Female genital mutilation is violence against women and girls

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On this International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), we stand united with purpose and urgency to accelerate efforts, forge powerful alliances, and drive bold action to end this grave violation of human rights.


Boko Mohammed, a former excisor (a practitioner who performs female genital mutilation), holds the tool she used to perform the procedure at a community meeting in Kabele Village, inAmibara District, Afar Region.

Boko Mohammed, a former excisor (a practitioner who performs female genital mutilation), holds the tool she used to perform the procedure at a community meeting in Kabele Village, in Amibara District, Afar Region. Photo: UNICEF/Kate Holt

More than 230 million women and girls across the world live with the scars of FGM—an alarming 15-per-cent increase since 2016. There can be no justification for this form of violence. FGM cannot be excused under the guise of poverty or cultural tradition. Economic empowerment of women is crucial to breaking the cycle that sustains such harmful practices. Equally important is dismantling the false belief that FGM is acceptable when performed in medical settings. The World Health Organization has made it clear: medicalization offers no benefit and does not reduce the harm. While we honour cultural traditions, alternative rites of passage must be embraced—ones that celebrate girls without subjecting them to violence.

Change is within reach. Governments, civil society, religious and traditional leaders, and the UN system must translate commitments into lasting action. From upholding FGM bans in countries like The Gambia, striving to eliminate practices in Indonesia and Sri Lanka, and empowering traditional leaders in Liberia, Malawi, and Zambia, progress is being made through bold advocacy and legal reforms. The Council of Traditional Leaders in Africa exemplifies how regional leadership can challenge harmful norms and champion human rights.

UN Women and the UN system remain steadfast, fully supporting women’s movements and civil society organizations through the UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women and driving transformative change through the Generation Equality Action Coalitions and the EU–UN Women ACT Programme.

As we mark the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and approach the 2030 deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals—which unequivocally commit to ending harmful practices like FGM and child marriage—we reaffirm our call for the realization of the rights, equality, and empowerment of ALL women and girls.


Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good