Frontline Health Response
Adding telemedicine to health clinics: to boost capacity and provide medical services and guidance during the Covid lockdown, and sharing licenses so other organizations and entrepreneurs can access technologies for implementing electronic health records and online prescriptions. Sourcing donations for ventilators for key hospitals in Mexico City. Ashoka Fellow Morgan Guerra, Mexico. Previta.
Cabins with a sterilization and disinfection system: that use micro-spraying cleaning technology to prevent transmission of the virus, provided free to hospitals, airports, and metro and bus stations in Mexico. Ashoka Fellow Camilo Herrera, Colombia. Litro de Luz.
Creating sustainable production of masks: using textile material that has the same protective functions as sanitary masks. 2,000 masks are being produced per day. Ashoka Fellow María Almazán, Spain. Latitude.
Directing genetic testing, staff, and medical devices to develop fast detection of Covid-19: in Romania while offering online physical and emotional therapy to rare disease patients and their families. Ashoka Fellow Dorica Dan, Romania. Asociația Prader Willi din România.
Design of masks, face shields and respirators and mathematical modeling and prediction of Covid events in Chile. Ashoka Fellow Pedro Serrano, Chile. Fundación TERRAM.
Detection and tracking app: helps detect and track the epidemic. EpiTrack manages information between health authorities - a network of pharmacists, doctors, and researchers - and the public, alerts screening and validation by professionals with a multi-level dashboard, and provides epidemic alerts in various forms. Ashoka Fellow Adama Kane, Senegal. JokkoSante.
Developing apps for port of entry screening: in Kathmandu and other airports to protect less resourced countries. Ashoka Fellow Josh Nesbit, USA/Nepal/global. Medic Mobile.
Guidelines for Ethical Patienct Care: for all public hospitals to ensure both virus and non-virus patients gets the proper care they need during a time when the healthcare system is overwhelmed. Ashoka Fellow Girle Lorenzo, Philippines. Philippine Alliance of Patient Organizations.
Improving frontline care: rising to Thailand’s Covid-19 challenge. Ashoka Fellow Kongkiat Kespechara, Thailand. Read our interview in Forbes.
Low-cost respirator prototype: being developed that guarantee safety and can be produced on a large scale. Ashoka Fellow Andrés Martínez, Spain. The Open Ventilator.
Manufacturing multiple use, full-face respirators: to protect vulnerable people, health care workers and other essential staff from Covid-19 using an open source design from Southampton University in the UK. Ashoka Fellow Shona McDonald, South Africa. ShonaQuip.
Medical technologies: including a platform for reading and analyzing quick tests via smartphone, artificial intelligence platform to support radiological image diagnosis, telemicroscopy platform for the continuation of hematology and parasitology services in hospitals saturated by Covid. Ashoka Fellow Miguel Luengo, Spain. Malaria Spot.
Online training for frontline providers across the world: in partnership with CDC and other governments. Ashoka Fellow Sanjeev Arora, USA/global. Project ECHO.
Proposed mobile three-bed ICU modules: for deployment where required, and telemedicine strategies for remote areas. Ashoka Fellow Andrés Rubiano, Colombia. MEDITECH Foundation.
Providing personal protective equipment to frontline workers: and food packs to families. Ashoka Fellow Ben Abadiano, Philippines. Assisi Development Foundation.
Protecting caregivers and domestic workers from the coronavirus: including a $20M emergency fund for domestic workers and caregivers left out of federal benefits. Ashoka Fellow Ai-jen Poo, USA. National Domestic Workers Association.
Providing equipment, such as masks, etc.: to prevent Covid contagion among doctors, and setting up a website to receive donations for medical supplies. Organizing logistics to continue providing oncological medicine. Ashoka Fellow Edith Grynszpancholc, Argentina. Fundación Natalí Dafne Flexer.
Providing screening, equipment, medicine delivery, and telemedicine: including early screening (ECG) and blood tests for cardiometabolic diseases in compliance with COVID19 treatment guidelines; sourcing and distributing ultrasound systems, mobile X-ray machines, ventilators, and patient monitors for ICU centers; mobile drug delivery for patients with chronic conditions currently practicing social distancing at home; deploying modular clinics and health centers equipped with screening tests and equipment; and seeking funding to franchise a global platform to deliver Direct Primary Care (DPC) using a digital technology ecosystem that includes remote physician consultations, building a regional database of screened patients to support government and private sector efforts to develop a “Nerve Center” as recommended by McKinsey. Ashoka Fellow Ngu H Morcho, Nigeria. Yako Medical Africa.
Providing tools for personal protection equipment and ventilator estimation, data analytics: and strategic planning and procurement of personal protection equipment. Ashoka Fellow Piyush Tewari, India. SaveLIFE Foundation.
Rapid testing at airports: for Covid-19 with passengers who enter Kenya with flu-like symptoms where there are no nearby institutions that can provide the tests. This is the only outpatient clinic close to the international airport that is a first-line provider for Covid-19 screening. Ashoka Fellow Moka Lantum, Kenya. Sagitarix Airport Screenings in collaboration with the Philips Foundation.
Safe and effective home care for elderly who are sick: with remote daily follow-up from primary care reduces the burden on the health care system and contributes to preventing the transmission of the disease. Ashoka Fellow Carmen Pellicer Iborra, Spain. Fundación Trilema.
Support network for hospitalized children and their caregivers and parents: is putting their material on iPads so patients can communicate with their loved ones, plus hosting a crowdfunding campaign to support caregivers, during the Covid crisis. Ashoka Fellow Nolwenn Febvre, France. Les Ptits Doudous.
Supporting front line staff with safety kits: and supporting vulnerable families with ration, safety kits, and food supplies. Ashoka Fellow Ashif Shaikh, India. Jan Sahas.
Tech tools for enhance treatment: in Mexico City. Ashoka Fellow Morgan Guerra, Mexico.
Telemedicine screening and consultations: provided via 4,500 community health entrepreneurs in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania via Doctors at Distance. Ashoka Fellow Joost van Engen, Netherlands. Healthy Entrepreneurs.
Tracking confirmed and suspected cases of Covid-19: through a team of volunteers and a local call center to help bridge the gap between the national strategy and local realities. These strategies and resources are being packaged for other organizations and local governments throughout Mexico. Ashoka Fellow Fermín Reygadas, Mexico. Fundacion Cántaro Azul A.C.
Combating Fake News
Changing how the media covers Covid-19 responses: to include solutions and what’s actually working so we can learn and feel agency to solve problems. Ashoka Fellow David Bornstein, USA. Solutions Journalism Network.
Citizen reporting of the huge number of hoaxes related to the coronavirus: through #MalditoCoronavirus. Ashoka Fellow Clara Jiménez Cruz, Spain. Maldita.
Combating panic with solid news: and reporting via a tech platform, in coordination with health experts. Ashoka Fellow Sunit Shreshtha, Thailand. ChangeFusion.
Holding media institutions accountable and enhancing enhance digital literacy: by on-air fact-checking about Covid on Turkey's biggest TV broadcaster and offering media literacy tips, and publishing a newsletter three days per week with a disinformation diary and survival kits, which has made Teyit one of top 10 news sources during Covid-19, along with the Minister of Health and several major media outlets. Also providing Webinars, Spotify lists, and food recipes to the community. Ashoka Fellow Atakan Foça, Turkey. Teyit.
