Bertrand Piccard readies 1000 Solutions to fix climate (solarimpulse.com)
Lausanne, Switzerland - Today, the Solar Impulse Foundation, led by explorer and psychiatrist Bertrand Piccard, has officially passed the mark of 1000+ identified solutions to protect the environment in a financially profitable way. By giving political and economic decision-makers the tools to adopt much more ambitious energy and environmental policies, the Foundation will help them set a roadmap to reach their carbon neutrality goals before 2050.
These solutions are technologies, products, processes, or services coming from start-ups and big companies. They cover the sectors of water, energy, construction, mobility, industry, and agriculture, and they all have one thing in common: they benefit both the environment and the economy. Each candidate has gone through a rigorous assessment process by independent experts before obtaining the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label. This is the only such portfolio of labeled technologies available to governments, businesses, and individuals.
The critical mass brought together with this pool of over 1000+ solutions provides a unique resource and should become an essential part of all environmental decisions, media debates and political negotiations. And because innovation never stops, the Solar Impulse Foundation will keep labeling and adding solutions to the pool.
Bertrand Piccard says: “We now have the proof that enough solutions exist to make our world more profitable, efficient and sustainable already today. Therefore, no excuses left for inaction as decision-makers cannot pretend anymore that ecology is too expensive, hurts the economy and destroys jobs!”
These 1000+ solutions are already available to the public on the Foundation's website, but Bertrand Piccard wants to go further. As early as this summer, the Foundation will organize the Solutions under a Solutions Guide that allows individuals, businesses, and governments to find and implement concrete solutions at scale. This tool will allow everyone to find solutions to problems in specific geographical, industrial, or financial settings in just three clicks.
To illustrate this approach of solving environmental problems while staying economically competitive, the Foundation will provide different public authorities with a Cleanprint, i.e., a report providing a clear and concrete path for governments and business to move toward their climate targets in accordance with the Paris Agreement by using the solutions that we have identified. Further, it will highlight where public authorities could modernize their legal frameworks for the ambitious deployment of these solutions.
The first Cleanprint will be presented by Bertrand Piccard at the COP26 Climate Summit in November 2021 in Glasgow before initiating a new round the world journey, this time on the ground, to inspire other political and business leaders to focus on solutions rather than problems!
Bernard Arnault, Chairman and CEO of LVMH, said: “At LVMH we are making a commitment to accelerate our efforts in finding and promoting innovative, clean technologies, thus continually going further in our fight against environmental issues.”
Pierre-Etienne Bindschedler, Chairman & CEO of Soprema, said: “Over thirty years ago, Soprema decided to invest in the research and development of new responsible solutions. Today, these are not innovations any more but efficient solutions which we bring on the market. And some indicators do not deceive, things are changing, slowly, but how much time does the planet still have? Soprema is proud to embark on this commitment with Solar Impulse and its partners and call upon you to act, now. The teams at Soprema are mobilized and ready to support other companies as we are firmly convinced that all together, we can save the world.”
Jean-Laurent Bonnafé, CEO of BNP Paribas, said: “There will be no future for society without a successful, long-term energy transition. This transformation can only be undertaken collectively and requires technical, and technological, service solutions. In taking up the challenge to select 1,000 solutions which encourage environmental protection while also being profitable, the Solar Impulse Foundation is helping us to reach this goal in a very practical way and in line with the aims of the Paris Agreement.”
Erik Grab, Director, Movin’On, said: “These 1000 clean, profitable and efficient Solutions represent 1000 credible opportunities to respond to the most pressing matters of our current climate crisis. Movin’On and the Solar Impulse Foundation are committed to moving from ambition into action. Through the involvement of our entire ecosystem, we are providing them the means to develop and become operational realities."
Ilham Kadri, Chairman & CEO of Solvay, said: “We are delighted and privileged to be able to support you in this partnership, and you can of course count on our commitment, the commitment of all Solvay teams to disseminate these messages, bearers of hope and which resonate deeply with my personal convictions."
Georges Kern, CEO of Breitling said: “All of us at Breitling congratulate our long-time friend, Explorer Squad member Bertrand Piccard, and his team at the Solar Impulse Foundation for achieving their goal of selecting 1000 solutions that are both environmentally and economically viable. We are proud that our new sustainable packaging concept was among the projects awarded the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label and look forward to continuing this important partnership with the Foundation well into the future."
Olivier Le Peuch, CEO of Schlumberger, said: “Schlumberger partnered with the Solar Impulse Foundation because we share a common belief that technology and science innovation will be essential in ensuring that the growing demand for energy is met in the most sustainable way. We are proud to be supporting the 1000 Solutions initiative. Congratulations to the Solar Impulse Foundation for reaching this milestone."
Catherine MacGregor, CEO of ENGIE, said: “The Solar Impulse Foundation’s certification of 20 ENGIE solutions proves it: we are accelerating the energy transition. At a time when all the recovery plans are focusing on green energy, ENGIE is at the forefront with innovations that cover the entire energy value chain, throughout the world. I would like to thank all the talents involved in this project and salute their commitment to our purpose."
Florent Menegaux, CEO of Michelin, said: “These 1000 Efficient Solutions turn the challenge of our century into a historic opportunity. They provide concrete responses to immediate issues and allow us to work towards a sustainable future together. At Michelin, our actions are guided by a will to find the perfect balance between the development of people, the financial performance and a positive contribution to the planet and its inhabitants. By supporting these 1000 initiatives, the Group is true as ever to its core values."
Claudia Nemat, Board Member Technology & Innovation of Deutsche Telekom AG, said: "The ICT-sector has great potential to support the reduction of carbon emissions. We want our industry to become CO2 neutral and to double down on energy efficiency.”
Benoît Potier, Chairman and CEO of Air Liquide, said: “States, individuals and companies: we all share a responsibility in building the future. Now more than ever, Air Liquide makes the commitment to act for a low-carbon society, including by reducing CO2 emissions, and thus contributing to building a sustainable future. Solutions exist. Let’s all act together."
Anne Rigail, CEO of Air France, said: “Air France and the Solar Impulse Foundation share a common conviction: the world of tomorrow needs aviation. Our responsibility is to ensure that tomorrow’s aviation is fully compatible with the conservation of our planet. Imagining the aircraft of the future, developing new energies, exploring all options for more responsible operations in flight and on the ground, means taking actions. This transformation is not only possible, it has already begun."
Mark Schneider, CEO of Nestlé, said: “To accelerate the transition to a zero carbon economy, we need to share the most effective and accessible innovations across industries. Nestlé is proud to showcase our approach to tackling climate change in the food and beverage sector through Solar Impulse‘s 1000 solutions initiative.”
Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Chairman and CEO of Schneider Electric, said: “Many thanks to the Solar Impulse Foundation and congratulations to Bertrand Piccard. We’re not only inspired by your multiple scientific endeavors, but we’re very proud to work with you in developing solutions that are practical, ready to be implemented, and can solve the issues we face with climate change."
Read the 1000+ Solutions call signed by Bertrand Piccard, Innovators, Experts and Partners.
Beyond 1000 Solutions - read more or watch our video.
Images and a video are available online.
About the Solar Impulse Label - read more
About Bertrand Piccard - read more
With the support of:
Corporate Partners: Air France, Air Liquide, BNP Paribas, Breitling, Deutsche Telekom, ENGIE, LVMH, Michelin, Movin’On, Nestlé, Schlumberger, Schneider Electric Foundation, Solvay, Soprema
Public Partners: The Scottish Government, Région Grand Est, Région Ile de France, Région wallonne
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