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The Meeting is set to contribute to the wide national, European and international ongoing dynamics of strengthening the policies and actions which use sports as a leverage for social inclusion in disadvantaged contexts, sectors and territories.
This within the framework of the revised UNESCO Charter on Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sports adopted on 2013 at MINEPS V in Berlin and of its implementation process favored at international level by the Kazan Action Plan adopted at MINEPS VI.
The Meeting represents a follow-up passage immediately connected to MINEPS VI and will be very much focused on operational know-how exchange and info-sharing for action plans, with special reference to Theme II Maximizing the contributions of sport to sustainable development and peace.
At Italian national level it represents a momentum to foster and strengthen the emerging private-public cooperation mechanisms in this field through a dedicated National Forum.
B. Issues
Indicatively the following two main issues will be addressed by the Meeting:
• Impact Evaluation, Evolution of SROI methods, Impact Measurement of policies and intevention programs;
• Policy designing and implememtation through Private Public approaches and methods.
This will take place with a specific attention to:
• Social sciences theoretical epistemological backgrounds;
• Emerging, good and best practices;
• Disadvantaged urban areas and territories;
• Business opportunities and technological innovation as societal tools.
The Meeting also referes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a general reference framework.
The Meeting will pursue the scopes of the Main Policy Area II of the Kazan Action Plan (Maximizing the Contributions of Sport to Sustainable Development and Peace), with special reference to the following specic policy areas:
• II.2 Make cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
• II.4 Build peaceful, inclusive and equitable societies
• II.5 Provide economic growth and full and productive employment and work for all
• II.1 Improve health and well-being of all, at all ages.
To this last regard the Milan Municipality is very proactive at international level given the cultural and policy making legacy of Expo 2015. Additionally, within the main policy area I, the Meeting will addres the following issues:
• I.4 Promote research-based evidence and strengthen higher education
• I.6 Foster empowerment and inclusive participation.
A special attention will be dedicated to Action 2 (Develop common indicators for measuring the contribution of physical education, physical activity and sport to prioritized SDGs and targets) of the Kazan Action Plan, in the perspective of aiming at generating a significant support to the development of indicators for measuring the contribution of PA, PE and sport to key SDGs.
A strong connection between policies to promote Rule of Law and policies to foster development through social inclusion is a qualifying factor of the Meeting. Specific reference is made to the UN Resolution on Sport and Corruption adopted by consensus at COSP7 In Vienna last November and sponsored by Italy.
C. Invitees and Participants
• Leading scholars and experts;
• Leading operators, with representatives of the main active NGOs;
• Representatives of National Governments;
• National and International private actors and stakeholders of the sport sector;
• Main International Organizations;
• Athletes and Testimonials.
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