As countries and companies step up their commitments to fight the climate and nature crises, it is of paramount importance to use the post-COVID-19 recovery to scale-up finance and investment in nature-based solutions to restore degraded land and tackle the climate and biodiversity crises while creating jobs. The State of Finance for Nature report will present the results of a global analysis which tracks investment flows into nature-based solutions and identifies future investments needed to meet the biodiversity, climate and land restoration targets.
https://www.weforum.org/events/climate-breakthroughs-the-road-to-cop26-2... Nature underpins the global economy, accounting for $44 trillion in global economic value. It could deliver more than a third of the solution to climate challenges. Yet, agriculture and other land-use practices account for 24% of global emissions. There is an urgent need to ramp up financing to redirect the land-use sectors to a net-zero pathway. Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Managing Director, World Economic Forum Geneva Chairman of the Managing Board, Rabobank Group Chief Executive Officer, Green Finance Institute Chief Executive Officer, Suzano Holding SA Conference of the Parties (COP) Champion for Chile, COP25 High Level Climate Champions
Nature-positive Race to Zero
This session will bring key voices from the public and private sectors together to take stock of land-use practices and the needed financial incentives to enable global systems transformation to secure a net-zero, nature-positive future.Public Speakers
Inger Andersen
Dominic Kailash Nath Waughray
Wiebe Draijer
Rhian-Mari Thomas
Walter Schalka
Gonzalo Muñoz
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