Euroleague Basketball supports One Tree Planted - News - Welcome to EUROLEAGUE BASKETBALL
This is the first direct action in Euroleague Basketball's new sustainability plan for the next 10 years (2021-2030),
which will see the competition and its clubs continue to work together as a purpose-driven and socially responsible entity
to expand their capacity to create positive sustainability impact in the communities where they operate.
With the aim of achieving over 6,000 trees planted before June 5, which is World Environment Day, Euroleague Basketball has joined forces with One Tree Planted, a non-profit environmental charity dedicated to making it easier for individuals and businesses to give back to the environment, create a healthier climate, protect biodiversity and help reforestation efforts around the world by planting trees.
Everyone willing to participate in this project to help the reforestation of the Amazon Rainforest can donate at https://euroleague.raisely.com – it works as simply as €1 = 1 tree.
- With the initial donation of 4,000 trees,
- Euroleague Basketball and One Tree Planted will:
- Create approximately 444 direct jobs on reforestation days.
- Help 11 families of small farmers recover
- 11 hectares of degraded areas, 1 hectare per family.
- Contribute to the increase of 11 hectares of habitats for endemic fauna, 11 hectares under protection against erosion, 4,800 trees and tree canopies for bird nests and for the production of nectar for bees.
- Allow an estimated 6.9 tonnes of CO2 to be
- sequestered by the end of the first year, in the second year, sequester 110 tonnes of CO2, in the third year sequester 304 tonnes of CO2, in the fourth year sequester 857 tonnes of CO2, in the fifth year sequester 1,078 tonnes of CO2, in the sixth year sequester 1,382 tonnes of CO2.
- Help reduce wildfires in the Amazon, by reducing the niches or breeding ground for forest fires that make up our reforestation areas.
Euroleague Basketball Chief Business Officer Roser Queralto
said: "We are very proud to officially launch our sustainability strategic plan with this reforestation initiative as it is a tangible sign of our commitment to keep on driving positive change towards our communities. This strategic plan represents an evolution of the social responsibility commitment made by Euroleague Basketball, underlining our efforts to help restore the environment by expanding our sustainability scope."
More projects will follow this first action in the coming years as part of a bigger, integral plan aimed at making Euroleague Basketball an even more socially committed organization.
This will lead our clubs on a joint business sustainability approach by which the impacts will be measured and challenges such as zero-waste operations and sustainable mobility around arenas will be tackled to bring direct improvement to our communities.
The mission of World Environment Day is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide to help restore the planet.
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