Business and Human Rights in Asia by UNDP Business and Human Rights in Asia
Concern is growing rapidly on the impact of climate change on people and the planet. We need to ask hard questions that involve painful trade-offs. Are current approaches up to the task? What role can the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights play in framing solutions?
Concern is growing rapidly on the impact of climate change on people and the planet. We need to ask hard questions that involve painful trade-offs. Are current approaches up to the task? What role can the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights play in framing solutions? Join us for a conversation with experts and industry leaders:
Prof. Surya Deva, @Macquarie University Sara K. Phillips, @Chulalongkorn University Joseph (JD) D'Cruz, @Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
[Chapters] 00:00–01:40 Opening Sequence 01:40–02:35 Climate Change and its impact in Asia 02:35–03:00 ADB forecasts that 11% drop of the region’s GDP due to climate change 03:00–05:15 Economic and social costs and benefits of adaptation measures to climate change
05:15 -06:20 Climate Change impacts are uneven to different communities and countries
06:20–09:25 Legal framework remains as key to address issues on climate change
09:25–11:00 Efforts need to come both from Businesses and Governments to tackle the issue
11:00–11:30 Sanctions are important to hold businesses accountable
11:30–13:10 ESG can be a license to reframe the relationship of society and harmony 13:10–15:07 The elements of making a ‘better business’
15:07–17:00 Business should turn symbolic consultation to co-creation practices
17:00–23:54 Documentary on Climate Change in Thailand
23:54–25:35 Actions to support businesses to mitigate the environmental and human rights risks in Thailand 26:00–27:30 The linkage of palm oil industry and deforestation in Asia
27:30–29:30 Measures have been enforced to ensure sustainability of palm oil industry
29:30–32:18 Consumer awareness is essential to prompt sustainable practices
This episode complements an upcoming report on climate change exploring solutions and recommendations inspired by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. #undp #ESG #Bizhumanrights #Bizclimatechange #UNGPs #climatechange #humanrights #Asia #Indonesia #Thailand #India #China #Vietnam #Mongolia #innoviation #data #southeastasia #europe #EU #agriculture #palmoil #sustainability Asia in Focus is a series exploring the interconnections between business, human rights, climate change and the environment. The series is complemented by research and interactive digital platforms that inform the difficult choices and tradeoffs Asia faces in tackling water pollution, climate change and air pollution crises. Watch previous episodes: Clean Air and Business and Human Rights: https://youtu.be/tUghBSNwVHo Clean Water and Business and Human Rights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnR1u... Read Clean Air and Business and Human Rights Report: https://bit.ly/3BIfbY4 =================================
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