Mobilizing scientists as fact-checkers: translating science to the public with speed and accuracy. Ashoka Fellow Emmanuel Vincent, France. Science Feedback. See Forbes article.
Preventing the spread of coronavirus misinformation. Ashoka Fellow Jimmy Wales, UK. Wikipedia.
Webinars and other outreach tools: for Covid-19 and fake news. Ashoka Fellow Jorg Schuler, Germany. Digitale Helden gemeinnützige GmbH.
Combating Isolation
Audio-visual content help families protect and improve their mental and physical health at home: including recipes, workouts, and tutorials that are fun, engaging, and free. Ashoka Fellow Dina Buchbinder, Mexico. Educación para Compartir.
Combating the social isolation of the elderly: through Cycling Without Age, switching their activities from biking with the elderly to buying them food, medicine and exploring other online interactions to keep the relationship growing. Guiding principles are generosity, slowness, storytelling, relationships and “without age.” Ashoka Fellow Ole Kassow, Denmark. Cykling Uden Alder.
Distributing materials and food, and providing basic services to people in remote areas: of Spain, many of them elders. Ashoka Fellow Vicky Tortosa, Spain. La Exclusiva.
Facebook community members co-create an online "community fairy tale": using arts-based tools they pass the story from one to another to help families, children, and kindergarten educators collaborate to increase the sense of community during Covid-19 isolation. Ashoka Fellow Márta Bácskai, Hungary. Go Healthy! / Gondolkodj Egészségesen!
Guidance to prevent post-COVID-19 depression: for the vulnerable population who may be feeling the effects of prolonged isolation. Ashoka Fellow Rita Melifonwu, Nigeria. Stroke Action Nigeria.
Intergenerational connections between elderly people, mothers, and young people: and Facebook livestream DJ concerts giving a voice to the people in poverty and a feeling of connection, belonging and recognition. Ashoka Fellow Massimo Vallati, Italy. Calciosociale.
Maintaining a social link with isolated people: 1,000 young volunteers in Civic Service have the mission of connecting with mostly elderly people, by meeting their everyday needs, such as delivering groceries, meals or medicines. Ashoka Fellow Marie Trellu-Kane, France. Unis-Cité.
Mobilizing students to support elders and children in the hospital and at home: to help them fight against loneliness during social distancing times and assist children with their education. Ashoka Fellow Charo Batlle, Spain. Red española de Aprendizaje-Servicio.
Mutual support and idea sharing among housewives: regarding family activities at home during self-isolation. Ashoka Fellow Septi Peni Wulandani, Indonesia. Jarimatika Foundation.
Overcoming isolation during a pandemic: lessons from elder care about how we can all be better caregivers, even across distance. Ashoka Fellow Anne Basting, USA. TimeSlips.
Sending thousands of digital tablets to hospitals and health and social facilities: to ensure the connection between Covid-19 patients and their loved ones. Ashoka Fellow Frédéric Bardeau, France. Simplon.
Singalong with your neighbors app: promotes community so that everyone can care for the most vulnerable. Inspired by the Italians who sing together to make self-isolation less lonely. Ashoka Fellow Sanderson Jones, UK. Lifefulness Live.
Support for the visually impaired who are suffering isolation: during the quarantine, collaborating with the Ministry of Education to adapt content that is being provided for distance learning to a format that is accessible for blind and visually impaired children, in order to guarantee their right to education. Ashoka Fellow Pablo Lecuona, Argentina. Tiflonexos.
Supporting people who face intimate partner abuse at home. Ashoka Fellow Sonya Passi, US. FreeFrom.
Re-valuing intergenerational connection: during this time, with a core community of changemakers age 50+. Ashoka Fellow Mark Freedman, USA. Encore.org.
Health Awareness
A series of illustrations with characters: providing information about the impacts of the Covid pandemic on the lives of the marginalized population written in a didactic and accessible way. Ashoka Fellow Valdeci Nascimento, Brazil. Instituto Odara.
App to assist people with disabilities, learning difficulties, and critical medical conditions: check and translate health information regarding Covid and find people to help them with daily activities like grocery shopping. Ashoka Fellows Walburga Frohlich and Klaus Candussi, Austria. atempo GmbH.
Covid prevention and information multimedia products for favela residents: that includes weekly podcast, spots, informative videos and posters that are available for download. Ashoka Fellow Eliana Souza, Brazil. Redes da Maré.
Delivering hygiene kits, hand disinfectant, and sessions about COVID preventive measures. Ashoka Fellow Alexandra Machado, Mozambique. Girl MOVE.
Developing an app for prevention and home care for patients with mild symptoms: that aims to cater to 17,000 elderly people. Also supporting the development of distance teaching. Ashoka Fellow Carmen Pellicer, Spain. Fundación Trilema.
Four digital pathways that inform young people and their families: keeping them safe. Ashoka Fellow Florian Zech. Safe hubs.
Free comic video that helps children and adolescents understand what the corona virus is: and what they can do to protect themselves, their family and their friends, available in +25 languages. Thorsten Kiefer, Germany. WASH United.
Free Coronavirus course: in 100+ languages worldwide with the help of its membership. 200,000+ people have taken the course already. Ashoka Fellow Mike Feerick, Ireland.
Health information in 15 languages. Ashoka Ramazan Salman, Germany. Ethno Medizinisches Zentrum.
Improving the public message: turning it from fear to taking action, incentivizing journalists to share quality solutions-oriented stories that show citizen agency. Ashoka Fellow Hamadou Tidiane Sy, Senegal.
Investigative journalism about the pandemic and its social effects. Ashoka Fellow Natalia Viana, Brazil. Agência Pública.
Online awareness campaigns for teenagers: that include communication pieces made by teenagers, online games, and live feeds on Youtube and Instagram. Ashoka Fellow Paulo Lima, Brazil. Viração.
Online conferences invites researchers and scientists: to talk about the link between health crisis and science. Ashoka Fellow Mélanie Marcel, France. Soscience.
Online Covid prevention education program. Ashoka Fellow Ignacio Oliveri, Uruguay. Vipermed.
Promoting a national campaign to prevent the Covid-19 contagion in Peru. Ashoka Fellow Jaime Ulloa, Peru. TrabajoVoluntario.org.
Providing trusted information: about Covid-19 protocols and care coordination, and validated pharmacology information, through local healthcare authorities and experts and digital healthcare companies. Ashoka Fellow Mohammed Dalwai, South Africa. Emguidance.
Shifting the news narrative: about Covid-19 on social media from frightening news to information that empowers the public to take action to protect themselves and to fund mobilization, including an editorial line on Covid-19 for Ashoka Fellows and African thinkers. Ashoka Fellow Hamadou Tidiane, Senegal. ACC/Ouestaf.
Support, best practice and resources for nutrition and producing and consuming food: during and after the Covid-19 pandemic period. Ashoka Fellow Genevieve Moreau, Belgium. SIIN Nutrition Institute.
System providing answers and guidelines about Covid for the elderly: about social isolation, health care and well-being at home, and information on for maintaining chronic disease treatment. Ashoka Fellow João Paulo Nogueira, Brazil. Instituto Horas da Vida.
