27 Mar 2023
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SDG11 in Focus: ‘Glocalisation’: Catalysing Local Implementation of Global Goals in Asia and the Pacific
Meeting Room A, 1st floor [In Person]
Organisers: United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific (UCLG ASPAC), Urbanice Malaysia, Melbourne Centre for Cities – University of Melbourne, Monash Institute for Sustainable Development (MSDI)
Co-organisers: Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia (Bappenas), Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Australia, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
Cities and intermediary cities are the cornerstone of sustainable development where challenges and opportunities coincide. This side event will showcase the whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach in localising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We will discuss the process of reorienting the global Agenda for localised implementation; strategies to encourage the uptake of Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) and their development uptake; we will review SDG11 in action that interlinked with SDG6, SDG9 and SDG17 - share experiences, successes and learnings using case studies from Malaysia and Indonesia
A Call to Action: Findings and Recommendations from the Midterm Review of the Implementation of the Sendai Framework in the Asia Pacific Region
Meeting Room G, 1st floor [In Person]
Organiser: The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Co-organisers: ESCAP, ICT and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, Asia Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 has reached the midpoint of its implementation and countries across the globe, including in the Asia Pacific region, are assessing their progress in its implementation. The Sendai Framework midterm review will conclude with a High-Level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly to be held in May 2022 in New York and a political declaration on the way forward. An Asia Pacific midterm review report based on national reviews and thematic studies will be launched at this side event. This event will focus on the findings and recommendations of the midterm review and highlight how the implementation of the Sendai Framework relates to the goals under review, particularly SDG 9 and SDG 11. The event will allow for a diverse set of voices across stakeholders to find commonalities and distinct challenges that can be used to help inform our collective actions.
Regional Decisions for Sustainable Development: The Case of the Eurasian Economic Union and other Structures
Meeting Room H, 1st floor [In Person]
Organiser: Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC)
The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), as the regulatory body of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), is presenting a side event “Regional decisions for sustainable development: the case of the EAEU and other structures" which will focus on the importance of the regional dimension for accelerating the achievement of the SDGs, the importance of fostering coherence between local and global levels and engaging in an interactive discussion with the EAEU Member States, representatives of regional and sub-regional organizations, major groups and other stakeholders. It will provide information on the EAEU latest development priorities, activities, and objectives, will present regional perspective on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by identifying regional trends and sharing best practices and lessons learned, as well as cooperation examples between the EAEU and other regional integration associations. The side event will be of interest to the sustainable development specialists, representatives of regional integration associations in the Asia Pacific region, as well as to the experts in the field of regional economic integration and international economic relations.
Recovery for Whom? Challenging Corporate Power in Development
Theatre, Ground Floor [In Person]
Organiser: Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law, and Development (APWLD)
Co-organisers: Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism (AP-RCEM)
The needed acceleration for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda needs to raise the critical questions of recovery for whom and development by whom and for whom? This side-event will unpack the current COVID-19 recovery framework and what acceleration means for the people and the planet. The side-event would also provide an analysis on the current track of the 2030 Agenda and will provide feminist recommendations on the acceleration and achievement of the goals.
Canada-Southeast Asia Policy Dialogue on Clear Energy Innovation and Transition
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada (APF Canada)
Co-organiser: ESCAP, Subregional Office for South-East Asia
Southeast Asia has accelerated the decarbonization path, with most of the countries developing their own road maps to achieve net-zero emissions between 2050 and 2065. However, the region is heavily reliant on coal to generate electricity, with coal share in power generation ranging between 17 per cent and 61 per cent across major Southeast Asian countries and balancing the need for a climate-friendly and stable energy mix in the region is proven quite challenging. To address this conundrum, the region clearly needs some intermediate solutions that are cost-effective and innovative. Considering this, the Canada-Southeast Asia Policy Dialogue on Clean Energy Innovation and Transition will convene experts, business leaders, and policymakers to chart a path forward to clean energy transition and innovation in the region.
Register at: https://forms.office.com/r/RnR7Uxqznv
Building a Sustainable and Resilient Asian Highway Network to Support SDG Implementation in Asia and the Pacific
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: ESCAP, Transport Division, Permanent Mission of China to ESCAP
Road transport is the backbone of the economy of most countries in Asia and the Pacific. The region still faces challenges in maintaining or upgrading its existing road infrastructure. The Asian Highway network, a major instance of Asia-Pacific regional transport cooperation, provides a comprehensive framework for the regional road transport network. In addition, it is increasingly used as a regional mechanism for considering the social and environmental impacts of road transport connectivity, as well as addressing the pandemic and post-pandemic challenges. In this context, the side event will feature roundtable discussions with multi-stakeholders from government, international organizations, academia, and the private sector to discuss national policies, technical assistance, and partnerships for supporting and enhancing infrastructure and operational connectivity along the Asian Highway network in the post-pandemic context. The event aims to share and identify effective solutions, as well as to illustrate examples of effective practices, relating to sustainable and resilient infrastructure development strategies along the Asian Highway network.
Register at: https://forms.office.com/e/zFyQp4XVGK
Achieving Sustainable Development Goals 11&17 through Urban Youth Councils
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: SERAC-Bangladesh
Co-organisers: The YP Foundation
The Urban Youth Councils or Local Youth councils are units of grassroots youths transforming cities and towns to realize SDG11 for a better urban future and creating collaboration between city authorities and youth groups to realize SDG 17. This side event will showcase the best practices of urban youth councils making a huge difference in achieving sustainable development goals, by being a part of the municipalities across the world.
Register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdOr7f-xV3cHx_CpaiWJHYYFcwS3Ige5fB8foOrHMagFUFjBg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Green Jobs for Circularity in High-impact Sectors
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organisers: Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals (GO4SDGs), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Co-organiser: SWITCH Asia, Embassy of Finland in Bangkok, International Labour Organisation (ILO)
Transitioning to a circularity supports achieving the 2030 Agenda. Businesses are increasingly adopting circular business models and creating profit while reducing the need for virgin raw materials. According to ILO, adopting sustainable practices in business operations to limit global warming to 2°C will create some 24 million jobs, offering youth – both men and women – job opportunities that will also contribute to the transition to a green and circular economy. The Asia and the Pacific region is home to more than 600 million youth. The youth in the region can be a solution to ensuring skilled workforce for circular businesses but this requires identifying needed skills and focusing on adequate education. This side virtual APFSD event will focus on identifying solutions to accelerate green jobs and skills needed to scale circular business models. The session will discuss the topic around three high impact sectors: textiles, agri-food, and packaging.
