WOMEN'S FORUM GLOBAL MEETING 2018, Paris, 14-16 Nov, 2018

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Inspired by women’s leadership, the Women’s Forum for the Economy & Society will bring a distinctly female perspective to defining strategies to create the conditions for action.


The 2018 Women’s Forum Global Meeting highlights include:


  • +2000 influential business, institutional and political leaders from EU and beyond, gathering to engage for impact
  • Access to more than 100 Plenary, Roundtable, and Workshop sessions
  • Discovery Connections – Our creativity space, curated in collaboration with our partners that aims to open up networking opportunities, create bonds, catalyze growth and drive progress. Our hubs this year include: Bridging humanity, Daring Women, Social impact, Civic engagement, Power of finance, Future of work, STEM for good, and Entrepreneurship
  • Over 250 prominent speakers from varied industries and countries
  • A Gala Dinner, taking place Thursday 15th November 2018
  • Networking opportunities over breakfasts and lunches
  • High-level Special Delegations represented
  • Strategic and editorial partnerships with the New York Times and LinkedIn
  • Access to the Women’s Forum Global Network of 10,000 active members for a year; from the Women’s Forum past events – Women’s Forum MexicoWomen’s Forum MauritiusWomen’s Forum Rome,  Global Meeting 2017, Women’s Forum Canada, and Women’s Forum Singapore.




For a society to flourish, the connections among its people must be strong. Our societies and economies are a web of relationships among people, organisations, institutions and ecosystems. Recent events and trends have widened many of the divisions between countries, political parties, religions, generations, among institutions and within communities. Healing the fractures that have propagated across society’s many dimensions requires reconciling diverse perspectives and advancing together towards a shared vision.   The Women’s Forum Global Meeting 2018 seeks to be part of that movement by examining global social and economic issues through the lens of bridging humanity. It looks to create the conditions to unlock fresh solutions through women’s leadership – especially for those challenges that disproportionately impact women – and contribute to a more inclusive world for all.   The challenges we face are significant. But inherent in our divisions are the seeds of how to bridge them. Divides represent different groups, points of view, experiences, institutions and leaders. And diverse perspectives are needed to build just and equitable solutions. Organisations and institutions need to re-orient themselves to become bridges and to rebuild trust with people – the employees, consumers and communities that give them purpose. To achieve that, we need frank, inclusive conversations to first acknowledge and characterise the divides that exist among us, before identifying new ideas and building new ways of working together.  
Society has a collective responsibility to recognise women’s perspectives on humanity’s challenges and seek women’s leadership in addressing them. Women have been underrepresented in public and private sector leadership roles, creating a lack of female voices in debates about global challenges. Today’s pressing issues need diverse gendered views that generate fresh opinions and create the conditions for women leaders – and men – to be the bridge to a more inclusive and vibrant society.
The programme is divided into three pathways representing how we can build a bridge to an inclusive world. Each pathway is explored through different session formats such as plenaries, roundtables and workshops.
For enquiries about the programme, please contact Sophie Lambin, Editorial Director for the Women’s Forum, +447710378820, sophie.lambin@womens-forum.com
I. Shifting mindsets
People are at the centre of our theme: bridging humanity. It is people who will ultimately decide whether and how we will bridge divides and maintain the vitality of society. All people need to be given a voice – particularly those, like women, who have been underrepresented. Sharing and amplifying these voices, experiences and perspectives is one step in overcoming divisions and bridging divides, but we need to clarify and systematise the mechanisms that must be built to make these mindset shifts sustainable. This pathway will look at how to deploy education to open minds and build the current and future leadership skills needed to drive inclusive progress.  
II. Reimagining organisations  
From century-old public institutions to first-year start-ups, organisations of all types and sizes face new and interconnected challenges in a rapidly changing world. Are they transforming themselves fast enough to work effectively and at speed in a changing future? Are they taking the right decisions to build their trustworthiness and collaborate in the way that this new world demands? Are they transforming processes, structures and systems radically enough to fulfil their social purpose? This pathway explores how women’s leadership can encourage businesses, government institutions, as well as community-based, legal, spiritual or academic organisations, to keep up with the pace of change, stay fit for purpose and build the bridges we need in a complex world.
