Investors have access to numerous frameworks and tools to support their measurement and management of portfolio company impacts and risks. However, the market lacks clear and comparable resources on how investors should measure and manage their own contributions to impact (both positive and negative) and to systemic risks, which manifest as systematic risks in investors’ portfolios.
Help us develop resources and tools to address this gap by joining the IC 2.0 huddles in March and participating in the consultation period!
We are pleased to announce the huddle dates and consultation period for discussing Investor Contributions in private markets!
Impact Frontiers and the Predistribution Initiative (PDI) with the support of Omidyar Network, are jointly facilitating the creation of resources to support investors in managing and disclosing their investor contribution to impacts and systematic risks. We are inviting public comment on these resources from February 23 through April 30, 2023 through interactive open-access webinars (“huddles”), an online discussion forum, and feedback forms. We will then incorporate the feedback received and publish the final products as open-access resources to support investors with measuring, managing, and reporting their positive and negative contributions to impact and systematic risk.
We invite your feedback on these materials via whichever medium is most convenient for you. Respondents may also choose to engage through all three options:
- Huddles: Join one of our open-invite Zoom ‘huddles.’ Registration details are below.
- Discussion board: Review and respond to the questions highlighted in our online discussion forum on the topic.
- Email us feedback directly at: info@investorcontribution.org
Register for a date and time for huddles using the links below. We recommend that huddle participants review the consultation materials ahead of time so that we can focus the conversations on feedback and discussion.
To accommodate participants from around the world, we have scheduled 2 time zones for each huddle. We have also curated specific dates and times for various stakeholder groups to help focus the discussion in each session. Please register for the session that best corresponds to your stakeholder group and availability.
Zoom Huddles:
Join one of our open-invite interactive Zoom ‘huddles.’ Register via the links below:
- Open session (all audiences):
- Asset Owners, Asset Allocators, Development Finance Institutions (DFIs):
- March 9 – 8am Shanghai / 11am Sydney / 4pm San Francisco
- March 29 – 8am San Francisco / 11am New York / 1pm São Paulo / 5pm Paris
- March 9 – 8am San Francisco / 11am New York / 1pm São Paulo / 5pm Paris
- March 28 – 7:30am New Delhi / 10am Shanghai / 1pm Sydney / 6pm San Francisco
- March 14 – 8am Shanghai / 11am Sydney / 4pm San Francisco
- March 28 – 8am San Francisco / 11am New York / 1pm São Paulo / 5pm Paris
- Asset managers, Other Financial Intermediaries, Advisors, Lawyers, Consultants:
- Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Academia, Multilateral Organizations, Standard Setters, Policy Makers and Regulators:
If you would like to share feedback ahead of the huddles, please let us know via e-mail (through which you can also submit the consultation forms with your feedback) or the online discussion forum. We would also be happy to arrange a call.
We look forward to engaging with you on these important elements of investor contribution.
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