The Fellowship, which will run between May 2022 and July 2022, involves 1 to 1 mentoring, networking opportunities, and technical training for social scientists and humanitarian practitioners working in low- and middle-income countries. After receiving 972 complete applications, the following 15 individuals by region have been selected:
East and Southern Africa:
- Caroline Walker (MSF, South Africa)
- Girma Senbetie Asefawu (Wolkite University, Ethiopia)
- Gole Yembo (WHO, Ethiopia)
- Peter Kissakye (Population Council, Uganda)
Middle East and Northern Africa:
- Abeer Alabsi (Self-employed, Yemen)
- Edwina A. Zoghbi (WHO, Lebanon)
West and Central Africa:
- Elizabeth Onitolo (UNICEF, Nigeria)
- Michael Kunnuji (University of Lagos, Nigeria)
East Asia and Pacific:
- Aung Than Oo (WHO, Myanmar)
- Rya Celine Ducusin (Start Network, Philippines)
- Sadar Ginting (Efarina University, Indonesia)
South Asia:
- Obindra B Chand (HERD International (NGO), Nepal)
- Ravi Kharka (Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief and Development (ACBAR))
Latin America and Caribbean:
- Nancy Paola Chaves Perez (Universidad del Valle, Colombia)
- Nirma Hernandez Ramos (Venezuelan Humanitarian Platform (PAHNAL))
Please note that SSHAP plans to launch further fellowships in autumn 2022 in French, and in autumn 2023 in Arabic. Follow SSHAP on Twitter for updates on when applications for these phases will open.
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