CAP’s Alondra Nelson Condemns Dangerous Repeal of AI Executive Order

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Washington, D.C. – Today, President Donald Trump repealed the executive order on artificial intelligence (AI) that former President Joe Biden issued to ensure that uses of this technology are safe, secure, and trustworthy. Biden’s order also guided federal agencies in managing the risks associated with AI – including its impact on people’s safety and rights – and in setting uses of AI that spur responsible innovation and improve government services. In response, Alondra Nelson, distinguished senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, issued the following statement:

Right out of the gate, President Trump is – again – creating chaos for those developing and deploying the most impactful technologies of our time. The Trump administration must not believe in true American innovation that can build and deploy technologies in a manner that is safe, secure, and trustworthy for us all, with clear rules of the road. Was it too much to ask AI developers for transparency regarding the safety testing of their products? Or for federal agencies to set and uphold standards for mitigating cybersecurity and other risks of AI?

A politically-motivated repeal with no thoughtful replacement is self-defeating for our country and dangerous for our people and the world. The theatrics of a repeal are nothing short of payback to Silicon Valley billionaires. This will leave the American public unprotected from the risks and harms of AI and, therefore, unable to take up the benefits it might bring.


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