ESCAP Disaster Resilience Week (24-27 July 2023): Targeting transformative adaptation for riskier times
The fourth ESCAP Disaster Resilience Week will be held from 24-27 July 2023 at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok. The deliberations of the week will be guided by the Executive Action Plan of Early Warning for All 2023-2027 and the Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan (paragraph 34 that urges Parties to adopt a transformational approach to enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience, and reducing vulnerability to climate change).
The Eighth session of the Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction, 25-27 July, will take place during the ESCAP Disaster Resilience Week. Various expert group meetings and side events will be held during the week and prior to the Committee to enrich its discussions. During the week, a Regional Learning Platform for knowledge exchange and learning on the most pressing resilience issues of the day will be held from 24-27 July.
Asia Pacific Disaster Reports inform a multitude of risk hotspots and identify their changing geographies under global warming of 1.5 and 2 degrees in the Asia Pacific region. Specifically, while there are, of course, existing known hotspots of hazard risk in the region, under the warming scenarios these risks will intensify among the existing hotspots or new areas of risk hotspots are emerging. With an updated knowledge of region’s riskscape, the Regional Learning Platform 2023 will discuss the ways and means of protecting people in riskier times. The Platform will engage the key stakeholders to discuss various pathways within existing regional and sub-regional co-operation mechanisms towards addressing the unmet needs of multi-hazard early warnings in diverse subregions of Asia and the Pacific. The deliberations of the platform will focus on interacting components of an effective early warning system related to risk knowledge, monitoring, dissemination and communication, and preparedness and response, which will also contribute to the substantive discussions of the Committee on Disaster Risk. ESCAP will draw on its partnership network, comprising United Nations organizations; subregional intergovernmental organizations; and knowledge partners involved in the development, implementation and monitoring of the Executive Action Plan at a global level.
The Week will also feature the launch of the Asia-Pacific Disaster Report 2023 as well as a soft launch of the second generation of the ESCAP Risk and Resilience Portal, ESCAP’s online interactive knowledge portal to support disaster and climate risk-informed policymaking.
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