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Our work on disability inclusion - Institute of Development Studies (ids.ac.uk)
About the author:
Dr Mary Wickenden is a disability researcher, with a particular interest in inclusive and participatory research and in hearing the voices of adults and children with disabilities and their families, especially those living in the global south or in disadvantaged contexts.
She initially trained as a speech/language therapist in the UK, working with families with children with severe disabilities. She subsequently trained in medical and social anthropology, her PhD focussing on identity and agency for teenagers with severe disabilities and little or no speech.
She has worked extensively on disability related research, intervention and training projects in South Asia, East and Southern Africa. She believes strongly in the importance of inclusive approaches to international development research and service provision and in the recognition of the equal rights of adults and children with disabilities globally. Recent projects have focussed on: disabled people’s experiences of gender based violence, disabled children’s evaluations of inclusive education, participatory impact evaluation of community based rehabilitation programmes and the lives of carers looking after disabled people.
Here the other team members working on Disability at IDS:
- Amy Riley-Powell. Postgraduate Researcher examining how women with disabilities understand and experience violence in Lima, Peru.
- Brigitte Rohwerder. Research Officer working on disability inclusion, humanitarian response, conflict, governance, and social development issues.
- Jackie Shaw. Research Fellow and social psychologist with key expertise in the use of visual and performative methods to drive and mediate participatory action research, community development and social change processes.
- Stephen Thompson. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with research interests in education, nutrition and health, and how people with disabilities in low income contexts can be included in various aspects of everyday life.
- Mary Wickenden. Research Fellow with a particular interest in inclusive and participatory research and in hearing the voices of adults and children with disabilities and their families, especially those living in the global south or in disadvantaged contexts.
- Dilmurad Yusupov. Postgraduate Researcher working on issues of social exclusion and marginalisation of disabled people in Uzbekistan.
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For more information about our research or to discuss our consulting services, please contact Mary Wickenden: m.wickenden@ids.ac.uk
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