Register at: https://bit.ly/414t8d0
Girls' Activism for Environment Justice: An Inter-generational Dialogue
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: Plan International Asia Pacific
Co-organiser: ASEAN Youth Forum
In this side event, we will place girls and young women in all their diversity from across the region in the front and center of the conversation highlighting the crucial role of gender equality, and diverse girls and young women’s participation in achieving SDGs 6 and 11, among others by inviting them as main resource persons to share their initiatives to contribute to COVID-19 response, to climate justice, and disaster risk and resilience. We shall also provide a platform for intergenerational dialogue with other women leaders and activists including representatives from the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights.
Register at: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_d9amu4U_RlejWa6yZZNPhw
NUA implementation status and a case of Sanitation Champion Mayors
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD)
Co-organisers: Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN)
The side event has two area of discussion – a) New Urban Agenda Implementation in Nepal and b) The rise of sanitation champion mayors in Nepal. First topics will elaborate how action plan submitted in Habitat III has been revised in order to make it compatible to the change in structure in Nepal. This is in short ‘a federalization of the New Urban Agenda’. Ministry will share the method of change in ‘action plan’ and plan for its implementation. For second topics, Municipal Association of Nepal will share how Mayors have played a positive role on improving sanitation conditions in the municipalities. The platform will be opened for discussion followed by reflection from the organizer. The organizer aims to share good practices and case studies with a policy question that how aforesaid actions will further open to national, regional, and international collaborations.
Register at: http://www.moud.gov.np/pages/apfsd
28 Mar 2023
Overview and Comparative Analysis of SDG Implementation in Asia through the Voluntary National Reviews (2016 to 2022) and People’s Scorecard (PSC) (2020-2022)
Meeting Room A, 1st floor [In Person]
Organisers: Asia Development Alliance (ADA), Asia Civil Society Partnership for Sustainable Development/SDGs (APSD)
Co-organisers: Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC) South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE) Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA) Action for Sustainable Development (A4SD) Forus International Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are at the crossroads in 2023, a half-way mark of the 2030 Agenda roadmap (2026-2030). Alarm bells are already ringing in many monitoring reports by both international organizations and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). In only a few countries SDGs are on the right track, while many are too slow, behind schedule, or off-track. 2023 is a time to critically assess the SDGs for the last 7 years (2016-2022), to draw on the lessons learned, and to formulate strategies for the coming 7/8 years (2023-2030). The proposed side-event aims at providing a comprehensive diagnosis of the status, trends and challenges to SDGs through international comparative data and monitoring reports by research institutions and CSOs such as Voluntary National Review (VNR) Report, Sustainable Development Solution Network (SDSN), People’s Scorecard (PSC), etc.
Building Accessible and Inclusive Cities and Communities in Asia and the Pacific
Meeting Room G, 1st floor [In Person]
Organiser: ESCAP Social Development Division; The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
Co-organiser: Ministry of National Development Planning, Indonesia
The lack of physical and digital accessibility in cities and communities often hinders persons with disabilities from living independently and with dignity. There is an urgent need to build accessible and inclusive cities and communities that support more adequate and equitable work-life-play-learn opportunities for all and eliminate intersectional marginalization and discrimination experienced by persons with disabilities. The Jakarta Declaration on the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 2023-2032, provides a strong impetus for realizing accessibility and accelerating inclusive and sustainable development, with persons with disabilities and their representative organizations playing a central role. The side event will bring together policymakers, organizations of persons with disabilities and development partners to share promising practices and innovative solutions concerning the development of accessible and inclusive cities and communities. It will enrich the discussion on SDG 11 on sustainable cities and communities and contribute to SDG 6 on water and sanitation for all and SDG 17 on partnership for sustainable development.
Register at: https://forms.office.com/e/YMDwNn72cp
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through Government and Universities Partnership
Meeting Room H, 1st floor [In Person]
Organiser: Ministry of National Development Planning/Agency for National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), Indonesia
Co-organisers: SDGs Centre, University of Padjajaran, Bandung, Indonesia
In a democratic country like Indonesia, more and more citizens demand and support science- and evidence-based government programmes including those that are part of pro-SDGs reforms. Universities, as institutions known to the public for their scientific authority and academic independence, are strategic partners of the government in this front. This side event will highlight the strategic roles of universities-government partnership in achieving SDGs through some of the best practices in Indonesia. Examples includes policy research collaboration that support directing and prioritising SDGs actions through co-development of tools for SDGs indicator projection and interlinkage analysis; incentivising universities and education sector in making SDGs impacts; and building local capacity through SDGs academy. Experiences shared in this side event could hopefully be lessons learned for other countries in the region and beyond.
Dalit Women and Water & Sanitation – Addressing Multi-layered Intersecting Vulnerabilities
Theatre, Ground Floor [In Person]
Organiser: Asia Dalit Rights Forum (ADRF)
Co-organisers: Global Call To Action Against Poverty (GCAP), Feminist Dalit Organisation (FEDO), Nagorik Uddyog, Human Development Organisation (HDO), Pakistan Dalit Solidarity Network (PDSN)
This side event will look at addressing the concerns of Dalit’s access to water and sanitation with a specific focus on Dalit women and access to safe drinking water and sanitation. This will focus on the target 6.1 - By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all - and 6.2 - By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation -, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations.
