CTRaDe, Coalition for Training Research and Development (CTRaDe) Pvt. Ltd, a multi-sectoral company, offers the best expertise, excellence and scalable services in multi thematic areas It works with multi sectoral agencies to provide technical support on capacity building of different organizations including Academic Institutions, Civil Society Organizations and Local Governments in Nepal. Further, CTRaDe supports on development intervention to engage the private sector to scale up the impact.
Currently CTRaDe offers trainings on Data Management & Analysis Using SPSS.
This training program attempts to address and resolve major practical problems arising in handling raw data and interpreting the results thereof. The entire training program has been created with the following objectives.
- Developing and enhancing skills in data management, processing, application and interpretation through SPSS.
- Keeping balance between theory (lectures) &practical (computer-based)
- Adopting learning by doing approach in a very conducive environment
Duration & Mode of Training
This is a 24 hours training program spread over 8 working days excluding tea break. The training will be started from 2p.m. to 5 p.m. Lecture notes will be provided to trainees. Exercises will be executed by trainees under the guidance of resource persons. Exercises will be based on data files from fields of socio-economic, demographic and diversified issues.
The participants should have at least a Bachelor Degree in any discipline and should be computer-literate and have the knowledge of basic statistics. Should have personal laptop.
Target Group
Academicians (Lecturers & Professors), professionals, Data Management Officials, M&E Officers, Master Degree & Ph. D. Students.
Expected outcomes: Upon completion of the training program, participants are expected to develop skills on
- Able to design pre-coded questionnaire for survey
- Able to create a data file and enter the data into SPSS
- Able to transfer the data from excel file to SPSS
- Able to merge the data
- Management of variables and large mass of data in computer.
- Able to generate one-way and two-way frequency tables and interprets them
- Able to compute summary measures – mean, mode, median, standard deviation, quartile, and percentile – and interpret them
- Able to draw charts and diagrams
Venue: Kathmandu
Date: The training will be conducted from 16 February 2020
Registration Fee: The registration fee for the whole training package is NPR 8000 per participant.The fee includes training materials, tea and certificate.Only 15 participants will be entertained in the training. The participants are requested to reserve seats by 10 February 2020. The participant will be selected on first come first serve (FCFS) basis.
Note: CTRaDe has the right to postponed or cancel the training without giving any reason. In case of cancelation/postponed, CTRaDe will return the fee what the organization received from the participant.
For enquiry to participate
Coalition for Training Research and Development (CTRaDe )
Kathmandu, Nepal
Email :contactctrade@gmail.com
Facebook Page: . https://www.facebook.com/ctradepvtltdnepal
Contact Person :9855064790 (Shukra Raj Paudel), 9851011092,9823053132 (Bikash Thapa)
For Applying Please follow the below link
Application Link https://forms.app/ctrade2020/application-1
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