Television outreach to underserved communities: to create awareness of Covid-19 prevention, basic sanitation and hygiene practices, and to advocate that vulnerable groups have access to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities. Ashoka Fellow Christian Vanizette, France. MakesSense.
Translation hotline for hospitals: to guarantee access for people with language barriers. Ashoka Fellow Lisanne Knop, Germany. Triaphone.
TV network and digital platform: where citizens can learn and take action to solve social issues, including related to Covid-19. Ashoka Fellow Christian Vanizette, France. MakesSense.
Using election monitoring techniques to message about Covid-19: from a hub that facilitates and coordinates volunteers who spread the message about preventing the spread of the virus. Ashoka Fellow Rommel Roberts, South Africa.
Video interviews of grassroots village leaders about the Covid crisis: training volunteers and others to document COVID, providing communications strategies for local governments to increase awareness and fight misinformation. Ashoka Fellow Jessica Mayberry, India. Video Volunteers.
Virtual assistant ConHector provides two-way communication for vulnerable populations: giving them information about the pandemic, physical and psychological health to reduce the stress generated by the quarantine and confinement, relevant local information, financial resilience, and gender-based violence. Ashoka Fellow Yves Mourry, Colombia. Fundación Capital.
Mental Health
24-hour counseling hotline for men to avert an expected upsurge in domestic violent: with non-violent strategies for conflict resolution to improve users’ wellbeing and foster more equal relationships within their home. Ashoka Fellow Mauro António Vargas, Mexico. GENDES.
Community-based mental health services including online counseling sessions: that offer extensive support around Covid-19. Ashoka Fellow Krystian Fikert, Ireland. MyMind.
Free online guide to treatments for patients with mild and moderate symptoms of the most common mental health disorders: who are currently under-prioritized, provided by experts. Ashoka Fellow Oskar Blakstad, Norway. Assisted Self-Help.
Healing collective mental health suffering during the Covid crisis: through ritual that combats the isolation and separation between urban residents and builds a shared sense of belonging and citizen ownership of public spaces. Ashoka Fellow Dan Acher, Switzerland. Happy City Lab.
Mental health support delivered via call or WhatsApp: by volunteer psychologists. Ashoka Fellow Ashwin Naik, India. Manah Wellness.
Mental healthcare help desk for refugees and migrants in Europe: addressing anxiety, misunderstandings, and isolation by providing information in their language about mitigation measures, why there is intervention from police, and spreading messages of positivity through communications, ambassadors, the community of refugees themselves, and other networks. Geertrui Serneels, Belgium. SOLENTRA.
Network of psychologists support teenagers with eating disorders: which are doubling during the Covid lockdown. Ashoka Fellow Simona Sinesi, Italy. NeverGiveUp Onlus.
Online psychological sessions with caregivers: to help them during the Covid crisis. Ashoka Fellow Benedicte Defontaines, France. Reseau Alois.
Online psychosocial support to peripheral communities: in Salvador to reduce the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Ashoka Fellow Lázaro Cunha, Brazil. Institut Steve Biko.
Online social emotional learning programs focus on prevention and early intervention: TrustCircle programs help individuals self-reflect and journal, recognize and manage their emotions, and seek help when needed even remotely. Ashoka Fellow Sachin Chaudhry, US, India. TrustCircle.
Providing mental health support for children. Ashoka Fellow Dr. Gilles Julien, Canada. Social Pediatrics, Fondation pour la Promotion de la Pediatrie Sociale.
Remote support for women victims of gender violence: with a message of strength to those women who, these days, are forced to be confined with their abusive partners. Ashoka Fellow Ana Bella Estévez, Spain. Fundación Ana Bella.
Volunteer therapists provide free online assistance: to young people between 10 and 20 years old. Ashoka Fellow Ingrid De Jonghe, Belgium. TEJO.
Mobilizing Changemakers
24/7 neighborhood care teams, supported by a crisis hotline. Ashoka Fellow Jos de Blok, Netherlands. Buurtzorg.
A crowdsolving platform for citizen sector organizations to source ideas: to overcome industrial, environmental, and societal challenges that have emerged with the onset of COVID-19, including a hackathon to find solutions to safe public transport, day-laborer challenges, and safe money exchange. Ashoka Fellow Tamer Taha, Egypt. Yomken.com.
Making "everyone a fact checker/investigator": by training citizens to factcheck and detect fake news regarding Covid-19 and increase government transparency for emergency procurement practices. Ashoka Fellows Paul Radu and Elena Calistru, Romania.
Neighborhood platform: to improve help. Ashoka Fellow Gernot Jochum Müller, Autria. Zeitpolster.
Neighborhood platform and marketplace: for requests for help and assistance. Till Behnke, Germany. Nebenan.de.
Online platform for citizens to feed in data: that could be crucial in solving the problems that some people face during the shutdown. Ashoka Fellow Kuldeep Dantewadia, India. Reap Benefit.
Online platforms: for fact checking to identify fake news about the outbreak, a crowd-sourcing space for citizens to report violations of quarantine restrictions or illegal increases in food prices, a guide to help people determine if they have coronavirus symptoms, connecting teachers with children at home to facilitate educational services, documenting how organizations offer support during the crisis, raising funds and gathering donations of medical equipment for doctors, having a team to disinfect public spaces. Ashoka Fellow Achraf Aouadi, Tunisia. iWatch.
Peer-to-peer support group and campaign for citizens to share solutions and best practices: for dealing with their own frustration and the lockdown situation and crisis. Ashoka Fellow Marjan Gryson, Belgium.
Prisoners make surgical masks: that they are donating to the most vulnerable part of the population that can't provide them for themselves.Ashoka Fellow Luciana Delle Donne, Italy. Made in Carcere.
Producing face masks by employing 850 women who have lost their jobs: or are unable to return to work. This is the only source of income For 80 percent of these women. With their help, they are more than one-third of the way toward their goal of producing million face masks. Ashoka Fellow Gabriel Rivera, Mexico. Fomento Altitud.
Selling hand-made dolls created by female inmates and raising funds for medical protection kits for hospitals: allowing the women to continue supporting themselves and their families, while providing health workers with adequate materials to ensure their safety. Ashoka Fellows Daniela Ancira and Saskia Niño de Rivera, Mexico. La Cana.
Supporting production of PPE: by organizing artisans and seamstresses. Ashoka Fellow Alice Freitas, Brazil. Rede Asta.
The online Amazônias Festival looked at the possibilities of resistance and life in a pandemic: by promoting exchange between activists and artists in rural areas and cities with lectures, concerts and exhibition of films. Ashoka Fellow Raquel Rosenberg, Brazil. Engajamundo.
Ventilators from 3D printers: how the Spanish maker community is fighting Covid-19 from their living rooms. Ashoka Fellow David Cuartielles, Spain. Read our interview in Forbes.
Volunteer-led care system: that moves services from institutions and hospitals to neighborhoods and homes in order to effectively address all aspects of care. Ashoka Fellow Suresh Kumar, India.
Youth Collaboratory for high school students: finds ways to support each other, supply food drives, construct online tutoring platforms for classmates, and translate materials about Covid-19 into languages that their immigrant parents speak. Ashoka Fellow Eric Liu, US. Citizen University.