Child Friendly Cities to Accelerate Recovery in East-Asia and the Pacific
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: United Nations Children's Fund Regional Office for East Asia and Pacific (UNICEF)
Co-organisers: Petaling Jaya City Council The Government of Surabaya National Development and Reform Commission China Women's Federation of Shenzhen
In Asia and Pacific, children have been disproportionally affected by the current socio-economic crisis, and for the first-time urban children are the largest group of new poor children. Cities are centers of opportunity, and simultaneously, in the so-called “urban paradox” of increasing inequity and exclusion. Since 1996 UNICEF has been working on the Child Friendly Cities Initiative (CFCI) as a successful approach to support ad recognizes cities, towns, or communities in which the voices, needs, priorities and rights of children are integral to public policies and programmes. The CFCI side event will engage policymakers and children in an intergeneration dialogue, hearing the voice of children from urban areas in the region and identifying possible effective policy solutions to be included in cities' annual plans, budgets, and actions.
Register at: bit.ly/APFSD_CFCI
Strategic Partnerships for Policy Impact: Multi-Stakeholder Engagement for Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI Asia)
Co-organisers: Asian Venture Philanthropy Network, UN-Habitat: United Nations Human Settlements Programme and Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact
Effective engagement and strategic partnerships are significant drivers to advance the achievement of the 2030 Agenda objectives. Multi-stakeholder engagement often faces many challenges due to limited resources and being supply-driven. This may result in compromising the inclusivity of actual beneficiaries to be represented in the process. The recent UN report shows that we are off track in achieving the SDGs target. This resulted in an urgent call to action to build coalition and foster partnerships to accelerate effort to achieve the 2030 Agenda. To ensure that no one left behind, a concerted effort multi-stakeholder collaboration nationally, regionally, and global is a prerequisite. Furthermore, we need to break the silos and adopt an integrated approach in ensuring synergies and policy coherence for the SDGs. This session will showcase meaningful multi-stakeholder engagement and how it contributes to the empowerment of local communities and marginalised groups in co-creating knowledge and formulating the policy agenda and actions. The discussion will highlight issues that are crucial for the global targets such as climate change, inclusive finance, sustainable cities, and just transition.
Register at: https://bit.ly/3jZJ7bZ
Leave No Issue Behind
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: Association for the Rights of Children in Southeast Asia (ARCSEA)
Co-organiser: International Alliance of Inhabitants (IAI)
More than a quarter into the 2015-2030 timeline of the 2030 Agenda, issues on street connected children, evictions from settlements, and homelessness still lack thorough and consistent recognition and articulation in the official SDG 11 processes and its overall discourse as well. But this can be readily resolved because these issues have always been part of the conversations among civil society organizations, peoples’ organizations, and community-based organizations as well as several multilateral organizations and other institutions. This side-event will discuss this matter and propose affirmative actions to make sure that to truly leave no one behind, no issue is left behind.
Register at: https://bit.ly/leavenoissuebehind
Cambodian CSOs' Inputs to the CSDGs Implementation on Priority Goals for 2023 Voluntary National Review
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: The NGO Forum on Cambodia
Co-organiser: Co-organizer: Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC)
This side event will explore the added value of Cambodian CSOs in the VNR process and report, including through peer-to-peer support. By underscoring the importance of Cambodian CSOs, the side event will discuss how initiatives can benefit the VNR process and explore the impact they are having on SDG acceleration efforts. The side event will tease out key lessons on Cambodian CSOs in the VNR process that can be extended to broader initiatives to promote SDG leadership and accelerate SDG progress. It will present good practices of integrating Cambodian CSOs in VNR process and report. It will also discuss what practical support the UN system can provide to facilitate and support in integrating Cambodian CSOs in the VNR process.
Register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdOM5RzAZLxmcTrhZQbm0fhuhF7RdK7GLVrzuyAqTuhks3gCA/viewform
Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86908454025?pwd=eWdVdUxJU2ZqcVZVRjF1ajduaHBzZz09
Meeting ID: 869 0845 4025 Passcode: 046940
Integrated Climate Action for Low-Carbon and Resilient Cities in Asia and the Pacific
Meeting Room A, 1st floor [In Person]
Organisers: CityNet and ESCAP with the Urban-ACT project partners through financial support from Germany’s International Climate Initiative
The side event will highlight the Urban-ACT regional partnership as well as discuss the potential of localizing low carbon and climate resilient policies and practices from one city to another to support efforts for cities to reduce their carbon emission drastically with minimum infringement upon their rapid development while addressing increased frequency and intensity of climate impacts, especially for vulnerable urban residents. Participants will be encouraged to communicate their Voluntary Commitments that will then be made public in the Eighth Asia-Pacific Urban Forum (APUF-8) that will be held from 23-25 October 2023 in Suwon, Republic of Korea.
Multi-stakeholder Partnership in Facilitating Inclusive Economies and Protecting Rights of Migrant Workers
Meeting Room G, 1st floor [In Person]
Organisers: International Labour Organization (ILO) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, UN Human Rights (OHCHR) Regional Office for South-East Asia
Co-organisers: European Union (EU) Delegation to Thailand, Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Indonesia Ministry of Manpower (MOM), Thailand Ministry of Labor (MOL)
The side event will Reflect on the human rights basis of economies in the region, with a focus on the underlying structural inequalities underpinning temporary labour migration programmes. Partners responsible for Migrant Worker Resource Centers (MRCs), providing migrant workers and their families with information and services on safe migration, labour rights, counselling, legal aid, referrals will share experiences, highlighting the importance of multi stakeholder partnerships.
Partnership with Indigenous Peoples for Recognition of their Roles and Contributions on Water Resource Governance
Meeting Room H, 1st floor [In Person]
Organiser: Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)
Co-organisers: Indigenous Knowledge and Peoples of Asia (IKPA), Network of Indigenous Women in Asia (NIWA), Asia Indigenous Youths Platform (AIYP), Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Defenders (IPHRD), and the Oxfam Mekong Regional Water Governance Program (MRWGP)
Indigenous Peoples and their communities are the safeguards of the nature, planet, and mother earth. That is why, ILO Convention 169 and UNDRIP 2007 have stated that the first rights over land, forest and water belong to the Indigenous Peoples and their communities. ‘Water is life’ is not just a simple statement for IPs rather it is an origin of Indigenous Knowledge, wisdom, way of life, cultures and rituals, livelihoods, identity and many more. The partnership with Indigenous Peoples’ organizations in water related developments must be ensured with respect and recognition of their rights and contributions to the water resource management and governance.
