We, THE PARTICIPANTS IN THE SECOND EURASIAN WOMEN’S FORUM, held in St. Petersburg on the seventieth anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN General Assembly and the twenty-fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action at the Second World Conference on Human Rights;
Reaffirming the importance of the implementation of provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women by states, as well as the significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, and other international legal instruments in this regard;
Firmly determined to continue efforts to achieve equality between men and women as an integral part of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the interests of all mankind;
Calling for the creation of enabling environment for the full and equal participation of women in political, economic, social and cultural life, including through the adoption of appropriate national strategies for women;
Conscious of the fragility and vulnerability of the modern world due to political, economic and social instability, the growing threat of international terrorism, the effects of local and regional conflicts, global climate change, environmental pollution, epidemics and technological threats;
Alarmed by the growing number of acts of violence and terrorism triggered by the spread of the ideology of Nazism, neo-Nazism, racism, xenophobia and related intolerance, which affect women in various ways;
Convinced of the important role of women in the prevention and spread of armed conflicts and humanitarian emergencies, in finding effective and appropriate responses to contemporary challenges and threats;
Recognizing the unique contribution of women to the development of interreligious and interethnic dialogue and the establishment of a culture of peace as an essential prerequisite for preventing armed conflicts and establishing international cooperation for peace and development;
Confident of the need for women to more actively participate in public administration and elections at all levels, in public and political life, and to eliminate legal, administrative, cultural and economic obstacles in this regard;
Gladly acknowledging the doubling numbers in the representation of women in parliaments, welcoming the fact that today every fifth parliamentarian on the planet is a woman, while noting the desire to achieve parity between men and women parliamentarians by 2030;
Understanding the importance of ensuring equal opportunities for men and women to participate in promoting sustainable development, reducing poverty, and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030;
Emphasizing the importance of the widespread use of information technologies among women and supporting the work of the Eurasian Women’s Community permanent information and communications Internet portal;
Recognizing that the more effective use of the potential of women’s involvement in the economy contributes to its increased competitiveness, creation of additional opportunities for entrepreneurship, development of international business cooperation and social progress;
Reaffirming the importance of ensuring enabling environment for women to balance family responsibilities with work and the special role of women in bringing up children, protecting family values, and preserving a positive moral and ethical atmosphere in society;
Reaffirming the need for women to cooperate in strengthening public health, including in creating a healthy and safe environment, boosting motivation to live a healthy life, motivating employers to take care of workers’ health, and encouraging women to actively participate in administrative decision-making on healthcare matters;
Calling for the utmost support of the charity and voluntary activities of women related to the promotion of sports and a healthy lifestyle, creation of favourable and enabling environment for women of all ages, and the development of active longevity programmes;
DECLARE that the Eurasian Women’s Forum has proved to be an effective and high representation platform for international dialogue, which makes a significant contribution to the consolidation of the global women’s community for the sake of building a stable and secure future;
NOTE the important role of women in the humanization of international relations and creation of space for free dialogue of nations that aim to ensure the harmonious development of mankind;
FIRMLY DETERMINED to provide women with equal and full access to economic resources, including land, credit, science and technology, professional training, information, communications and markets as a means of further improving the status of women, including by expanding their opportunities to enjoy benefits associated with equal access to such resources, in particular through international cooperation;
WELCOME the efforts to implement projects and initiatives for the further involvement of women in economic and social activities, including, inter alia, the development of the new global social compact; support the active role of the women’s community in the implementation of initiatives within such global and regional integration associations as the SCO, BRICS, APEC, the G20 as well as within the framework of the W20;
SUPPORT the greater involvement of women in diplomatic work around the world, an increase in the number of qualified, competent and responsible women leaders in global governance institutions; welcome the signing of the Declaration of Intent to Establish the Eurasian Association of Female Regional Leaders as part of the Second Eurasian Women’s Forum;
ONCE AGAIN CONDEMN AND STRONGLY OPPOSE the imposition of sanctions against parliamentarians as inconsistent with international law and democratic values and undermining political cooperation and mutual trust;
on the support for the economic and business activities of women and the development of women’s entrepreneurship, including, inter alia, in social sphere, and an international women’s business dialogue as a driver for export and import development;