New Ways of Learning
Covid-19 mini sessions and coaching sessions: shared via WhatsApp and facilitated in innovative ways among our youth to support their peers. Ashoka Fellow Susannah Farr, South Africa. gold youth.
Empowering parents to embrace their changemaking skills as their children's first teachers: on digital platform that offers parents of children aged 0-5 engaging, interactive, and joyful activities to transform everyday struggles into playful moments; free to use until May 31. Ashoka Fellow Jen Lexmond, UK. EasyPeasy.
Free teacher essential lesson packs: available by province and grade to help guide students through the next few weeks and months of school. All webinars now offered for free. Ashoka Fellow John Mighton, Canada. Junior Undiscovered Mathematical Prodigies (JUMP).
Distance learning: surveying and responding to teachers who need resources. Ashoka Fellow Florence Rizzo, Italy. Synlab.
Distance learning training cycles and materials for teachers: to continue education and development in times of Covid- 19. Ashoka Fellow Carmen Pellicer Iborra, Spain. Fundación Trilema.
Educational materials for children whose parents don’t have Wifi or laptops: cosinus@home are printed materials developed for children with a migrant background to give them they same schooling and education opportunities as others. Ashoka Fellow Murat Vural, Germany. IBFS - Chancenwerk.
Free learning tools for teachers, parents, and students: including tutoring by professional volunteer teachers for refugee children aged 5-16 who are struggling with their education due to their lock-down situation, with dissemination of digital resources that does not require an internet connection. Ashoka Fellow Jeremy Lachal, France. Bibliothèques sans Frontières.
Free phones to families that allow children to participate in Learning by Radio Programs: plus storytelling on television. Ashoka Fellow Brenda Moore, Liberia. Kid Educational Engagement Project(KEEP).
Helping universities pivot to effective online offerings. Ashoka Fellow Shai Resef, Israel. University of the People.
Online academy giving educational support to young people: during weekly meetings with educational challenges and games. Ashoka Fellow Massimo Vallati, Italy. Calciosociale.
Online and off-line curricula for parents, caregivers and adolescents: for learning and entertaintment during confinement. Ashoka Fellow Melina Masnatta, Argentina. Chicas en Tecnologías.
Online and phone support for homework: for 6- to 17-year-old students, providing parents with free practical resources to help support their children’s education. Coved-19 dedicated web page. Ashoka Fellow Sandrine Faust, Canada. Allô Prof.
Online educational materials: for children aged 7 to 12 years to create solutions to worldwide problems at home using the designathon thinking method. The projects are available in English and Dutch with guidelines for teachers on how to host online project classes for parents and caregivers to do at home. Ashoka Fellow Emer Beamer, Netherlands. Designathon Works.
Online support for students: including by SMSs, WhatsApp, and YouTube, voice note lessons and support by teachers, online life skills and entrepreneurship lessons, online capacity building for staff, and sewing face masks by staff and students for communities. Ashoka Fellow Dorien Beurskens, Mozambique. Young Africa.
Peer-to-peer computer platform for teenagers to support other teenagers with learning: and development in times of distance learning. Learning mentors/buddies are matched with students from disadvantaged backgrounds, where they do not receive enough guidance and support from their parents, who are overwhelmed with home-learning due to the corona crisis. Developed with the Ministry of Education to further integrate retired teachers and support learning at home. Ashoka Fellow Bernhard Hofer, Austria. talentify.
Platform for young people to teach their parents: during Covid-19 by tapping into their skills with various topics (e.g., digital literacy to work from home). Ashoka Fellow Agazi Afewerki, Canada. Youth Empowering Parents.
Psychological support for parents and an awareness campaign for children and teenagers: about Covid-19. Ashoka Fellow Oscar Misle, Venezuela. CECODAP.
Resources and lesson plans for teachers. Ashoka Fellow Aleta Margolis. Inspired Teaching.
Skills builder to support the transition to remote and home learning: with numerous skill building resources for parents and caregivers. Ashoka Fellow Tom Ravenscroft, UK. Enabling Enterprise.
Tools that ensure privacy, internet security, and awareness for children: taking classes online.Ashoka Fellow Priscila Gonsalez, Brazil. Instituto Educadigital.
Website and webinars giving teachers digital skills for creating engaging and empowering classes: for children who suddenly must learn to learn online. They promote learning without grades and projects that allow kids to be in touch with each other. Ashoka Fellow Jacek Strzemieczny, Poland. Center of Citizenship Education.
New Ways of Working
Digital identity app and e-signature platform: free for the next three months to any public health organization, emergency service, and community initiative working on the Covid-19 crisis. Ashoka Fellow Ken Banks, UK. Yoti.
End-to-end visibility of the supply chain: for rational and reliable supply of diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines. Ashoka Fellow Anup Akkihal, India. Logistimo.
Helping small and medium-sized enterprises resist the economic effects of the crisis: using social media to promote businesses and advertise their services at a low cost and reach a new pool of potential clients.Ashoka Fellow Arturo Hernandéz, Mexico. Supercívicos.
Manufacturing masks: supporting micro small and medium enterprise businesses. Ashoka Fellow Anita Ahuja, India. Conserve India.
Open-access resources and a free webinar series for entrepreneurs to adapt and develop responses to the Covid-19 crisis: that offers information and tools for creating strategic solutions. Ashoka Fellow Victor Moctezuma, Mexico. iLab.
Pro bono lawyers support social enterprises, NGOs, and social entrepreneurs facing legal issues caused by the Covid-19 crisis: such as employment issues related to paid and unpaid leave/ sick leave and work safety, contract law issues related to canceled events and travel plans, or business disruption, liability, bankruptcy, human rights and immigration law issues related to border closures and quarantine, and issues regarding the court closures. Ashoka Fellow Alberto Alemanno, Belgium. The Good Lobby.
Services exchange using a virtual currency: offers free services during the Covid crisis (babysitting for people who have to go work, grocery shopping for elderly and vulnerable people, free school classes, yoga classes etc.). Ashoka Fellow Stéphane De Freitas, France. Indigo Platform.
Supporting about 300 microentrepreneurs and their families: during the Covid-19 crisis scenario, finding ways for entrepreneurs to adapt their businesses to digital media, supporting their families to have access to social programs, and providing basic food baskets, in order to minimize the social impacts of Covid-19 on the most vulnerable people in the region. Ashoka Fellow Lilian do Prado. Acreditar, Brazil.
Working from home resources: including positive stories about how communities and neighbors are responding to Covid-19. Ashoka Fellow Paul Born, Tamarack Institute.
Poverty Alleviation
Action plan for sustainable food system: during this Covid period and beyond. Ashoka Fellow Andrew Iloh, Nigeria. Casloh Environmental consults.
Aid bank: accepts donations to give most needy families basic food baskets, and Covid hygiene and protection materials. Ashoka Fellow Sebastião Alves, Brazil. SERTA.
An app that provides reward payments for the best ideas: submitted by people people economically impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. It also curates answers and ideas. Ashoka Fellow Reinaldo Pamponet Filho, Brazil. Its Noon.
Covid solidarity fund and awareness campaign: about the Covid-19 pandemic in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, and a Covid-19 solidarity fund for people affected in the local communities. Ashoka Fellow Sena Louka Togo. Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement.