Facilitating Structural Transformation to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Theatre, Ground Floor [In Person]
Organiser: ESCAP, Sustainable Development and Countries in Special Situations Division
Co-organisers: Sponsored through the China ESCAP Cooperation Program UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
With 5 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) from the Asia-Pacific region scheduled to graduate by 2026, they are off-track to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and multiple shocks have further undermined progress. One of the underlying factors of high rates of poverty and vulnerability to shocks in LDCs is that their economies remain structurally underdeveloped with a large share of the workforce still stuck in low productivity agriculture or informal services and a negligible contribution by dynamic sectors like manufacturing. Against this backdrop, this side event will discuss the experiences of the region’s LDCs in pursuing structural transformation. In addition to providing a regional level assessment of the pace and patterns of structural transformation in Asia-Pacific LDCs, country level insights on the challenges and constraints to structural transformation, formulating and implementing policies that promote structural transformation and regional cooperation will be highlighted.
29 Mar 2023
Fit for Purpose? Forwarding the Localization Agenda to Address the Conflict and Climate Crises in the Asia-Pacific Region
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: Reality of Aid-Asia Pacific
Co-organisers: North-East Affected Area Development Society, Pacific Islands Association of Non-governmental Organisations, Coastal Development Partnership, CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness-Asia
For assistance to be effective, efficient, and impactful, development actors have been calling for the localization of aid and development processes as a crucial initiative in achieving Goal 17 or partnerships for the goals. In Asia-Pacific, the localization agenda is undertaken and promoted by various development actors in different levels and aspects of work. Local civil society organizations have been designing, implementing, and monitoring community-based initiatives in addressing conflict and the climate crisis. The donor community has pursued decentralization of processes and funding to their local partners doing conflict and climate work. The United Nations have pursued the localization of SDGs, through the Voluntary Local Reviews, to promote local ownership of development priorities. The call for localization can only be possible through the strengthening of multi-stakeholder partnerships, as donors, INGOs and multilateral institutions provide the necessary support and spaces to local and community-based organizations in addressing the complex impacts of conflict and climate.
Register at: https://bit.ly/APFSDfitforpurpose
Best Practices Towards Inclusive Sanitation in South-Asia
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Co-organisers: International Training Network, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology; Environment and Public Health Organization; Dasra; United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific; Global Water and Sanitation Centre, Asian Institute of Technology
This session aims to engage partners across the region on the topic of Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) through a panel discussion. The objective of the panel discussion is to provide an opportunity for stakeholders in the ecosystem to share innovations, best practices, learnings, and challenges. The event will pave the way forward for regional collaboration toward inclusive sanitation. This event will also be a starting point to bring sanitation actors together and will be followed by a series of webinars on City Wide Inclusive Sanitation principles and a larger Regional Learning and Sharing Forum on CWIS in the next year. This side event would provide a platform to convene key stakeholders toward creating a regional knowledge sharing hub for inclusive sanitation.
Register at: https://www.cognitoforms.com/ITNBUET/RegistrationForm
Climate finance in Asia-Pacific: From Resilient Infrastructure in Cities to Last-mile Clients
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: CDP
Co-organisers: United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific (UCLG ASPAC)
Asia-Pacific has some of the most climate-vulnerable and diverse geographies. At the same time, the region accounts for more than half of global energy consumption, with 85% obtained from fossil fuels. Access to clean energy and climate action are key to equitable and inclusive sustainable development in the region, especially in cities. Yet this requires considerable finance, and, except for China, Asia-Pacific received only 15 per cent of global climate finance in 2020. CDP and UNCDF will provide new perspectives for financing SDGs 7 and 13 for cities and their inhabitants at the last mile through insights, examples and a roundtable discussion among city, technical assistance, and investor representatives. The side event will showcase experiences from LDCs, such as Bangladesh and Nepal, in utilizing innovative digital financing tools towards clean energy and climate projects and facilitate dialogue on solutions to mobilizing the finance needed for climate actions to be implemented in cities.
Register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LHZj8gxZQteQO4lNQtnNuw
Actions to Harnessing Synergies between the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals: Enhancing City to City Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan
Co-organisers: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Embassy of JAPAN in Thailand
The Asia-Pacific region is falling behind on the SDGs. Harnessing SDGs and climate synergies could accelerate progress on both sustainability and climate agendas. International reports have underlined strong evidence on synergies and trade-offs on climate action and the SDGs in urban areas. Building on the outcome of the Third Global Conference on Strengthening Synergies between the Paris Agreement and the SDGs in Tokyo, July 2022, this event will share the tools, methodologies, and experiences by cities in the region for scaling up the synergistic and collaborative action for implementation of two global agendas while dealing with trade-offs between them.
Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vlrZQiudT0SGV-MBM2yQng
Harnessing Agroecology Through Partnerships to Transform Food Systems
Meeting Room A, 1st floor [In Person]
Organisers: ESCAP, Environment and Development Division, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Centre for Agricultural Research and International Development (CIRAD)
This side event at the Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development will focus attention on multilateral and multi-stakeholder cooperation to accelerate the uptake of agroecology approaches to strengthen the resilience of food systems. Speakers from Government and other stakeholders will share opportunities to strengthen international and national cooperation and partnerships for agroecology transition in the context of food systems transformation, advancing the SDGs through the lens of SDG 17.
Implications of the Energy Transition on Sustainable Critical Minerals Development in the Asia-Pacific: Aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals
Meeting Room G, 1st floor [In Person]
Organiser: ESCAP, Energy Division
Co-organisers: Government of Mongolia, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
The transition to low-carbon economies will lead to a significant increase in demand for critical raw materials (CRMs). Ensuring their sufficient supply is therefore an important factor in enabling sustainable development. The development of CRMs is associated with economic, environmental, social and governance issues that are closely related to the SDGs, including not only SDG 7 but also SDG 9, 11 and 17. The achievement of the sustainable and just energy transition in the extractives industry requires careful consideration potential implications for national mineral resource endowments, trade relationships, and broader socio-economic interests. ESCAP has undertaken a review of the implications of the energy transition on the CRM sector and its relationship to sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region. The findings are captured in the report “Implications of the Energy Transition on Sustainable Critical Minerals Development in the Asia-Pacific: Aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals”. The report examines the relationship between CRM extraction and sustainable development, reviews projections for CRM supply and demand in the region and globally and concludes with a set of recommendations for enabling the sustainable development of CRMs in relation to the overall framework of SDG 7. This event will serve as the launch of this report, and an opportunity to stimulate dialogue on the key economic, environmental, social, and governance factors relevant to the sustainable development of CRMs.
