Adopting resolution 2434 (2018) the Security Council extended, until 15 September 2019, UNSMIL’s mandate as an integrated special political mission to support an inclusive political process, taking into account economic development and improvements in national security, within the framework of the Libyan Political Agreement and the UN Action Plan for the country.
The 15-member Council also decided that UNSMIL should undertake a range of other tasks, including supporting key national institutions, monitoring and reporting on human rights, coordinating international assistance and providing advice and assistance to the Government of National Accord (GNA) in its efforts to stabilize post‑conflict zones - including those liberated from Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh).
Adopting a separate resolution 2435 (2018), the Security Council also extended by a year, the mandate of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia.
In the resolution, the Council reaffirmed its “full commitment” to the peace process in Colombia and expressed its willingness to work with the Government to further extend the mandate of the Verification Mission, with the assent of all the parties involved.
The UN Verification Mission was established in July last year, to verify the reintegration of former FARC-EP rebels into civilian life, as well as the security guarantees for former rebels, their families and wider community.
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