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S4G, the un-mediated, not moderated social platform

Have you ever thought you have something to “express” with a social dimension but never had the opportunity to do it?

Then S4G is what you are looking for:

  • Open, unrestricted and easy to use
  • Three mediums to choose from: TEXT, VIDEO, PHOTO
  • A way to express your ideas, reflections and expertise, on social issues and broader development and society at large
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Latest Sharings

Sports Event for Persons with Disabilities

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Description of sports events “3rd National Para-Swimming Tournament- 2014” and “Valley wide Wheelchair Basketball Tournament-2014” organized by Nepal Spinal Cord Injury Sports Association (NSCISA) recently involving more than 60 persons with disabilities.


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Save Gaza!


Hallo Hallo, the Morning after pill is not a candy…

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Morning after pills is quite effective but is not a replacement for condoms. Moreover though there is nothing wrong with sex, a genuine conversation with youth should take place. A conversation about sex, love and much more…

International #Literacy Day: September 8, 2014

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United Nations International Literacy Day 2014 - http://en.unesco.org/themes/literacy-all

"International Literacy Day aims at raising people's awareness of and concern for literacy issues in the world."

The Butterfly Home Project at The City Museum of Kathmandu | Veneeta Singha

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The Butterfly Home Project: A Fundraising Exhibition and Sale of Arts and Crafts by the Children of the Early Childhood Development Centre (ECDC) AT The City Muesum of Kathmandu


Freed kamaiyas: some key issues and considerations

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The article is an attempt to summarize the views and opinions put forth by the lawmakers, government representatives during the recently concluded events aimed to mark the 14th emancipation day of the freed kamaiyas. It revisits the concerns urging the authorities to address their problem. Most importantly, it discuss the significance of the event that paved the avenues to bring them together.


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A six year old girl got gang raped in a school in Bangalore a few days back and eventually died. What had that child done? Worn provocative clothes? Taken drink too much? Went out at night without a male member? What DID she do? She was in school. That was her only crime!

[S4G paper.li newspaper available for subscription!]

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Empowered by Sharing: An online newspaper from S4G - http://tinyurl.com/qfyb5c4

A paper.li newspaper of Sharing4good articles and sharings, updated weekly, is available for subscription! 

Please subscribe directly from the newspaper - http://tinyurl.com/qfyb5c4 - or contact @sharing4good. 

Thank you!


Debating CSR in Nepal: A bit bumpy road but without a way back!

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Slowly a community of practitioners on Corporate Social Responsibility is emerging in Nepal. It is open to all; it is free of charge and ultimately it makes sense. Hopefully after reading this piece, you might be tempted to join.

Feeling Fortunate

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Living in a village

International #TigerDay: July 29, 2014

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International Tiger Day 2014 - http://tigerday.org

"The goal of Tiger Day is to promote the protection and expansion of the wild tigers habitats and to gain support through awareness for tiger conservation."

FIFA World Cup 2014 - some thoughts!

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Anything is debatable, even the existence of GOD, let alone the brilliance of Lionel Messi. We have just witnessed arguably the perfect World Cup final ever; a free-flowing yet compact and competitive match. Everybody gave their 100%; those forward runs, tackles, jumps and even the referees were at their best. As an Argentine football team supporter, I would have been happier to see them win the World Cup but German Football team have been brilliant throughout the tournament and they deserved the top prize.

One year later

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This poignant piece has been written on behalf of a month old baby girl of one of our officers. It would be a pity if it is not shared with as many people as we can. This is the sentiment of a true 'Fauji" family who battle on, soon to be relegated to an obscure corner of naval history. From an anonymous writer.


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Part reality part fiction.

Keeping Things Pasted on Walls

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My new life and keeping basketball cards pasted on the walls of my flat

Spirals of Empowerment in the Gutenberg Galaxy | Veneeta Singha

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The Spiral of Silence Theory was a beacon of enlightenment in an emerging sphere as it shone light on what is now a "blink of the eye" part of modern existence ...

#MandelaDay - July 18, 2014

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In honour of Nelson Mandela and his legacy