III. Putting technology to work
The creators of technologies such as social media networks and artificial intelligence have learnt that they can no longer think of their technologies as ‘neutral’. Technologies are tools that have purpose and meaning built into them. They can reshape the ways we work, interact, and govern ourselves – but not always for the better. With women’s perspectives and experiences in technology at the forefront, this pathway will explore how technologies can shape the futures of work and governance to build inclusive societies, while mitigating technology’s potential to amplify societal and economic divides, not least the gap between technology haves and havenots. It will also illustrate the tools and skill-sets that will empower creators to become the disruptors who will bridge humanity tomorrow.
For enquiries about the programme, please contact Sophie Lambin, Editorial Director for the Women’s Forum, +447710378820, sophie.lambin@womens-forum.com
Session formats: Plenary- 1,000+ people - Main plenary hall Our overarching and framing sessions where we grapple with the driving forces of bridging humanity for inclusive progress. In our plenary sessions we will experiment with a range of formats, from more traditional panels, to debates, to fireside chats.   Roundtable – 100+ people- Breakout rooms More intimate sessions where we drill down into issues, industries, sectors and geographies. Applying the broad thematic of bridging humanity to explore concrete solutions and best practice.   Workshop – 50-80 people – Agoras in the Discovery Where we roll up our sleeves to work together. Workshops are an opportunity for delegates and speakers to apply themselves to bridging gaps in their own communities, workplaces and societies, guided by the expertise of facilitators.   Discovery connections – 20 people – Discovery zone Our creativity space, curated in collaboration with our partners - where we hope to open up networking opportunities, create bonds, catalyse growth and drive progress. It will show participants how they can put principles into action and create change in their personal, professional, community and political lives. Connections happen within Hubs linked to the content of the main programme and enable our partners to bring their own perspective to the Women’s Forum Global Meeting 2018. Our Hubs this year include:
• Bridging humanity Hub • Daring women Hub (for Connections about women who take risks to create change) • Social impact Hub (for Connections with a focus on new organisational models which have a positive impact on society) • Civic engagement Hub (for Connections related to governance and political institutions, including attracting more women into politics) • Power of finance Hub (turning the power of finance to positive impact) • Future of work Hub (for Connections that point to the work styles of the future and people's relationship to their career)  • STEM for good Hub (for Connections that encourage STEM participation and that showcase science and technology having a positive social impact) • Entrepreneurship Hub (for Connections that tackle the entrepreneurship gap for women, explore the skills and structures we need to build to drive change in this area, and highlight the entrepreneurs and organisations leading the way)
For enquiries about the programme, please contact Sophie Lambin, Editorial Director for the Women’s Forum, +447710378820, sophie.lambin@womens-forum.com
Thursday, 15 November
 Phase 1: The divides we face
9:00 – 9:15 Welcome and introductory remarks
9:15 - 10:05 [Bridging humanity plenary] Future state: The rise of global instability and the need for new governance solutions Global instability is on the increase, as marked in mounting risks: from cyber warfare to refugee crises and from social unrest to trade wars. Even as states confront one another on trade, the global financial system remains tightly linked via capital flows, investments and cross-border banking. A modest uptick in the global economy has eased some concerns about market failure, but left untouched risks related to conflict, the environment and technology. How does geopolitical instability impact humanity’s divides? How are current governance solutions failing to address them?  ! How will technology ease some of the instability while also creating new risks or exacerbating divides? How can we mitigate the deepening of divides? ! What kinds of new governance organisations and solutions might be best suited to tackle today’s global instability?  ! How should business respond and adapt to this environment?  
