better working rights conditions for domestic workers in UAE

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According to the National, the body representing the UAE citizens, the National Federal Council has passed a bill that offers better working conditions for domestic workers,including mandatory weekly day off and limits to the daily working hours

THE SAVE THE CHILDREN 2017 End of Childhood Report

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The End of Childhood Report places the United States 36th worldwide for childhood - well behind other developed nations including Norway, France, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, Japan, Lithuania, and Greece. America ranks right between Bosnia and Russia. The reports look at "examines “childhood enders”– events and factors that rob children of their childhoods".

Mandatory CSR for big companies in Nepal? Maybe not a stupid idea at all

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Yes a mandatory CSR quota can be seen as a tax by many but at the same time, big companies need to do much more than what they do now in terms of active contribution to the society and local communities

Second Edition of the Turkish Airlines ENGAGE Empowering Leauge

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The second edition of this very important wheelchair basketball league is soon starting in Nepal

FROM THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION: Reflection paper on harnessing globalisation

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The reflection paper opens up a vital debate on how the EU can best harness globalisation and respond to its opportunities and challenges

from the ASIA FOUNDATION: Countering Violent Extremism in Asia: The Role of Development Assistance

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Countering violent extremism (CVE) is attracting more attention from donors, governments, and civil society in Asia. Yet funding remains limited because there is little evidence of what works. This report shows how development assistance and CVE intersect in Asia, in a step towards filling this evidence gap. It draws together desk-based research by The Asia Foundation with discussions from a works

The TURKISH AIRLINES EMPOWERING League is coming and it is all about passion, partnership and good coaching

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On the 27th of May, the Turkish Airlines EMPOWERING League will start. Here some good reflections on what makes the League possible: a lot of passion, commitment, good partnerships and collaborations and raising the standards of wheelchair basketball coaching in Nepal

Let the Two Boys Kiss. Please.

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What I felt after reading " Two Boys Kissing"

2017 World Press Freedom Index – tipping point

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The 2017 World Press Freedom Index compiled by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) reflects a world in which attacks on the media have become commonplace and strongmen are on the rise. We have reached the age of post-truth, propaganda, and suppression of freedoms – especially in democracies.


Adaptive Sports Coming to Nepal

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How to build an adaptive sports NGO