Emergency Fund for the Protection of People Threatened by Covid-19: brings essential products including basic food baskets and hygiene products in coordination with government agencies and and partners. Ashoka Fellow Celso Athayde, Brazil. CUFA.
Free online course about growing your own food garden: and teaching others to do the same. Ashoka Fellow Claire Reid, South Africa. Reel Gardening.
Fundraising campaign for 16 favela communities. Ashoka Fellow Eliane Souza, Brazil. Redes da Maré.
Meal distribution to families in need: San Francisco public schools have quickly organized this with Fellow-led Revolution Foods. Ashoka Fellows Kirsten Tobey and Kristin Richmond, USA. Revolution Foods.
Monitoring health and providing basic food and hygiene training in Roma shantytowns: where there are no work opportunities by engaging a network of volunteers. Ashoka Fellow Carlo Stasolla, Italy. Associazione 21 Luglio.
Providing dry rations and hygiene kits to daily wage workers: during and after the Covid crisis. Ashoka Fellows Anshu Gupta, India. Goonj.
Providing food to vulnerable communities: working with sanitary criteria, she keeps her grocery stores open where these populations exchange waste for food. Ashoka Fellow Olga Bocarejo, Colombia. Fundación Bancalimentos.
Providing nutrition security by providing dry rations and supporting local government: with quarantine centers and IVR messaging to the community about preventing Covid, identifying signs and symptoms, and triaging. Ashoka Fellow Mukteshwari Bosco, India. Healing Fields Foundation.
Providing support to vulnerable families: for food assistance, medical and psychological care, nutrition, and social and legal assistance. Ashoka Fellow Vera Cordeiro, Brazil. Saúde Criança.
Support center provides information and support services: such as water and energy payments, transportation assistance, food baskets and hygiene kits for eight communities. Ashoka Fellow Diane Sousa e Regina Cabral, Brazil. Instituto Formação.
Telemedicine support: digital tools for the very poor to cope with the crisis. Ashoka Fellow Gopi Gopalkrishnan, India. World Health Partners.
Urban gardening that complies with all the rules of safety and hygiene: to prevent food shortages in the periphery, and donating basic food baskets to neighborhoods. Ashoka Fellow Hans Dieter Temp, Brazil. Cidades Sem Fome.
Preventing the Next Crisis
Preventing the next animal-to-human disease outbreak: lessons from Uganda. Ashoka Fellow Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka, Uganda. Conservation Through Public Health. See our article in Forbes.
Protecting ALL Our Communities
Active screening of the most vulnerable homeless people: during the Covid-19 crisis to ensure isolation and appropriate access to treatment for them and to contain and slow down the pandemic. Ashoka Fellow Emilie Meessen, Belgium. Infirmiers de Rue.
Advocating for the rights of disabled people: during the pandemic to prevent setbacks in the areas of education, health, and social assistance, since some countries have already declared that people with disabilities should not compete for respirators with people without disabilities. Ashoka Fellow Claudia Werneck, Brazil. Escola de Gente.
Allowing young refugees to continue their civic service during the Covid-19 period. Ashoka Fellow Marie Trellu-Kane, France. Unis-Cité.
Covid security concept for women’s shelters: is part of a new kind of support infrastructure for victims of domestic abuse. Ashoka Fellow Marion Steffens, Germany. Frauen helfen Frauen EN e.V., GESINE.
Digital connection for people with intellectual disabilities: during the Covid crisis and an adapted and simplified document with information about the current situation as well as the guidelines on how to act to stay safe. Ashoka Fellow Isabel Guirao, Spain. A Toda Vela.
Distributing food baskets and personal hygiene and cleaning kits: to families during the pandemic. Ashoka Fellow Rubens Gomes, Brazil. OELA.
Distributing meals to informal workers, single mothers, and homeless people: during the Covid crisis using the kitchens of Gastromotiva's alumni and students' own homes in the peripheral communities. Ashoka Fellow David Hertz, Brazil. Gastromotiva.
Economic Emergencies Fund to support to small entrepreneurs: especially young people and women living in the periphery in this uncertain times. Ashoka Fellows Adriana Barbosa, João Souza and Paulo Rogério.
Educational materials for youth workers and street-connected children: that include health awareness materials and tackle the psychological effects of Covid-19 including fear, rejection, isolation. Ashoka Fellow Arnoud Raskin, Belgium. Mobile School & StreetwiZe.
Educational support for refugee children aged 5 to 16: who find it difficult to continue their studies because of the crisis. Ashoka Fellow Jérémy Lachal, France. Bibliothèques Sans Frontières.
Free coding classes: to people without diplomas, physical disabilities etc. are available digitally during the Covid crisis. Ashoka Fellow Frederic Bardeau, France. Simplon Network.
Former inmates sew face masks: and are offered a “crisis window” that offers advice and support to people who have just been released from prison and are affected by the complete closing of the courts and prosecutor's office. Ashoka Fellow Dagmar Doubravová, Czech Republic. RUBIKON center.
Help Center for senior citizens: or their close relatives tracks their condition, helps with shopping, mediating medical or psychological help, picking up medicine, taking care of pets, and offering warm human contact. Ashoka Fellow Mikuláš Kroupa, Czech Republic. Memory of a Nation.
Help fragile people maintain good health during confinement: by intervening in old people's homes and working for the well-being of the elderly through sport courses daily on Facebook. Ashoka Fellow Jean-Michel Ricard, France. Siel Bleu.
Helpdesk for refugees and migrants in Europe: explains Covid policies in their language to allay fears, such as why there is intervention from police, using ambassadors, the community of refugees themselves, and other networks. Ashoka Fellow Geertrui Serneels, Belgium. SOLENTRA.
Helping migrants break their isolation and loneliness: as well as learn languages. Ashoka Fellow Hugo Menino, Spain. SPEAK.
Helping the homeless: by fighting social exclusion - reaching out through social links, informing them through phone calls or WhatsApp and linking them with groceries shops, changing the perspective that society of homeless people. Ashoka Fellow Louis-Xavier Leca, France. Le Cloche.
HomeBuddy project pairs a newcomer with a local: and they commit, for the duration of the quarantine, to keep in touch with each other and support each other as a way to respond to the isolation of the refugees during the crisis. Ashoka Fellow Nathanael Molle, Belgium. SINGA.
Hotline for homeless people: Advocacy around the needs of homelessness people in times of Covid, fundraising campaign. Ashoka Fellow Jörg Richert, Germany. KARUNA Zukunft für Kinder und Jugendliche in Not e.V.
Humanizing long-term care for the elderly: in Norway by placing activity and social interaction at the center of the care regimens in nursing homes. Ashoka Fellow Lone Koldby, Norway. Aktivitetdosetten.
Hygiene kits for garbage collectors: to protect themselves against Covid. Ashoka Fellow Thiago Ackel Mundano, Brazil. Pimp My Carroça.
Monitoring the effects of the pandemic on disabled people: producing technical notes for authorities regarding the weaknesses and rights of people with disabilities, and providing accessible materials for children and adolescents with disabilities and guidance for families and educators. Ashoka Fellow Carla Mauch, Brazil. Mais Diferenças.
National violence hotline for women and other at-risk groups: providing psychological, legal, and medical attention while there is a threat of increased in domestic violence during the lockdown. Ashoka Fellow Mariana Baños, Mexico. Fundación Origen A.C.