10:05 - 10:55 [Putting technology to work plenary] Putting gender into technology to accelerate a better future Technology, particularly its expected impact on the future of work, tends to elicit strong reactions framed in the language of science fiction novels: utopia or dystopia? On the one hand, sceptics see technology replacing jobs, isolating humans from one another and creating idle and restless future generations. On the other hand, optimists envision a world free from mindless jobs; clean, SMART cities with zero emissions and a truly globally connected world where location, gender and physical ability have little impact on one’s potential. History and logic tell us the reality is likely to be somewhere in the middle, but only if we deploy technology ethically and are mindful of its potential impacts. But how can we ensure truly inclusive and ethical technology if women and minorities are still underrepresented in STEM fields, and in some areas the gender gap is actually widening?  ! What is and is not working to change how education is structured, so that the benefits of new technologies are evenly distributed and participation in their creation is inclusive? ! What governance processes, from the company to the supranational level, can be put in place to monitor the impact of technology on our lives? ! How can automation, AI, and other technologies help leapfrog women’s advancement and equality? How can women’s leadership propel this further?  
For enquiries about the programme, please contact Sophie Lambin, Editorial Director for the Women’s Forum, +447710378820, sophie.lambin@womens-forum.com
10:55 - 11:30 Fireside chat  [Reimagining organisations plenary]  Women leading the charge: Reimagining access to clean energy Energy is essential for our modern societies. It keeps our factories producing, our cars running and our lights bright. Our fossil fuel-intensive energy systems have led to great development leaps but also carbon emissions causing climate change. Access to energy and development has not been universal and over one billion people live without electricity. The world urgently needs to transform its approach to energy sourcing and delivery to avoid potentially catastrophic impacts of climate change. Women, from those at the top negotiating tables to those spearheading grassroots activity, are leading the charge. The Sustainable Development Goals aims for access to affordable and clean energy for all by 2030, but progress is not happening quickly enough to meet the 2030 target or to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change. ! How can we accelerate systems change and ensure the world reaches the target of SDG7?  ! Building on the climate summits in September 2018, how can we further close the gap between policymakers, business, innovators and those on the ground without access to energy to ensure solutions reach everyone? ! What will our energy systems of the future look like? What roles do centralised and decentralised energy play?
11:30 - 11:40 A conversation with: HRH The Grand Duchess of Luxembourg
12:00 - 12:50 [Reimagining organisations roundtable] Understand the issue to solve the issue, ending sexual violence in fragile environments  During conflicts and after natural disasters, sexual violence is especially prevalent. Though largely seen as a women’s issue, sexual violence affects all genders as well as children and adults. To tackle this deeply human problem, society needs to address the systematic and structural nature of sexual violence, and its long-term socio-economic impacts on individuals, families and future generations. With the support of the Women’s Forum a landmark event is being hosted in March 2019 to do just that. Stand, Speak, Rise Up: Ending Sexual Violence in Fragile Environments, an initiative of the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, supported by the Women’s Forum. In advance of the March event this session will launch important discussions around how we can build on the work of survivors, advocates and humanitarians to bring scale to ending sexual violence in fragile environments and how we can focus private and public attention toward prevention and resolution?  ! What are the key issues that perpetuate sexual violence in fragile environments, and how can they be overcome?
For enquiries about the programme, please contact Sophie Lambin, Editorial Director for the Women’s Forum, +447710378820, sophie.lambin@womens-forum.com
! What strategies and tools are working to address sexual violence in fragile environments?  ! How can lessons and best practices be translated worldwide?  
12:00 - 12:50 [Putting technology to work roundtable] Wellness at work: Technology, loneliness and mental health  Some technologies, such as social media or virtual reality have often been accused of worsening users’ feelings of loneliness. Some new innovations such as service economy platforms or self-driving cars enable users to go without seeing other humans. On the flip side, some technologies can also help reduce and overcome social isolation or guide meditation. Recently, technology companies have launched apps and software improvements to help users monitor time online -- albeit through more technology.   ! Who is most at risk suffering mental health consequences from technology? How can we reduce those risks? ! How does technology impact workers, teams and companies? How can we combat isolation at work and at home? ! How could the incorporation of gender considerations into product design deliver more inclusive technology for all?