Register at: https://forms.office.com/e/uzaDAx6F4d
Financing and Safeguarding Just Transition in Asia: Trends and Future Pathways for Just and Inclusive Transition to a Zero-carbon Economy
Theatre, Ground Floor [In Person]
Organisers: Fair Finance Asia, Swedwatch, United Nations Environment Programme, UNOHCHR Regional Office for Southeast Asia
Co-organisers: Stockholm Environmental Institute, UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights
Environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive renewable energy projects are critical to reach both SDGs 7 and 9, as well as meeting the Paris Agreement targets. While investment in renewable energy is imperative, expansion of renewable energy technologies must safeguard protection of human rights and the environment to mitigate impacts on communities that are particularly vulnerable to cumulative effects of climate change. Through moderated discussion with experts and stakeholders, the event highlights regional trend, opportunities, and gaps as well as social and environmental challenges involved in renewable energy transition. It also highlights importance of different state and business actors including financial institutions and energy operators in adopting gender sensitivity, and other mechanisms to mitigate environmental damage and human rights violations in renewable energy projects. The event seeks to facilitate a dialogue on future pathways to achieve just and inclusive transition to a zero-carbon economy in the Asia Pacific Region.
Future Generation: Multi-Stakeholder Roles for Strengthening Space Applications and Sustainable Development
Meeting Room H, 1st floor [In Person]
Organisers: Government of Indonesia (National Research and Innovation Agency - BRIN) and ESCAP ICT and Disaster Risk Reduction Division
Co-organisers: Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) of Thailand; Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA); Uzbekistan Space Agency; Arthur C. Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies (ACCIMT) of Sri Lanka; United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA); UN Satellite Centre (UNITAR/UNOSAT); UN University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH); Asian Institute of Technology; Chulalongkorn University; and Hong Kong University
Space applications provide powerful solutions for socio-economic development. In October 2022, Ministers, high-level representatives, and the heads of the space community in Asia-Pacific adopted the Jakarta Ministerial Declaration on Space Applications for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific which intensifies collaboration in space applications for sustainable development and reinforces their commitment to increase the involvement of young people in the space sector. The side event will feature youth-led initiatives to accelerate the achievement Sustainable Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific using innovative space applications for such SDGs as water and sanitation, clean energy, and sustainable cities and communities. It will also showcase partnerships and initiatives that aim to inspire stakeholders, especially the young people, to increase their involvement in space activities for SDGs.
Catalysing Local and National Action on Plastic Pollution to Achieve Regional Priorities and Global Goals in South-East and East Asia
Meeting Room A, 1st floor [In Person]
Organisers: The Government of Republic of Korea, Secretariats of the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) and the Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) [administered by United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP]
Co-organisers: United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
Amid global challenges of transboundary plastic pollution, strengthening regional coordination is key to catalysing action at local and national levels, toward regional priorities and global goals such as the SDGs and an international instrument on plastic pollution. Countries can leverage existing Regional Seas mechanisms and support from development partners such as UNEP and UN-Habitat to build capacity, facilitate peer learning, and collect robust evidence and comparable data to track progress against national, regional, and global frameworks. This event explores demonstrated solutions from city to regional level, showcases good practices to effectively address plastic waste and pollution, and introduces mechanisms for knowledge sharing, harmonized data collection efforts to achieve common goals including SDG 11 and 17. The event fosters partnerships and coordination in the region on the transboundary challenge of plastic pollution and marine litter. The event will share perspectives from cities and communities, national government, academia, businesses, and Regional Seas.
Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Cooperation between Cities, Regions, Business and Governments – Practices Exchange
Meeting Room G, 1st floor [In Person]
Organiser: United Nations Association of Russia
Co-organisers: Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom of Thailand, UN Global Compact Association in Russia
The event will emphasize Russian regions and business commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and reiterate that the 2030 Agenda is a global plan to save our planet, the success of which largely depends on partnerships. The event will be devoted to the cities, regions and business experience and focus on the promising and sustainable Russian practices on SDGs 6,7,9,11, 17 and Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs), which can be expanded and replicated in Asia and the Pacific. The event will feature the regions, which participate in the UN Association of Russia Program «Regions of Russia and the UN SDGs», as well as business leaders, representatives of the diplomatic corps, international and intergovernmental organizations, and civil society.
Implementing the New Urban Agenda and the Urban Dimensions of the Sustainable Development Goals: Towards the Second Session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly
Meeting Room H, 1st floor [In Person]
Organiser: United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
Co-organisers: ESCAP Environment and Development Division
This side event will engage Member States and partners across Asia-Pacific in the regional and global dialogue on the achievement of the urban dimension of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and contribute to and strengthen the engagement of Asia-Pacific countries towards the Second Session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly, to be held in June 2023 under the special theme “A sustainable urban future through inclusive and effective multilateralism: Achieving the SDGs in times of global crises”. Through multi-stakeholder panel discussions and a plenary session, Member States and partners are invited to participate in meaningful dialogue on priorities to implement the New Urban Agenda and 2030 Agenda, providing a strong message from the Asia-Pacific to upcoming global and regional milestone events.
