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Find here the final declaration: 28939Draft_HLPF_HLS_Ministerial_Declaration_14_July.pdf (un.org)
Here a story covering the news: 2021 HLPF Ministerial Declaration Adopted by Acclamation | News | SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD
On the nine SDGs reviewed in 2021, the Declaration:
- SDG 1: calls for nationally appropriate social protection systems and notes the need for a multidimensional approach to eradicate poverty.
- SDG 2: reaffirms the right to adequate food; and emphasizes the need to ensure inclusive, resilient and sustainable food systems;
- SDG 3: calls for increased action to achieve universal health coverage and reduce premature mortality from non-communicable disease (NCDs), and assist low-and middle-income countries with NCDs;
- SDG 8: promotes decent work for all, including in the informal economy, and structural economic transformation, including expanding digital and mobile banking services; supports and facilitates access to finance for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to continue operations and help restore jobs and incomes; and supports the prohibition and elimination of child labor.
- SDG 10: calls for gender-responsive national responses to COVID-19; calls for the leadership and full, effective and equal participation of women in decision-making; commits to stepping up efforts to fight against racism and other intolerance; and calls upon Member States to take steps to support the full inclusion of migrants in the COVID-19 response and recovery efforts.
- SDG 12: calls for enhanced efforts to improve global resource efficiency in consumption and production, and decouple economic growth from environmental degradation; and supports developing countries to ensure that people have relevant information and awareness for sustainable consumption and production patterns;
- SDG 13: reaffirms commitment to strengthening the implementation of the Paris Agreement and finalizing outstanding issues of its work programme; urges countries to institute sustainable, inclusive and climate responsive economic recovery policies from the COVID-19 crisis as an important element of a sustainable growth strategy and an immediate investment in climate-resilient, inclusive and just transitions, and urges parties to communicate or update ambitious NDCs.
- SDG 16: commits to intensify concerted global efforts to prevent and combat crime by making criminal justice systems more effective, accountable, transparent, inclusive and responsive, and by facilitating and strengthening international cooperation in criminal matters; and
- SDG 17: commits to promoting public engagement and innovative partnerships through a whole-of-government approach, regional and local mobilization and actions, and meaningful participation and involvement of communities, people, civil society, volunteers, academia, and the private sector; commits to strengthening cooperation to close the digital divide within and among countries; and stresses the urgency of fulfilling ODA commitments.
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