on ensuring equal opportunities for men and women in the context of the development of high-tech industries, green economy, smart farming, digital economy, and the dissemination of best practices for the promotion of digital skills for women;
on the implementation of international projects to support women’s leadership in cultural organizations as one of the important areas of international cooperation and promoting the full realization of the potential of women’s entrepreneurship in the field of culture;
on the creation of an effective strategy for the development of charity and building international cooperation in the social sector, including on the basis of new technologies;
on facilitating the development and putting in place a mentoring institution for women that provides means for the exchange of knowledge and skills in the socioeconomic sphere;
on strengthening the role of women in preserving traditional family values, attitudes and moral and ethical atmosphere in society as well as the cooperation of international women’s community in this regard;
on improving the quality of medical care as well as infrastructure, roads and transport services for women living in rural and remote areas and supporting cultural and educational initiatives addressing these women;
on the development of activities that aim to increase the scope and accessibility of medical and social care for older people as well as the development of a system to prevent premature aging;
on ensuring equal opportunities in employment and reducing the pay gap between men and women in professional activities, providing enabling environment for women to balance family responsibilities with work, through the provision of social benefits for women and supporting their competitiveness on the labour market;
on the intention to establish the Eurasian Association of Female Regional Leaders, which shall include women heads of regional and local governance, parliamentarians, representatives of executive authorities and non-profit organizations, leaders of charity projects, and leaders of international women’s movements;
on the intention to run a global marathon of women’s success stories on the Eurasian Women’s Community permanent information and communication Internet portal;
on the elimination of all forms of violence against women and children as well as providing aid to countries in armed conflicts and natural disasters, where women and children are the most vulnerable and unprotected;
on joint actions of state and civilian institutions on countering terrorist organizations, international drug mafia, and organized crime;
on supporting women’s efforts to adapt to climate change and mitigate its consequences by enhancing the participation of children and youth participation in environmental, social and educational projects, including, inter alia, “Ecolyata” (“Young environmentalists”);
CALL UPON states and international organizations as well as international community:
to eliminate unjustified obstacles in women’s career in public administration, diplomatic service and business;
to develop and promote special programmes to increase the economic activity of women and their digital and financial awareness and consider these issues as a matter of priority in the agendas of international organizations and associations;
to focus on legislative support for women’s economic and social empowerment, improvement of the system of family, maternity and childhood protection and provision of high-quality medical and social assistance;
to utilize a comprehensive approach and breakthrough technologies in the creation of programmes for active healthy longevity;
to improve women’s access to high-quality jobs by providing equal pay for work of equal value and accessible childcare services as well as to prevent violence and harassment in the workplace;
to use the best practices to ensure women’s access to education;
to help to overcome inequality between men and women in science and attract public attention to women’s achievements in the fields of science and charity ;
to promote meaningful participation of women in science and to advance the moto “The world needs science and science needs women”;
to enable access to justice for women in conflict and post-conflict situations, investigate, prosecute and punish perpetrators of violence as well as provide reparation to victims, where appropriate;
to utilize women’s potential to combat the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism, and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance, as enshrined in Resolution 72/156 adopted by the UN General Assembly on 19 December 2017, and to this end to support the initiative to recognize the victory over Nazism in World War II as a world heritage of mankind, which is aimed at preserving memorials and monuments to those who fought against Nazism in all countries as a World Memorial of World War II;
to promote women’s greater role in developing interreligious and interethnic dialogue, including by supporting the initiative of the Inter-Parliamentary Union as contained in Resolution 72/278 adopted by the UN General Assembly on 22 May 2018 to organize and hold a world Conference on interfaith and inter-ethnic Dialogue with the support of the United Nations and with the participation of Heads of State, Governments, Parliaments and representatives of world religions;
to hold the next Eurasian Women’s Forum in 2021 and, given its importance as a major credible platform aimed at enhancing the role of women in the modern world, to entitle it “International Women’s Congress”;
CALL UPON Heads of States and Governments, Heads of parliaments, Heads of international organizations, political and public figures, representatives of business, science and culture, media and non-governmental organizations to make every effort to disseminate and implement the provisions of this Document.
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