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S4G, the un-mediated, not moderated social platform

Have you ever thought you have something to “express” with a social dimension but never had the opportunity to do it?

Then S4G is what you are looking for:

  • Open, unrestricted and easy to use
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Discuss volunteering to preserve heritage

This Karma - You Decide You Choose

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First video for volunteer to start thinking of the future they want for Nepal!

Real dropout reduction does not come easy…

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There are many different causes that might explain the failure of the Government, civil society and donors’ community to achieve better levels of retention. The bottom line is that there is no short cut towards ensuring quality education. Quality education matters quite a lot together to a stronger social security system and a better school governance oversight.


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I am Neelam Silwal.I will be writing about LGBT EQUALITY.i believe that everyone deserves to marry the person they love.gay marriage doesn't "ruin the sanctity of marriage" but "divorces,separation,adultery do".“With ignorance comes fear- from fear comes bigotry. Education is the key to acceptance.” “The beauty of standing up for your rights is others will see you standing and stand up as well.”

My Sunday, volunteering

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Together with my wife Kalpana, I decided to or (at least I am trying to) dedicate my life to the cause of volunteerism and service. Wait a minute: here I am not claiming to be a CNN Hero, nothing like that. I simply want to work on social sector and I want to do it in a bit different way, not building schools or health centers or promoting children sponsorship ( I have enough of the latter) but rather trying to persuade people to help each others. Sometimes i am so into my work that i forget to volunteer myself. My friend Indira offered me the opportunity to give something back.

Back to Disability

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An inclusive society, more and more I'm getting to know what this might feel like


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Written by the life coach Mr.Preim Amor, this article discusses the confusion most of us go through in our personal and professional lives at large. The effort in this writing is to offer us something beyond general psychological thinking.

It's More than Just a House

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I leave my house of over 9 years in a week. This is about how I feel about it.

Control over corruption through use of ICT

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In our government offices, still most of offices are operating manually. Even they have the computer facility, but they do not think it can be reliable. Most of the countries of the world are using the internet and the computer to save their data and the way of official communication.

Communications-Losing It

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A piece about communications and hearing

Promoting a SAARC Capital of Volunteerism

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If Barcelona can become the Capital of Volunteerism in the EU for 2014, why not a South Asian city can aspire to something similar? Volunteerism can renovate a new sense of unity and common belonging in the region while fostering the foundations for a better and more equal society.

The Act of Killing (Academy Award Nominee)

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Incredible movie about Indonesia and its horrible corrupt government. Totally surreal but fact.


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Travels are mostly made with family, friends and significant others. Solo travelling, however, has it's own advantages too.

Stand UP Nepal and protects the rights of nepali migrant workers. Maybe a new Occupy Baluwatar is what is needed

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I just came back from a short holiday spell in Malaysia and wherever I go I love reading local news. On the last day  I got a couple of free of charge local dailies. I found a really tiny story about Nepali migrants who got arrested because they protested to their employer against the death of one of their compatriot who had suddenly fallen sick. The colleagues had approached the employer asking for medical help but the latter refused.  Once the Nepali worker died unattended, the rage of the colleagues and friends erupted against the boss.

Arvind, AAP and learning for Nepal

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Nowadays there are various discourses that we also want a leader or party like kejriwal and AAP in Nepal. It can be a hypothesis, but it is not impossible if we learn something from their movement.


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What are the elements of good governance??

En route to Nagi Gompa, Nepal | Veneeta Singha

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From an exhilarating day hike to the Nagi  Gompa in the Shivapuri Hills near Kathmandu ...

More at: http://sharing4good.org/article/day-tripping-nagi-gompa-reason-and-exist...

Resetting the debate on GMOs: maybe one day they will be different…Let’s keep our mind open for that

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With no doubts about the benefits and “cool” nature of organic farming with all the global movement supporting it, we should keep our mind open for better GMOs in future. After all, not all pesticides are necessarily a threat to public health. The same could apply one day for GMOs.


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An article about our beloved blog