12:00 - 12:50 [Shifting mindsets roundtable] It’s not adding up: Solving the gender gap in STEM The gender gap in STEM occupations is well-documented: worldwide, women make up less than a third of researchers. Yet puzzles remain. Why do highly educated women leave STEM occupations but not other similarly demanding professions at such a high rate? Why is a country’s gender equality profile inversely correlated with the rate at which its women engage in STEM careers?  ! What divides help explain women’s career choices in STEM, and how can they be bridged? ! Why are more women needed in STEM careers, and how can they help build bridges for more of humanity’s divides?
12:00 - 12:50 [Bridging humanity roundtable] The resource nexus: scarcity today and in the future  Earlier this year, the city of Cape Town warned of Day Zero - the day the drought-hit city would run out of water. Like other aspects of the global economy, water is increasingly part of a multiregional and complex value chain. And it underpins many other resources, like food and forests, which are critical to human well being as well as serve as major sources of employment. Women often carry the main responsibility for meeting the resource needs of their families and communities in the form of water, energy and food. But even though resource scarcity may have
For enquiries about the programme, please contact Sophie Lambin, Editorial Director for the Women’s Forum, +447710378820, sophie.lambin@womens-forum.com
a greater impact on women, they often don’t have the opportunity to influence the distribution of natural resources. In a world where droughts and other extreme climate events are increasing, how can governments and businesses assure water supply to ease security concerns and ensure commercial and residential access?  ! How can the experiences of those in resources-stressed communities, particularly women, inform solutions? ! How do the interdependencies of the food-energy-water nexus call for different forms of collaboration? ! How can women’s leadership be utilised to ensure better policy making on resources and to ensure women’s resource needs are met?
12:00 - 13:00 [Workshop] How women rise Women entrepreneurs in developing countries face common challenges around the world, as well as those unique to their environment, such as skills gaps, digital access, and lack of safe spaces to work. In this workshop, we’ll hear from entrepreneurs, advisors and experts whose perspectives bridge how entrepreneurship plays out at different stages of economic development. They’ll speak about overcoming their challenges, the kind of support and best practices needed from institutions, investors and others, and how lessons from the developing world might help close the gap for women entrepreneurs in the developed world as well. Participants will break into smaller groups for more intimate, personal conversations as well as opportunities to network with other female entrepreneurs and investors. Who should attend: women entrepreneurs from the developed world, philanthropists and other funders, entrepreneurs from developing countries/ emerging markets.
12:00 - 13:00 [Workshop] Workplace tensions and the potential fallout of #MeToo A wave of sexual harassment revelations has led workplaces in the most notoriously genderimbalanced industries to wrestle with their behavioural histories and contemporary cultures. Yet there has also been a backlash. How are workplaces handling this movement and its backlash? How might an end-game play out for the movement to result in more meritocratic, safe and gender-balanced workplaces?  
Phase 2: The solutions we seek
For enquiries about the programme, please contact Sophie Lambin, Editorial Director for the Women’s Forum, +447710378820, sophie.lambin@womens-forum.com
14:00 - 14:50 [Shifting mindsets roundtable] Breaking boundaries: Demolishing stereotypes across genders Modern society often tells girls and women they can be or do anything - but how often is the same true for boys and men? Women’s empowerment will never be complete until the definition of masculinity, too, is expanded, enabling children and adults of all genders to fully express themselves. For a post-#MeToo future, and to enable women to participate fully in work and society, what gender stereotypes still need to be demolished and how, and whose responsibility is it to do so? ! How can organisations be (re)designed to accelerate the demolition of gender stereotypes?  ! How can men and women empower each other to break stereotypes and redefine the concept of gender fit for the future? ! How can legal and other systems adapt to accommodate these changes?
