatives aiming to ban the use of synthetic pesticides in the country.


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"The DW Global Media Forum 2021 will explore ways to address disruptions with innovation. In the aftermath of an extraordinary year, we continue to meet challenges head-on with digital solutions and mutual exchange."

The DW Freedom of Speech Award

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"Since 2015, the DW Freedom of Speech Award has honored a media person or initiative that has shown outstanding promotion of freedom rights" from DW. This year the winner is investigative journalist Tobore Ovuorie from Nigeria