Online help for families in impoverished communities get access to welfare and basic services. Ashoka Fellow Massimo Vallati, Italy. Calciosociale.
Online platform generates income and support for black women's entrepreneurship: in the creative economy as a way to contribute to the reduction of the economic impacts of COVID-19. Ashoka Fellow Adriana Barbosa, Brazil. Instituto Feira Preta.
Persons with disabilities become leaders: working with scholars and partners to facilitate roundtable discussions about ways to address the impact of Covid-19, including workshops on working from home with limited mobility, and donation drives for the most vulnerable. Ashoka Fellow Ryan Gersava, Philippines. Virtualahan.
Producing protective masks for persons and organizations that help the homeless: by retooling a social enterprise that produces nightgowns to make more than 10,000 protective masks. Ashoka Fellow Małgorzata Chmielewska, Poland. Bread of Life Community.
Providing free medicines to Venezuelas' vulnerable population and a support campaign for women: during the economic and pandemic crisis. Ashoka Fellow Feliciano Reyna, Venezuela. Acción Solidaria.
Rapid response fund for tribal nations and Indigenous-led organizations: and why it’s time for a new normal. Ashoka Fellow Nick Tilsen, US. NDN Collective.
Remote support for women victims of gender violence: giving a message of strength to those women who, these days, are forced to be confined with their abusive partners. Ashoka Fellow Ana Bella Estévez, Spain. Fundación Ana Bella.
Robust online programming to maintain sobriety: through virtual fitness and community including fitness classes, virtual coffee talks, and more. Ashoka Scott Strode, USA. The Phoenix.
Support for cancer patients: a high-risk population, in the face of Covid-19 via a national toll-free number that answers questions about the coronavirus, monitors the challenges these patients face to press for effective public policies. The emotional health committee provides emotional support. Ashoka Fellow Luciana Holtz, Brazil. Instituto Oncoguia.
Support for orphans and vulnerable children: who would normally be attending school where they would receive one meal a day, causing a major concern about increased hunger and malnutrition. Ashoka Fellow Nora Tager, South Africa. P.E.A.C.E Foundation.
Supporting acquisition, manufacture and distribution of PPE, medicines and household cleaning materials: to indigenous and riverside populations of the Amazon and their health centers using a seamstress network and partnerships with universities and computer labs with 3D printers, as well as basic food baskets and a communications and health education campaign. Ashoka Fellow Eugenio Scannavino, Brazil. Saúde e Alegria.
Supporting marginalized families, old age homes, orphanages, and daily wage earners: with hygiene kits and dry rations, financial and essential services, and helping the government set up temporary quarantine facilities and supplementing public health systems. Ashoka Fellow Manu Gupta, India. Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society (SEEDS).
Telemedicine support for nutritional and psychological health services: at this critical time to areas without adequate services. Ashoka Fellow Marcos Lacayo, Nicaragua. Estación Vital S.A.
Television programs for people from underserved communities about basic sanitation and hygiene: and advocating access to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities be made available to the vulnerable groups in Nigeria. Ashoka Fellow Okezie Kelechukwu, Nigeria Neighborhood Environmental Watch.
WhatsApp groups and radio programs: WhatsApp groups are for volunteer teams that distribute food to children and pensioners as well as information and pamphlets about Covid-19, and radio programs inform farmworkers and rural communities about the most recent developments and how they can stay safe. Ashoka Fellow Wendy Pekeur South Africa. Sikhula Sonke.
Public Health
Access to running water: in Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Côte d'Ivoire. Ashoka Fellow Philippe de Roux, France. Eau et Vie.
Community health measures: including waiting areas outside to minimize patient contact, and an outside washing station for everyone, gathered supplies for disinfecting transportation for workers, and provided hygienic packs and masks, and information flyers in local languages. Ashoka Fellow Christine Du Preez, South Africa. Hlokomela Training Trust.
Distributing cleaning kits (bar soap, masks, and alcohol gel) and food. Ashoka Fellow Célia Gonçalves Souza, Brazil. Centro Nacional de Africanidade e Resistência Afro Brasileiro.
Distributing soaps, water points, protection materials, posters, and radio programming: The La conscience radio station covers 2 million people to deliver Covid-19 awareness campaign spots and sensitization in the local language. Ashoka Fellow Jissenou Kodjo, Togo. La Conscience.
Getting clean, running water to families: more than 2 million Americans can’t wash their hands because they don’t have running water at home. Ashoka Fellow George McGraw, US. DipDeep.
Health awareness and sourcing innovative ideas to tackle Covid-19: including an online platform that helps the public monitor infection control measures provided in public spaces, a social media campaign targeting populations affected by Covid-19, a WhatsApp system that guides people as to where and how they can receive healthcare services, and collaborative efforts with governmental and private sector entities to better equip private sector organizations, NGOs, and public hospital to deal with Covid-19, and strengthen the healthcare system post-Covid-19. Ashoka Fellow Daniel Louis, Tunisia. Shamseya.
Herbal hand washes and soap, and special food for children and the elderly to enhance immunity: training about value added products provided from goats. Ashoka Fellow Sanjeev Kumar, India. The Goat Trust.
Manual hand washing machine using pedal system: that can serve a population of more than 500 people. Ashoka Fellow Tantoh Nforba, Cameroon. Save The Future Association.
Providing face masks: to one of the most populated communities in Lagos State. Ashoka Fellow Blessing Oritseweyinmi Mene, Nigeria. UNFIREOutreach.
Rigorous protection and care protocols: for those most vulnerable to the coronavirus including nursing home residents. Ashoka Fellow Ana Urrutia, Spain. Cuidados Dignos.
Service to order and manage medications online on mobile phones: as well as continue community-building efforts. Ashoka Fellow Nóra Ritók, Hungary. Real Pearl Foundation.
System for requesting help with shopping: a simple, spontaneous, cash- and contactless way to so by using the hashtag #ring. Ashoka Fellow Zarah Bruhn, Germany. BringandRing.
Using sewing machines to produce masks, making homemade soap, and distributing food baskets and alcohol gel. Ashoka Fellow Diva Moreira, Brazil. CENARAB.
Volunteer Hub software keeps blood donations going during the Covid crisis: by managing a nationwide movement of volunteers who donate blood at hospitals. Ashoka Fellow Yorgui Teyrouz, Lebanon. Donner Sang Compter.
Public Sector Response
Addressing the lack of social and environmental criteria: in the allocation of aid to compensate for temporary fishing stoppages linked to the COVID crisis. Ashoka Fellow Claire Nouvian, France. BLOOM.
Addressing the risks to our public and individual liberties: in the digital tracing of the coronavirus epidemic. Ashoka Fellow Paul Duan, France. Bayes Impact.
Citizen-driven lobby calls on EU member countries' Ministers of Health to deal with the coronavirus effectively: in a joint and coordinated way. Ashoka Fellow Alberto Alemanno, Belgium. The Good Lobby.
"Inventing the World After" Citizen Agenda: gathers ideas from civil society to build the post-crisis world. Ashoka Fellows Marie Trellu-Kane and Jean-Marc Borello, France. Unis-Cité, Groupe SOS.
