Our Benchmarks | Global Child Forum
With knowledge from our benchmark, the corporate sector is better equipped to meet the demands of financial investors, governments, civil society and the society in which they operate. Companies can also assess their performance in relation to peers in different markets and regions. Our long-standing benchmark series enables us to track progress over time – and the data is also relevant for investors and other stakeholders that assess or rank companies.
How are 2 600 of the world’s largest companies responding to children’s rights? Dive into our benchmarks below. Each benchmark is presented in a downloadable report, together with the methodology. Complete lists of assessed companies are available for all benchmarks conducted year 2019 or later.
Want to know if your company have been assessed and would like to receive your scorecard? Or do you represent an investor and would like to access the data? Send an email to benchmark@globalchildforum.org and we’ll get back to you shortly.
Global Child Forum brings together thought leaders and influencers from business, civil society, academia and government in order to spur action for social change around children’s rights. In particular, we focus on the power of business to be a driver of change, and we encourage businesses to take approaches in their operations and their communities that best advance children’s rights.
Our work is underpinned by the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Children’s Rights and Business Principles as well as by our own research and tools.
The Global Child Forum is a Swedish non-profit foundation with headquarters in the heart of Stockholm.
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