14:00 - 14:50 [Bridging humanity roundtable]  From one, many: Improving access to health through women in health tech   From artificial intelligence to data science, new technologies and innovations promise to improve health research and healthcare. Some of these technologies are poised to transform the health industry, especially in regions where providing access to basic health services remains a major global challenge. With women representing most of the world’s home healthcare workers as well as unpaid caregivers, how do we ensure that today's health and biomedical research take sex and gender into consideration, as well as other forms of diversity?  ! How are women already leading in health innovation and technology, and how can they further be encouraged to contribute to leadership in this arena?  ! How can we ensure that those who face the greatest barriers in accessing health benefit from innovative leaps in health technology? ! How can the health, insurance and financial industries support more women in health innovation? How can public policy further support these efforts?
14:00 - 14:50 [Reimagining organisations roundtable] Civic life in the digital age The perils and the promise of digital technologies are playing out in politics and civic engagement. Digital technologies create opportunities for citizens to access information, connect with their policymakers and amplify their voice. These same technologies raise the stakes for data security and privacy, and pose new threats to civil liberties and fair elections. From the developed to the developing world, how can societies adapt to build civic systems fit for the digital age?  
For enquiries about the programme, please contact Sophie Lambin, Editorial Director for the Women’s Forum, +447710378820, sophie.lambin@womens-forum.com
! What are the connections between the rise of populism and the digital age of politics? And what are the challenges populism poses to women’s leadership in politics and beyond? ! Has eGovernment paid off for citizens? Are digital citizens, and more specifically women, better engaged with governance processes?  ! How are certain populations being left behind or unfairly disadvantaged by these technologies in civic life?
14:00 - 14:50 [Putting technology to work roundtable] Positive disruption: using technology to change consumer habits and facilitate corporate action  Is sustainable fashion a fad, a luxury, or what the sector needs to have a social license to operate? Even the UK Parliament is now auditing fast fashion's impact in the UK, but to what extent do consumers even really care about sustainability? And while brands like Gucci are now beginning to spark conversation about consumption and sustainability, sustainable fashion is yet to go mainstream. Technology has the potential to mitigate the environmental impact of fast fashion through innovative materials and techniques, and to empower consumers, activists, and companies with better information about fashion industry supply chains. The question is how to ensure that the information gained from tech-savvy supply chains actually boosts sustainability. ! Can consumer mindset alone drive this change? What role do private and public sector organisations need to play to ensure safety standards are humane and transparent? ! What are the most effective ways for consumers to influence brands, e.g., social media and purchasing decisions?  ! How can technology help track and report on sustainability impacts in supply chains?  
14:00 - 15:00 [Workshop] Women in media with the New York Times TBC
14:00 - 15:00 [Workshop] Adept but adaptable: Education systems fit for the future What does ‘fit for the future’ mean when it comes to education, especially for girls and women? How are governments, institutions and companies working together to build or shape education systems that furnish current and future generations with the general and specific technical skills they need?
Discovery only period - 14.50-15.50
For enquiries about the programme, please contact Sophie Lambin, Editorial Director for the Women’s Forum, +447710378820, sophie.lambin@womens-forum.com
15:50 - 16:40 [Bridging humanity plenary] Bridging Humanity debate, jointly presented with the New York Times: This house believes that government not business should be primarily responsible for ending sexual harassment in the workplace (TBC) This debate, co-curated by the New York Times, would include statements and responses in an Oxford-style debate – with commentary from a jury of selected leaders. Its goal is not to define a winner, but simply to bring about insights and commentary that might not otherwise emerge from a traditional panel.  
16:40 - 17:20 [Reimagining organisations plenary] Reimagining organisations to bridge the gap between rhetoric and reality  In today’s environment, organisations of all shapes and sizes are grappling with how to be future-fit in the face of major technological, societal and environmental changes.  For businesses, the same tools we’ve used for decades to measure success remain entrenched even as economies move further away from physical assets. Traditional structures and ways of working are holding organisations back as they seek to drive inclusive progress, and work more effectively with government and NGOs. What will it take to unblock this progress? • How can we retrain managers, from business schools to boardrooms, to shift their understanding of the purpose of business in society? • What are the success metrics and incentives that need to be put in place to drive positive organisational change? • How can businesses be organised to be better collaborators – internally as well as with the public sector and NGOs? • What is role of women’s leadership in organisations in spearheading change?
