In 2022, the Global RCE Service Centre at the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), in partnership with UNESCO, held the RCE Youth Biodiversity Art Challenge.
The Challenge put a spotlight on the species, habitats, and ecosystems that we need to work to protect, and asked participants to create works of art with a focus on SDG 14 (Life Below Water) or SDG 15 (Life on Land). Submissions were received across two categories (Animals & Plants and Habitats & Ecosystems), with 39 entries coming from 15 countries, from participants aged under 15 through to 35 years of age. Artworks were expressed through a range of mediums, including drawings, paintings, craft work, digital art, and photographs. Below are the awardees - congratulations to all!
The worldwide challenge was open to anyone aged 35 or younger, with submissions received across two categories (Animals & Plants and Habitats & Ecosystems). There were entries from 15 countries in a range of mediums, including drawings, paintings, craft work, digital art, and photographs. The entries were evaluated by UNU-IAS and UNESCO based on creativity, originality, and relevance.
RCE Youth Biodiversity Art Challenge Awardees
Animals & Plants Category
Outstanding Artwork
- Elmi Imellya Yakil (RCE Penang)
Acknowledged Artwork
- Karina Sayo Uotani
Honourable Mention
- Aiden Chew
- Ian Chew
- Chihiro Arakawa
- Siti Nursaharah Binti Sabarudin (RCE Penang)
Habitats & Ecosystems Category
Outstanding Artwork
- Maxine Bryant Fratta
Acknowledged Artwork
- Bukunmi Oyewole
- Emily Dolan
Honourable Mention
- Gungun Chauhan (RCE Lucknow)
- Asif Ahmad Siddiqui (RCE Lucknow)
- Chidchanoke Kasetpibal
In 2022, the Global RCE Service Centre at the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), in partnership with UNESCO, held the RCE Youth Biodiversity Art Challenge.
The Challenge put a spotlight on the species, habitats, and ecosystems that we need to work to protect, and asked participants to create works of art with a focus on SDG 14 (Life Below Water) or SDG 15 (Life on Land). Submissions were received across two categories (Animals & Plants and Habitats & Ecosystems), with 39 entries coming from 15 countries, from participants aged under 15 through to 35 years of age. Artworks were expressed through a range of mediums, including drawings, paintings, craft work, digital art, and photographs. Below are the awardees - congratulations to all!
Click on the 'Animals & Plants category' and 'Habitats & Ecosystems category' buttons below to see the winners within each category.
Click on each artwork below to see it displayed in full.
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