Register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiMCYrVuLLVebzjGfenrd9cVh79qDBSyE-zZdv6WVUz32dkQ/viewform?usp=send_form
Access to Safe and Sufficient Water: A Right of Children and Future Generations
Theatre, Ground Floor [In Person]
Organiser: Save the Children International
Co-organisers: United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Regional Office for South-East Asia, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Youth Empowerment in Climate Action Platform (YECAP), Child Rights Coalition Asia, Government of Nepal, Government of Philippines
Universal and equitable access to clean water is essential in fulfilling the right of children and future generations to survival and to a healthy environment. However, the climate and environment crisis undermine any progress made towards the achievement of SDG 6 as it exacerbates water scarcity and contaminates water sources. Despite contributing the least, children are bearing the brunt of the impacts of the triple planetary crisis on access to safe and clean water. This panel discussion led by young people will mark 100 years of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the 75th year of UDHR and will facilitate conversations on the impact of water scarcity and pollution on children, the role the 'child rights’ play in achieving SDG 6, and the situation of child and youth human rights defenders face in advocating for climate and environmental action especially access to clean and safe water.
Register at: shorturl.at/akqBI
A Resilient Planet for All: Intergenerational Solidarity in Action to Build Back Better
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation
Co-organisers: Tzu Chi International Youth Association (TIYA), UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), Youth Co:Lab Singapore
Civil society has shown great potential in accelerating solutions and efforts in building sustainable and resilient communities, yet different generations may work in silos due to different beliefs and cultures although both populations work towards the common agenda of creating a sustainable world for all. Focusing on the SDGs under review (SDG 6, SDG 7, SDG 9, SDG 11, and SDG 17), this event will showcase the successful community-based initiatives by different generations and stakeholders, from youth to elderly, from NGO to academia, to bring cutting-edge yet efficient solutions and ideas to the policymakers and other stakeholders. The event will also highlight the solidarity and collaboration between different generations in addressing the issues of waste, water, and energy in the region, through various adaptation, prevention, and lifestyle transformation approaches.
Register at: https://bit.ly/tcapfsd10
Voices of Children and Youth in Asia Pacific: Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals through Resilience-building in Early Childhood & Ending Violence against Children
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (Early Childhood Development and Adolescent Teams)
Co-organisers: World Vision South Asia and Pacific, Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC)
This joint UNICEF-World Vision side event aims to showcase diverse voices of children and youth in Asia Pacific as we celebrate their agency and solutions to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This multi-stakeholder dialogue will underscore two key agendas against a backdrop of uncertainties, including climate change, disasters, COVID-19 pandemic: (1) South Asia Initiative on Ending Violence Against Children (SAIEVAC) to protect the rights of vulnerable children so that none is left behind in the attainment of the SDGs 11 and 17; (2) Resilience building in early childhood by supporting the youngest children (from conception to before primary school age) and their families as a fundamental tool for building community resilience to boost achievements across all SDGs.
Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IK7LFNa7TvaUoDcR4in0Lw
30 Mar 2023
Are we Inclusive Enough? A discussion on Disability Inclusive Development
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: World Vision International (WVI)
Co-organiser: Asia Pacific Regional Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (AP-RCEM)
This event will explore the pre-condition, good practices towards inclusion and key recommendations to support partners/countries in creating, developing, and implementing Disability Inclusive Development. This will contribute to the implementation of various frameworks, National and Regional Action Plans, to leave no one behind. This is to raise awareness on pre-conditions to inclusion which serve all and amplify advocacy efforts towards CRPD compliant SDG implementation SDG 9, SDG 11, and SDG 17. Specifically, it will share learnings from Water, Women and Disability study covering 55,000 respondents including women and PWDs in Vanuatu: and learnings from Cambodia’s Humanitarian Relief forum for WASH. This side event aims to share research findings, lessons learned, and innovations developed in these countries including social accountability, social behavior change through PWD lead theater play and humanitarian forum.
Register at: https://worldvision.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oHiM4rcpT5q_CYH5SNb79w
The Pacific Urban Partnership - Localising the Sustainable Development Goals and the Pacific New Urban Agenda toward the 6th Pacific Urban Forum
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: Pacific Urban Partnership
Co-organisers: UN-Habitat, ESCAP, Environment and Development Division, Commonwealth Local Government Forum, ICLEI Oceania, EAROPH, Melbourne Centre for Cities, Monash University, Home in Place
This side event from the Pacific Urban Partnership will present the current state of play in localising the SDGs in Pacific Islands, including an emerging movement on Voluntary Local Review (VLR) reports as part of a climate responsive urban recovery from COVID-19. Featuring speakers from Pacific countries and local authorities, the session will highlight the synergies between the SDGs and climate action at the local level in the Pacific with a view toward the 6th Pacific Urban Forum to be held in the second half of 2023 and the Asia-Pacific Urban Forum convening in Suwon, Republic of Korea this October. Finally, the session will provide an overview of current and pipeline initiatives from Pacific Urban Partnership members.
Register at: https://zoom.us/j/99448027907
Water Scarcity in the Age of the Anthropocene
Theatre, Ground Floor [In Person]
Organiser: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Co-organisers: Australian Water Partnership (AWP)
The most critical issue facing water resources and freshwater ecosystems in the Asia Pacific region today is increasing water scarcity (SDG 6.4). The Asia Pacific region is home to only 36 per cent of the world’s water resources while having 60 per cent of the world population, making its per capita water availability the lowest in the world. While water scarcity has long been pervasive in arid countries such as Pakistan, India, and northern and western China, water scarcity is starting to impact countries that have typically been considered water-plenty in South and Southeast Asia. This session invites government representatives and technical experts to discuss different types and worsening impacts of worsening water scarcity, drivers, and connection to climate change in the age of the Anthropocene.
Workers, Forge The Future: An Info session on Informal and Platform Workers in Asia and the Pacific
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN)
Co-organisers: Ecumenical Institute for Labor and Research Education (EILER) and Kalipunan ng Damayang Mahihirap (KADAMAY)
Platform workers and the informal economy have become inextricable issues especially in developing nations. The supply chain of goods and services, as well as transport and mobility, rely heavily on platform workers that are generally found in the informal sector. Thus, it is important to discuss the role of platform workers in achieving development goals, especially under SDGs 5, 8, 9, 11, and 17. This event aims to gather representatives from the Asia-Pacific to look at how the exploitation of informal workers has shifted for the worse in the pandemic era. It seeks to spotlight cases that deal with privatization, corporate capture, and the intensification of restrictions instead of protections on the informal economy.