17:20 – 18:10 [Shifting mindsets plenary] Open hearts to close divides Ultimately it is people not institutions who will drive inclusive progress. Mindset shifts are needed across business, civil society, government and media to reorient our economies and societies to a path of inclusive progress. But how can we facilitate such changes in our personal, professional and political lives?  
18:10 – 18:30 Be the bridge Conversations with women who have crossed physical, emotional and cultural divides.  Moderated by Clara Gaymard
For enquiries about the programme, please contact Sophie Lambin, Editorial Director for the Women’s Forum, +447710378820, sophie.lambin@womens-forum.com
Friday, 16 November
9:00 - 9:50 [Bridging humanity plenary] Leading the persistence: Women as a rising force in politics  Women are running in record numbers in this year’s US midterm elections. Women in national parliaments around the globe might still be the minority, but they’re closing the gap. A genderequality campaign is encouraging women’s empowerment and political activity in the run-up to the 2019 EU Parliamentary elections. Despite this momentum, gender equality in political leadership, representation and activity remains badly needed in many countries. How can the energy of this year’s movement for women’s increased political leadership and engagement be maintained and converted into lasting change across the world? •  What can current campaigns learn from past successes in the US, New Zealand, India, Rwanda and other countries? • What systems need to be put in place to maintain a steady pipeline of women’s political leadership?
9:50 - 10:10 Session to come  
10:10 - 11:00 [Bridging humanity plenary] Gaps and growth: Investing to meet the SDGs and unleash sustainable economic progress The good news is there is progress toward meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It just isn’t at the pace needed to meet these Goals by 2030. The impacts of climate change are already being felt disproportionately by those who are least responsible. More than 2 billion people don’t have access to basic sanitation, and almost half of all rural populations don’t use safely managed drinking water systems. From technology to finance, solutions to bridge gaps are abundant but struggle to reach scale. Those closest to the frontlines -- women and rural communities -- are often overlooked when solutions are developed. How can the most impacted gain a voice and be included in solutions? ! What bridges need to be built to meet the SDGs by 2030? Between the developed and developing world? Between the private sector and social enterprises? Between communities and policy makers? ! What is the right role for the private sector in addressing the SDGs? Can and should they move from innovator to provider? ! How can women accelerate progress at the organisational and grassroots level? Are we doing enough given the scale of the issues?
For enquiries about the programme, please contact Sophie Lambin, Editorial Director for the Women’s Forum, +447710378820, sophie.lambin@womens-forum.com
11:00 - 11:50 [Reimagining organisations plenary]  When we’re 64: Designing cities and economies for the future By 2050, more than half the world’s population will live in cities. Some cities will need to accommodate a booming young population; others will contain more over-65s than under-5s. But even as cities grow, digital technologies in mobility, supply chains and workforce planning will shift our reliance on urban centers. With so much change ahead, public and private actors have an opportunity to design cities fit for purpose for the future.   ! How might cities and economies prepare for inclusive growth?  ! How might design and planning for societal and life changes help meet the needs of, and tap opportunities presented by, young and old alike? ! How do current infrastructure funding models need to adapt to enable these urban planning changes?
12:10 - 13:00 [Reimagining organisations roundtable] Women as drivers of stability, peace and security   In the last few years, women have been appointed to the defence and foreign affairs leadership of several large European economies: Spain, Germany, Italy, and France, to name a few. Increased women’s leadership in these roles comes at a time of change for security and defence policies amid the rise of non-state actors, national disasters and shrinking of national armed forces.  ! How are women driving peace, stability and security, and what is the impact of a growing network and critical mass of women in the field?  ! How do women in peacekeeping roles gain access and make an impact where men are less effective?  
