The Global Schools Program is thrilled to launch its 2022 Annual Report. This report showcases Global Schools’ work reaching schools, teachers, and students who are integrating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and SDG Target 4.7 into their communities in classrooms. This year, Global Schools received the HundrED Innovation Awards, naming the program one of the top most innovative and scalable education programs worldwide after an extensive review process by 180+ education experts.
In 2022, the Global Schools Program expanded the network to 1,560 schools, encompassing ~120,000 educators, and ~1.4M students in 100 countries and territories. 17,758 teachers and administrators participated in the Global Schools trainers-of-trainers workshop, and 148,509 students were reached via 13,439 lessons on sustainable development and 4,917 whole-of-school activities. In addition, 71,913 parents and community members were engaged in a Global Schools-led initiative.
Global Schools also launched the first-of-its-kind Case Study Guide for Educators showcasing teacher stories and innovations. The Global Schools lesson plan curriculum was translated into Turkish, Italian, and Russian, bringing total lesson plans offered to 700+ in 12 languages, and an accompanying Activities Guide series was launched to complement the lesson plan curriculum.
Finally, the organization held the first Global Schools Student Symposium, which brought together 200+ participants on the day of the summit, and featured 10 groups of students who showcased their SDG projects. Global Schools also held side events at the ECOSOC Youth Forum, the UN High Level Political Forum (HLPF), and the Stockholm + 50, and were active participants at the UN Transforming Education Summit and COP27.
The report also details the work of Global School’s partners in Ghana, Morocco, and Turkey who participated in the Global Schools pilot projects in partnership with the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection, Al Akhawayn University, the Millennium Promise Alliance, the University of Education Ghana, and Hacettepe University. Key outcomes and impacts of the project were outlined in a detailed research paper which was presented by Global Schools at the International Conference on Sustainable Development 2022.
Global Schools is grateful to all of the Project Officers, Advocates, translators, and students that contributed to the program’s achievements.
“In 2022, education was put in the center of the worldwide agenda through the United Nations Transforming Education Summit. In addition, Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 (Quality Education) was a priority goal under review at the ECOSOC Partnership Forum and the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF). SDG 4, and its Target 4.7, are key drivers of the sustainable development agenda, helping students develop the necessary knowledge, values, and skills to act on local sustainability problems and become the future global citizens that this world needs. In this momentous year for education, I am especially proud of Global Schools’ efforts to showcase teacher and school innovations via the Global Schools Case Study Guide and their expanded training programs for educators and school leaders.” - Dr. Jeffrey D Sachs, University Professor at Columbia University and President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
"Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is an invaluable resource for equipping learners with the knowledge and skills they need to address complex sustainability challenges. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Global Schools advocates and partners worldwide, we have seen significant progress in integrating ESD into schools and communities around the world. The countless sustainability projects and innovative educational practices developed through these efforts are a testament to the power of ESD to drive meaningful change. We are honored to work with such a passionate and dedicated group of individuals and organizations who are committed to building a more sustainable future for all. At Global Schools, we are inspired by their achievements and remain steadfast in our mission to promote ESD as a key driver of sustainable development." - Mr. Sam Loni, Director, Global Schools Program.
“I am delighted to share the work of the Global Schools team, teachers, and students with the world. The Global Schools network is an outstanding community at the forefront of transforming education delivery and positively impacting the next generation. We couldn’t have accomplished all of this work without our dedicated Global Schools Project Officers, who have donated countless hours to bring some of our most ambitious ideas to life. We are so proud to have a team of dynamic, incredibly diverse, dedicated, and competent individuals who are using their leadership and technical skills to advance the mission of Global Schools and in doing so, to help create a more prosperous and sustainable world.” - Ms. Amanda Abrom, Program Manager, Global Schools Program
2022 report
13,000+ Lessons and 4,800+ School-Wide Activities on SuStainable Development
Expanded to 1,500+ Schools in the Network
Reached 148,500+ students
in lessons and projects
on Sustainable Development
Launched First Global Schools Case Study Guide
for Educators
Translated Lesson Plans into 3 languages and launched Activities Guide Series
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