Feminist readings about inequalities in public policies: in the face of the Covid pandemic, including the sanitary, economic, and social measures implemented by city governments. Ashoka Fellow Maria das Graças Xavier, Brazil. União Nacional por Moradia Popular.
Mapping local innovations and responses: for inspiration, collaborative, and practical sharing. Ashoka Fellow Delfina Irazusta, Argentina. RIL - Red de Innovación Local.
Monitoring and opposing using the Covid pandemic for increased digital surveillance civil control: raising red flags when needed and making sure that citizens know their rights and how to protect their privacy even when in quarantine. Panopticon stopped the Polish government from installing certain very invasive features into an app obligatory for all 22,000 citizens in quarantine. Ashoka Fellow Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Poland. Panopticon.
Monitoring organized criminal groups and corrupt government officials: who try to benefit from border closures, commodity shortages, delayed court proceedings, and other disruptions during the Covid pandemic. Ashoka Fellow Paul Radu, Romania. OCCRP.
Promoting innovation in local governments: including helping local leaders map innovative ideas for addressing the Covid crisis at the municipal level around the world. Ashoka Fellow Delfina Irazusta, Argentina. Red de Innovación Local.
Recommended policies for public agencies expenditures: targeted to people and businesses at risk from the economic impact of the pandemic, including legal instruments based on the principle of socially responsible public procurement, prioritizing employment of vulnerable groups, guaranteed quick payment of invoices to subcontractors, and avoiding secondary insolvency of state contract suppliers and their subcontractors. Ashoka Fellow Jiŕí Skuhrovec, Czech Republic. Econlab.
Rethinking civic engagement and decision-making: during social distancing. John Richardson, Canada.
Securing our democratic elections: during the era of social distancing. Ashoka Fellow Seth Flaxman, USA. Democracy Works. TurboVote.
Think tank: "Citizen Circle for Aid to Governance of COVID 19" will provide support to policymakers and advocacy groups. Ashoka Fellow Gifty Narh, Burkina Faso. Agence CORADE.
Using artificial intelligence in the health sector: to provide early data on the epidemic. Ashoka Fellow Nacho Medrano, Spain. Savana.
Securing Livelihoods and Economic Resiliency
Activating young people and local organizations to prototype solutions and launch enterprises that set an example for “the new normal” post-COVID economy: working with 20 universities and youth organizations to create #JobGenerators spaces that generate innovation-based, purpose-driven enterprises, and trainers for digital technologies that support entrepreneurs. Ashoka Fellow Pablo Santaeufemia, Spain. Bridge for Billions.
Advocating legislation to reduce the major new debt risk: that the COVID 19 economic crisis poses for entrepreneurs and all middle-class people, working with local municipalities and organizations to build rescue networks and strategies, which include preventative and corrective actions, debt relief and reduction of the contractual penalties for consumer loans after repayment. Ashoka Fellow Radek Hábl, Czech Republic. Repossession Map.
Creating jobs by providing personal protective equipment: plus career guidance, community mobilization, providing income support, and a helpline platform with trained counselors. Ashoka Fellow Priya Agrawal, India. Antarang Foundation.
Direct exchanges between farmers consumers: because restaurants are mostly closed during the pandemic. Ashoka Fellow Teresa Corção, Brazil. Instituto Maniva.
Farmer-to-farmer support group distributes excess food: and provides seeds during the lockdown. Ashoka Fellow Lawrence Afere, Nigeria. Springboard.
Flattening the economic curve for small businesses: that cannot operate while shuttered, plus resources for transitioning to employee ownership. Ashoka Fellow Alison Lingane, USA. Project Equity. Read our interview in Forbes.
Free support for social enterprises that offer solutions to the Covid-19 crisis. In addition, the platform is available to universities for online teaching. Ashoka Fellow Pablo Santaeufemia, Spain. BridgeForBillions.
Micro, small and medium enterprises: . . . studying how they are affected by Covid-19. Ashoka Fellow Oluseun Onigbinde, Nigeria. BudgIT Nigeria.
National campaign to crowdsource support for Mexico’s most vulnerable communities: in order to provide food aid to those at risk of facing hunger during the crisis. Ashoka Fellow Francesco Piazessi, Mexico. Échale a Tu Casa.
Online employability program: with a focus on developing deeply human skills for those whose employment status has been affected by Civod-19 focuses on connecting them back into the labor market and managing their well-being while unemployed. Ashoka Fellow Zhihan Lee, Philippines. Bagosphere.
Peer support group for entrepreneurs, including social entrepreneurs: to empower, destigmatize, and lobby for insolvent peoples’ ability to restart their initiatives during the Covid-19 crisis. Ashoka Fellow Attila von Unruh, Germany. TEAM U.
Support for start-ups: in the Covid-19 period. Jokkolabs is also working with the Ministry of Health and a multi-stakeholder alliance in Senegal to create awareness and emergency solutions to manage the COVID-19 crisis. Ashoka Fellow Karim Sy, Senegal. Jokkolabs.
Virtual legal assistant: for clear legal responses related to the quarantine and the current Covid crisis. Ashoka Fellow Didier Ketels, Belgium. Droits Quotidiens.
Worker-led campaigns with U.S. and multinational companies: (e.g., Starbucks) to secure protections for workers during the pandemic, including paid sick leave. Ashoka Fellow Michele Miller, USA. Coworker.org.
Supporting Young People and Parents
Artistic activities and educational tools for underprivileged families. Ashoka Fellow Chantal Mainguene, France. Mainguene Môm'artre.
Care and support for pregnant women: including information and support about how pregnant women can prevent and cope with the COVID-19 virus. Ashoka Fellow Nneka Mobisson, Nigeria. mDoc.
Covid game for young people: to fight Covid from their homes. Ashoka Fellows Edgard Gouveia and Paulo Lima, Brazil. Journey X.
Dialogues about parenthood: in Covid-19 times. The first series was an online conversation. Ashoka Fellow Karima Grant, Senegal. ImagiNation Afrika.
Engaging youth for prevention: by getting them to pledge to reduce the spread as well as maintaining social distance. Ashoka Fellow Kingsley Bangwell, Nigeria. DESPLAY.
Facebook campaigns to encourage families to enjoy these moments with their children at home. Ashoka Fellow Beatriz Cardoso, Brazil. Laboratório de Educação.
For pregnant women and parents of children born prematurely: Getting them relevant health information. Ashoka Fellow Silke Mader, Germany.
How to reconcile family and work: during the pandemic (web resources). Ashoka Fellow Volker Baisch, Germany. Vaeter e.V.
Newsletter for parents who live apart: contains advice, e.g., how to deal with social distancing. Ashoka Fellow Annette Habert, Germany. Flechtwerk 2+1.
Online play groups in Poland, Tajikistan and Ukraine: that build connections and support toddlers’ early development, allowing their parents to take part even in the times of “social distancing.” Ashoka Fellow Teresa Ogrodzińska, Poland. Fundacja Rozwoju Dzieci im. Jana Amosa Komenskiego.
Platform for coordinating young people's Covid-response initiatives: under the slogan #YouthInCharge. Ashoka Fellows Jose Mari Luzarraga and Pablo Santaeufemia, Spain. Creating For Humanity.
Play-at-home recess three times daily: on Facebook Live to keep children engaged and physically active. Ashoka Fellow Jill Vialet, USA. Playworks.