12:10 - 13:00 [Shifting mindsets roundtable] Session description to come
12:10 - 13:00 [Bridging humanity roundtable] A sporting chance: Matching potential with impact Sport has tremendous ability to bridge gaps between people from all walks of life; and yet sporting rivalries can be famously divisive, while women and minority athletes are sometimes left behind. This year, for instance, the US Open changed its seeding system for athletes returning from maternity leave, while the WTA as a whole has not; meanwhile, during FIFA 2018, the Swedish national soccer team took a strong public stand against World Cup racism.  
For enquiries about the programme, please contact Sophie Lambin, Editorial Director for the Women’s Forum, +447710378820, sophie.lambin@womens-forum.com
! What is the role of institutions, athletes, governments and sponsors to bridge divides and promote cohesion, on and off the playing field?  ! How can sporting culture become more inclusive? From primary schools to professional leagues, where do opportunities exist to bridge some of societies’ larger divides through sport?
12:10 - 13:00 [Putting technology to work roundtable] Space, the female frontier Between private projects such as Mars One and SpaceX, and public ones such as Rosetta and Curiosity, we have entered a new age of space exploration. Representing combinations of scientists, pilots, adventurers, politicians and more, astronauts are part of a small and elite group, female astronauts represent an even smaller population. As we reach the anniversary of 50 years since humans first landed on the moon, it is worth pausing to think about what the next 50 years will hold for space exploration and the planet as we know it. ! How is the growing involvement of women in all roles, especially technical ones, setting the stage for the future of space exploration and settlement?  ! How are space-related technology and innovation trickling down to other industries and applications, and how can this be accelerated?  
12:10 - 13:10 [Workshop] Design thinking workshop [description to come]
12:10 - 13:10 [Workshop] Governance for the next generation   Global decision makers rarely reflect the populations they serve, especially young women. In the pursuit to build a pipeline from community leadership to political leadership, the non-government G(irls)20 organisation helps young women share their unique insights on public policy and social programmes with leaders. In this workshop, led by G(irls)20, we will discuss the various methods used to engage young women, building their confidence, knowledge and clear pathways to be global advocates for good governance. We'll hear from G(irls)20 programme participants on what they've learned and achieved so far, and what lessons they might share with peers and members of other generations.  
NETWORKING LUNCH Phase 3: The actions we take
For enquiries about the programme, please contact Sophie Lambin, Editorial Director for the Women’s Forum, +447710378820, sophie.lambin@womens-forum.com
14:00 - 14:50 [Shifting mindsets roundtable] Safe harbour: Women’s leadership in and beyond refugee communities Refugee women are particularly vulnerable to gender-based violence. Mothers who seek aid in overcrowded and poorly run refugee camps too often fall prey to rape and abuse while attempting to protect and provide for their children. As the global refugee crisis has deepened, funding shortfalls have worsened women’s access to safe shelters with lockable doors, adequate lighting, and gender-specific bathrooms. Deeply rooted gender inequality leaves many victims of sexual and gender-based violence without the basic knowledge of human rights needed to reclaim ownership of their bodies and rebuild their lives. ! What kinds of gender-responsive solutions are empowering girls and women to become integral, valued members of communities? ! How has women’s leadership within and beyond refugee communities smoothed the transition? ! How can educating and empowering men about gender and human rights further humanitarian efforts aimed at empowering at-risk women?
14:00 - 14:50 [Putting technology to work roundtable] Total inclusion: AI, bias and human rights  As AI technologies become more sophisticated and more embedded in daily life, from facial recognition and hiring algorithms to predictive policing, the timeline for ensuring these technologies are inclusive is shortening. On the flip side, AI can also be used as a force for good to guard against bias and bolster human rights.  ! How can companies and other makers of algorithms ensure AI is inclusive, and what kinds of standards and safeguards are needed?  ! What societal structures and norms should be in place to guarantee AI is designed and deployed inclusively?
14:00 - 14:50 [Reimagining organisations roundtable] Increasing margins for the 50%: Gender and financial security From financial inclusion to insurance to retirement savings, women around the world face a financial-security gap. They’re less likely to have access to bank accounts, their own health or other insurance coverage, and live longer and earn less than men, putting pressure on retirement savings. Meanwhile, the world’s largest pension systems currently are expected to have a joint shortfall of $224 trillion by 2050. How should governments, employers and citizens address this gap in women’s financial security?  ! What are the cultural and systemic barriers to women’s financial inclusion, and how can they be overcome?  