Register at: https://tinyurl.com/apinfoplatworkers
Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: Karachi Research Chair (KRC)
Co-organisers: Asia Development Alliance (ADA), Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN), Forus International, Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC), CECODECON, Asia Pacific Regional CSOs Engagement Mechanism (APRCEM)
The Asia Pacific region is at the receiving end of severity of climate crisis, rapid biodiversity loss and ever-increasing pollution, with Asia accounting for one-third of the extreme weather events and climate disasters. The region is off track on the 2030 Agenda, unlikely to be achieved before 2065, while efficient COVID 19 recovery remains a pipedream urgently requiring policy coherence, across national, regional, and global processes. The side event explores country progress on Policy Coherence for Climate Action in Asia and the Pacific, in the light of PCSD report, as well as recommend strategies for inclusive, efficient, and accountable governance at the national levels dovetailed with regional and global call for action.
Register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpceuoqTosGNAd6g_lttg_a8pkMLJDMJlT
Community Networks: Complementary Solutions, Innovations and Partnerships to Bridge the Digital Divide
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organisers: Institute for Social Entrepreneurship in Asia (ISEA), Technological Innovations for Sustainable Development, Association of Progressive Communications, Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism- Social and Community Enterprise Constituency (AP-RCEM)
Co-organisers: Internet Society Global Digital Inclusion Partnership Technological Innovations for Sustainable Development Platform Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism- Social and Community Enterprise Constituency
Connecting the unconnected has always been about enabling connectivity of remote rural areas and bridging urban-rural digital divide. In current times, connectivity has come to have a new meaning that focuses more on meaningful connectivity that unlocks the full potential of internet access. There is an urgent need, not only bridge the digital divide, but also bridge the other social divides of gender, societal class, and caste. Internet access is now sought in rural areas to enhance livelihoods, create jobs, entrepreneurship and contribute to economic growth. As access is still a distant dream, there has been innovative ways by which access is created based on needs of communities, designing of frugal technologies and its usage. Internet is being customized based on the availability of devices, mobile signal and inherent needs of the communities. Immense strides have been made in exploring and implementing alternatives that challenge the expensive, top-down approaches adopted by more mainstream models. One alternative model is community networks. The internet and its benefits are said to be meaningfully accessed when it is pervasive, affordable, of sufficient quality and speed such that individuals are enabled to access information freely, seek their well-being, express themselves, create content while also engaging in development discourses actively. These networks are based on the needs of the people and are used to add relevance and value to the community. Some community networks have focused on enabling women’s economic empowerment, sharing of traditional knowledge through art, craft, music and recipes, community radios that facilitate as a medium of self-expression by women. Community Networks have emerged as an important and innovative tool for making internet connectivity be meaningfully accessed by everyone in the community.
Register at: https://tinyurl.com/APFSD-CommNetSideEvent
APFSD Youth Forum Call to Action 2023: Agenda Setting for Strengthening Partnerships to Accelerate the Recovery from the COVID-19 with Human Rights, Gender Equality and SRHR at the Forefront
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organisers: Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW), STEPS- India
Co-organisers: Government of Bangladesh (TBC)
In line with the APFSD’s theme which focuses on accelerating the recovery from the COVID-19, the side event aims to bring together young people’s ideas, views, solutions, and recommendations from the APFSD Youth Call to Action 2023 (the APFSD-Youth Forum 2023 will be held 18th-20th March 2023 and the Call to Action will be developed by 1500 young people from 37 countries in the region). The side event will specifically interrogate universal access to SRHR information and services, Universal Health Coverage for young people with an intersectional youth, human rights, and justice lens. Systemic and structural issues affecting the realization of youth sustainable development, SRHR information and services will be further interrogated also from the lens of strengthened partnerships.
Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0oc-GoqD8iHtw9S6w_WtlmR_9w5fgtdKeP
Youth-driven Actions for Sustainable Local Development in Southeast Asia
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organisers: Children and Youth Constituency for Sustainable Communities; ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Southeast Asia; United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) in Vietnam
Co-organisers: City Government of Baguio, Philippines; City Government of Bandung, Indonesia; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Office (UNESCO) in Vietnam; World Resources Institute - Indonesia
By 2030, an estimated 60% of the urban population will be under 18. Southeast Asia has some of the world’s fastest-growing urban areas. This rapid growth brings about several intergenerational environmental and socio-economic challenges that must be addressed to ensure sustainable development. Because of their growing demographic, young people have a major role to play in creating transformative solutions to these challenges. With their unconventional thinking and fresh perspectives, young people need to be encouraged and empowered to participate in developing resilient, inclusive, and sustainable communities. “Youth-driven actions for sustainable local development in Southeast Asia”, shall facilitate experience-sharing on youth-led solutions for issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, safety, creativity, and innovation in the development of sustainable communities and cities in Southeast Asia, particularly using examples from Baguio (Philippines), Bandung (Indonesia), and Hanoi (Vietnam).
Register at: https://bit.ly/10thAPFSDside-event_SEA_youth-for-sustainable-cities
Challenging Gender-based Violence in Education and Youth Voices: A Must in Fast Tracking the 2030 Agenda
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE)
Co-organisers: Nirantar Resource Center – India; Civil Society Network for Education Reforms – E-Net Philippines; Association for Educational Development – Kyrgyzstan; All for Education – Mongolia
UNESCO Bangkok (2014) reported that despite governments signing onto international frameworks to protect children from all forms of violence, children remain exposed to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). In Asia-Pacific, gender-based violence is often tolerated and sustained by social institutions, including the school – the very place where children are expected to be safe, protected, and empowered. In 2020 and the years following the pandemic, the extent of gender-based violence to children, youth, and adults – especially to girls and women have increased. Many learners have dropped out of school due to early pregnancy, early marriage, and domestic violence. Women have suffered further due to restrictions in mobility and lack of access to information and community learning centers. To accelerate the progress towards achieving the 2030 Agenda, gender-based violence must be addressed. Gender-based violence is a violation of human rights and a manifestation of the worst kind of gender discrimination. Urbanization has also led to increased poverty, social fragmentation, and gender-based violence due to the pressures in urban areas or cities. ASPBAE believes in the significant role of education to prevent and eliminate gender-based violence. Further in the prevention and strategic programs addressing gender-based violence in education and the overarching issues on gender equality, the youth voices must be heard towards transforming the lived realities, especially of the marginalized sectors. Towards achieving SDG 11, resilient and sustainable cities, it is pivotal to put at the center of the agenda, gender equality and addressing gender-violence in education towards transforming communities and in building peace.
Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUrceispjwrG9LDlYvhhnAyD51BsxmeEMdT
South-South and Triangular Collaboration Programme on Science, Technology and Innovation among Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Thailand, and Viet Nam
Meeting Room A, 1st floor [In Person]
Organiser: ESCAP Trade, Investment, and Innovation
Co-organisers: General Department of Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation, Cambodia Department of Science, Ministry of Education and Sport, Lao People’s Democratic Republic Office of National Higher Education Science Research and Innovation Policy Council, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, Thailand State Agency for Technology Innovation, Ministry of Science and Technology, Viet Nam
The Governments of Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Thailand, and Viet Nam have developed a South-South and triangular collaboration programme on science, technology, and innovation. In this event, the four countries will present their collaboration programme to the public and officially sign the collaboration programme. The session will explore opportunities to collaborate in five critical areas: (1) supporting the scaling up of start-ups and SMEs; (2) developing talent in science, technology, and innovation; (3) supporting technology transfer and adoption; (4) building an innovation platform for closed-loop plastic packaging; and (5) supporting sustainability in the cassava value chain.
Bringing South-South and Triangular Cooperation into action through the Voluntary National Reviews
Theatre, Ground Floor [In Person]
Organiser: United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC)
Co-organisers: ESCAP, Sustainable Development and Countries in Special Situations Division
Integration of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSC & TrC) in the voluntary national review (VNR) process and report can play a key role in bringing much-needed leadership to sustainable development. It can help accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through facilitating the sharing of experiences, best practices, and lessons learned, and mobilizing multi-stakeholder partnerships, also through activities such as ESCAP VNR Twinning Programme. This side event will explore the added value of SSC & TrC in VNRs, including through peer-to-peer support. By underscoring the importance of SSC & TrC, the side event will discuss how twinning initiatives can benefit VNRsand explore the impact they are having on SDG acceleration efforts. The side event will tease out key lessons and good practices of integrating SSC & TrC in VNR process and report. It will also discuss what practical support the UN system can provide to facilitate and support in integrating SSC & TrC and twinning in the VNR process.
Fostering Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing among Asian Countries in the Energy Sector
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: The Global Climate Action Partnership (GCAP) hosted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Blurb: Countries in Asia are facing challenges in the energy sector in the post pandemic era. This, combined with political instability, conflicts etc. has provided further challenges to countries. Despite this, countries are performing well in ensuring electricity for all, increasing the share of renewable energy (RE). This event aims to promote best practices in identified Asian countries to a wider audience in Asia Pacific and foster knowledge sharing and capacity building. Further, it aims to help countries achieve their climate action goals in the energy sector through collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYlc-ugrz8jG9brxFfjqwgA8SAp-wHmWzZU
The Strategic Role of Government Libraries in Providing Evidence to Support the Preparation of Voluntary National Reviews
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
This online panel of researchers and policy leaders from government libraries will comment on the important role of their institutions in collecting scientific data from all sectors of the economy and social and cultural life, which they can then process securely and provide to national authorities of their countries charged with compiling voluntary national reviews (VNRs) on progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals. The panel will take a multistakeholder approach, emphasizing cooperation among the public and private sectors, business, academia, and civil society. The panel will demonstrate how libraries fulfil their mandated role in recognition that they are seen as trusted sources of information in an increasingly complex world.
Register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2j1SBi5ES6O472wK-SZCPw
Building Links: Youth Partnerships for Impactful Action on the Sustainable Development Goals
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organisers: International Forestry Students Association (IFSA), International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA)
Youth are not just the future of the world, but also current stakeholders affected directly and indirectly by policies. Yet they face many barriers to engagement and participation in political spheres and leaderships, especially issues that they deem important such as Climate Change and Universal Health Coverage. Understanding the youth contribution to SDGs needs information on their projects in the sector and how they began, so that new directions and collaborations are encouraged and initiated in the region. This side-event would be a virtual speaker session where we highlight the works of students and youth of Asia Pacific revolving around the SDGs, specifically SDG 17 (partnership) - on how sustainable partnerships between youth organizations can develop into strong coalitions that drive the 2030 agenda and translate into impactful action to achieve the SDGs. The event will talk about the on-ground works of our regional chapters/national member organizations and the different ways these projects were developed. It would also deliver perspectives from youth on how UN bodies and intergovernmental agencies can empower youth through meaningful, sustainable, and inclusive partnerships.
Register at: https://ifmsa.zoom.us/j/81043180071
or https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezfpMi3KPJR7Jf1_Osx2p5WmQ8CHuf-b9TRt5bOS2F-_498Q/viewform
EU SWITCH-ASIA: Sustainable Consumption and Production and its Contribution to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
[Please note this is a VIRTUAL EVENT]
Organiser: EU SWITCH-Asia Programme
The EU SWITCH-Asia Programme was launched in 2007 as part of the European Union’s regional cooperation strategy with governments and stakeholders in Asia for delivering the necessary transformative change through sustainable consumption and production (SCP) to achieve sustainable development. After more than 15 years, the EU continues its commitment to the implementation of SCP in the region contributing to the SDGs through the launch of the third phase of the EU SWITCH-Asia Programme that will support 41 countries in Asia, the Middle East, and the Pacific. The side event will introduce the EU SWITCH-Asia Policy Support Component (PSC) and possible engagements on the programme’s activities in the Region. Expected discussion will be on the importance of SCP and its contribution to achieving the SDGs and climate related agreements, reviving key interest among key government agencies and stakeholder groups, and to bring in new stakeholders for possible collaboration in the region.
Register at: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0pd-qvqT8oHtYyUbXXpsdjPFpjOcWUQNUm
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