Preventing educational disruption and school dropout: by putting new volunteer mentors in touch with primary, junior high, or high school students in need of support. Organized by a coalition of educational associations. Ashoka Fellow Salomé Berlioux, France. Chemins D'Avenirs.
Rapid response fund for changemakers ages 13-25: who address the secondary effects of the Covid-19 crisis like mental health. Ashoka Fellow Eric Dawson, USA. Peace First.
Support for children and teens to develop changemaking skills and healthy eating habits: using social media and online content that informs and entertains for families in quarantine. Developing formal online curricula with the national Ministry of Education. Ashoka Fellow Diego Ruete, Uruguay. Educocina para Todos.
Support for young children: by working with what they are feeling and how we can reduce their fears and support them at this time. Ashoka Fellow Mary Gordon, Canada. Roots of Empathy. See a short video message about reducing children's fear in the face of Covid-19 here.
Supporting home education for children with special educational needs: advocating uniform and understandable support measures to schools during the Covid crisis. Ashoka Fellow Klára Laurenčíková, Czech Republic. COSIV.
Supporting the mental health of pregnant mothers: who will give birth during the pandemic, and working with the Zambia Ministry of Health to sensitize the public about how to prevent the spread. Ashoka Fellow Muzalema Mwanza, Zambia. Safe Motherhood Alliance.
Tools for parents and teachers working with children with special needs: including autism are offered free during the Covid crisis. Ashoka Fellow Gaele Regnault, France. LearnEnjoy.
Webinar series to promote the protection of children’s rights: during the Covid-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean. Beyond raising awareness, REDIM is providing a space where experts and citizens can come together to respond to children’s emergent needs. Ashoka Fellow Juan Martín Pérez García, Mexico. Red por los Derechos de la Infancia en México.
Vaccine/Drug Development and Distribution
Advancing affordable therapeutic treatment for rare disease groups: One of her treatments for a rare disease has the potential to be repositioned to address the inflammation triggered by the Covid-19 virus infection into endothelial cells. Ashoka Fellow Caroline Kant, Switzerland. EspeRare.
Efficient delivery of vaccines: in India and Africa. End-to-end visibility of supply chains in low-resource to ensure a rational and reliable supply of diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines. Ashoka Fellow Anup Akkihal, India/USA. Logistimo.
Open drug discovery: to help with Covid-19 research and prevent the next viral pandemic. Ashoka Fellow Aled Edwards, Canada. Structural Genomics Consortium.
Vaccine delivery methods: that will be used once a vaccine is ready, working in partnership with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Ashoka Fellow Marc Koska, United Kingdom. Apiject.
Young Changemakers Taking Action
Activating other changemakers: workshopping ideas with Ashoka Staff to reach new audiences in the United States with our Everyone a Changemaker message. Ashoka Young Changemakers Manat, Laya, Taylor, Victor, and Christian, United States.
Connecting with communities abroad: organizing a food relief program for disadvantaged families in Nairobi with local produce and household items. Hosting webinars for young people with Ashoka Kenya to spark more changemakers across the country. Ashoka Young Changemaker Sophia, United States.
Conversations for change: facilitating dialogues with young people and adults about the importance of changemaking from home and leading young in a rapidly changing world. Ashoka Young Changemakers in the United States, Brazil, India, and Indonesia.
Cooking for better health:researching local herbs and crafting delicious drinks to strengthen body immunity to inspire creative, at-home activities for self-care. Ashoka Young Changemaker Jessica, Indonesia.
Delivering groceries and hope: coordinating mass food distribution efforts across Northern Florida to hundreds of families in need of immediate relief. Ashoka Young Changemaker Joshua, United States.
Distributing books for remote learning:coordinating book deliveries and a book borrowing program so young children can safely access reading materials at home through her venture’s library. Ashoka Young Changemaker Rere, Indonesia.
Eliminating e-waste:challenging young people to reduce electronic waste at home and be conscious consumers through clever Tik Tok challenges and live educational webinars. Ashoka Young Changemaker Rafa, Indonesia.
Fundraising for families: raising funds for his local foodbank in Washington State to protect families who are unemployed and food insecure. Ashoka Young Changemaker Chirag, United States.
Gaming to fight misinformation: participating in Ashoka Fellow Edgard Gouvea’s initiative to combat misinformation through online gaming for teenagers. Piloting interactive activities about fake news, mental health, food insecurity, and more. Ashoka Young Changemaker Rhenan, Brazil.
Graphic design for mental health: challenging young artists to design digital art that combats cultural taboos and stigmas around mental health and emotional wellbeing. Ashoka Young Changemaker Kaajal, India.
Leading young through sharing stories: hosting weekly conversations with young people about the changemaking journey. Inviting participants to write and share LeadYoung stories so our message can reach new audiences. Ashoka Young Changemakers Garvita and Kaajal, India.
Menstruation with dignity: distribution hundreds of thousands of menstrual and hygiene products to vulnerable girls and women across Bangalore, India. Combating stigma and cultural taboos by involving dozens of young changemakers to lead a nation-wide menstrual movement. Ashoka Young Changemaker Sanjana, India.
Prioritizing personal care: building a digital guide about wellbeing, self-care, and mental health during times of uncertainty. Ashoka Young Changemaker Midria, Brazil.
Protecting rural farmers:hosting an Agriculture Virtual Summit to share knowledge and generate ideas for protecting rural development and agricultural innovation in Bangladesh. Ashoka Young Changemaker Shoaibur, Bangladesh.
Protecting the favelas: combatting food insecurity across Rio de Janeiro’s favelas by mapping families in need and coordinating food deliveries for large families. Partnering with local nonprofits to scale relief efforts. Ashoka Young Changemaker Felipe, Brazil.
Recycling at home: launching a virtual challenge on how to use the 5 Rs (Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) at home. Ashoka Young Changemaker Luan, Brazil.
Redefining gender expectations:leading humanitarian relief efforts for people who identify as transgender, an overlooked community in Bangladesh struggling with food security. Combating stigma around people who identify as non-binary with other youth activists. Ashoka Young Changemaker Tazreen, Bangladesh.
Social media for social good: producing short videos that spark action in other young people across Brazil to address a problem in their community caused by the pandemic. Ashoka Young Changemakers, Brazil.
Spotlighting changemakers: producing a Changemaker Magazine to highlight stories of changemakers across India, both young and old, to encourage positive change in a time of crisis. Ashoka Young Changemaker, Naisargik, India.
Storytelling for change: writing Op-Ed pieces and blog posts and launching a podcast to showcase conversations with changemakers. Sharing stories of hope and change. Ashoka Young Changemaker Manat, United States.
Virtual climate strikes: organizing a three-day Earth Day Live event to build awareness, knowledge, and action around protecting the environment. Ashoka Young Changemaker, Katie, United States.
Virtual conversations for changemaking: hosting digital convenings with other students across his state to spark changemaking actions that combat the effects of the pandemic. Ashoka Young Changemaker Vitor, Brazil.
Youth leadership in local government: providing technology-driven solutions for his city by bridging communication channels across sectors to better coordinate relief efforts. Serving on the Mayor’s emergency response taskforce as the only young member. Producing cloth masks with local female artisans for first responders and essential workers. Ashoka Young Changemaker Wasudev, India.
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