In his speech on February 24th, Russian President Vladimir Putin justified his war in Ukraine by citing the West’s attempt to undermine Russia’s “traditional values”. This justification places a central role on the devaluation of women and LGBTQI individuals as a means of supporting authoritarian policies domestically and aggressive wars abroad.
The marginalisation of women and LGBTQI communities is a hallmark of authoritarian regimes not only in Russia, but also in countries such as Belarus, Iran, and Afghanistan. Even in semi-consolidated democracies like Hungary and Poland, the attack on women’s and LGBTQI rights is a disturbing trend in the decline of democracy. According to scholarly research, the greater gender inequalities within a state, the greater the likelihood that such a state will experience internal and interstate conflict, fragility, or terrorism.
Given recent elections in Sweden and Italy, it’s crucial that we find new ways to support feminist movements and engage with anti-feminist autocratic regimes. This is particularly important for governments that have committed to a Feminist Foreign Policy or the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda.
We’re a research, advocacy, and consulting organisation dedicated to promoting Feminist Foreign Policy across the globe.
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