For enquiries about the programme, please contact Sophie Lambin, Editorial Director for the Women’s Forum, +447710378820, sophie.lambin@womens-forum.com
! What are some of the ways society is impacted by more financially literate and secure women? For instance, how does it affect household income to investment trends to GDP? ! How will digital technologies help leapfrog women’s access to financial tools?
14:00 - 14:50 [Bridging humanity roundtable] Money makes the world go around: Gender-lens investing for social impact Gender-lens investing, applying gender-based investment criteria to improve returns or impact gender outcomes, is recently gaining momentum as a means of deploying capital toward global gender issues. But like other forms of impact investing, it faces hurdles to measure impact and outcomes and to generate financial returns at least equivalent to traditional investments. ! How can gender-lens investing help create impact on gender equality issues beyond more traditional responsible investing?  ! How can gender-lens investing be used beyond the financial services industry and within organisational budgeting, policy decisions, etc?
14:00 - 15:00 [Workshop] Civic engagement among youth: developing the literary craft We often ask: What’s the future we want to leave for our next generation? But we rarely ask young people about their vision of the future. Or rather, the coolest possible future of their imagination. Social enterprise WritefullyOurs has designed creative writing workshops to bring out the voice of youth on critical issues facing humanity. Through thought-provoking writing prompts, including many that directly emerge from various sessions of the Global Meeting, supportive encouragement and an (optional) open mic, youth delegates will get a platform to narrate their own stories. This workshop will build the bridge between generations, tap into youthful creativity, and surface fresh perspectives.
14:00 – 15:00 [Workshop] Innovation’s Eleven: An elevator pitch session Women innovators, investors, engineers and scientists talk about the innovations that will change the world and drive inclusion and progress.  
Discovery only period - 15:00 – 16:00
16:00 – 16:50 [Shifting mindsets plenary] Content is queen: How entertainment and media are shifting mindsets
For enquiries about the programme, please contact Sophie Lambin, Editorial Director for the Women’s Forum, +447710378820, sophie.lambin@womens-forum.com
Films made by and for women are scoring big at the box office, and advertising with progressive gender representation does better among consumers, especially when women make most of the purchasing decisions. So why aren’t more studios, agencies and companies doing it? What would lead to a real increase in diversity and inclusion in the entertainment and media industry? To what extent can the entertainment and media industry disseminate important social messages, shift the way girls and women are represented, or change mindsets about social and cultural norms - and should it be? ! What are the barriers to change in the media industry and how can they be overcome? ! What current or emerging solutions to changing representation of women and diversity in media exist, and how can they be scaled? ! What is the right role of policy and the public sector in creating change in the industry?
16:50 - 17:20 [Reimagining organisations plenary] CEO Champions plenary
17:20 - 18:10 [Bridging humanity plenary] Getting down to business: harnessing the capacity of the private sector to drive inclusive progress Businesses are playing an ever larger role in civic life. From social media replacing many forms of traditional media to corporate advocacy on global issues like climate change, human rights and migration, businesses are assuming roles traditionally championed by policymakers, the media, NGOs. Some view this as a natural extension of their roles in people’s lives as governments and multinational institutions lose trust and efficacy. Indeed, coalitions like the G20 and G7 actively seek the input of corporate actors.  But there’s a risk of businesses wielding too much power and influence without accountability to voters and constituents. Ultimately bridges not built collaboratively will collapse.  • What role does business have as a foundational bridge to global governance, in fulfilling, highlighting, or collaborating on aspects of local, national and global policy? What stakeholders are they ultimately accountable to?   ! How can business and the public sector recalibrate the systems of collaboration and partnership toward better outcomes?   ! What roles do women’s leadership and gender equality and play in helping business accomplish these goals?   
 18:10 – 18:30 Closing remarks

Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good

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