EU Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth underway

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The Social Summit will gather EU heads of state or government, the social partners and other key stakeholders for an open discussion on how to promote fair jobs and growth.

The Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth will focus on how to make the most of new opportunities and tackle common challenges for the labour markets and welfare models of today and tomorrow. By building on each country’s perspective and experience, discussions will contribute to shaping a better future for Europeans.

As part of the broader debate on the future of Europe, the Social Summit will provide a unique and timely opportunity for key stakeholders to discuss the social dimension of the EU and its Member States.

While there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach across Europe, there are common challenges and a shared need to act.

An interactive summit

The Social Summit will encourage the dynamic exchange of views, building on an interactive format, combining plenary sessions with discussions in smaller groups. Some parts of the meeting will be webcast, allowing people all over Europe to follow the discussions.

In addition to heads of state or government, more than 30 different organisations and actors have been invited to participate in the Summit. The invitation has just gone out to the other 27 EU heads of state and government, European Council President Donald Tusk, European Parliament President Antonio Tajani and other participants.

The Swedish social partners – the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, the Swedish Agency for Government Employers, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, the Swedish Trade Union Federation, the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations, the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees and the Swedish Federation of Business Owners – have been invited to attend. European social partners have also been invited, as good cooperation between employee organisations and employer organisations is key to improving the labour market and its conditions.

Other civil society actors invited include Social Platform, as a representative of many different civil society organisations in the EU, and the European Youth Forum, representing a large number of youth organisations in the EU. Representatives of the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions have also received invitations. Other invited participants include representatives of the International Labour Organisation, the Council of Europe and Eurofound.

All participants are invited to take an active part and contribute experiences and reflections to the discussion.

Meeting to be webcast

As large parts of the summit will be webcast, citizens around Europe will have the opportunity to follow the discussions on issues which affect citizens in their everyday lives, such as new job opportunities, guaranteeing decent work and access to skills development.


Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth, 17 November 2017

From 8.00 Arrival and doorstep

Arrival of Heads of States and Governments, leaders of EU institutions and all other invited participants.

09.30–09.45 Welcoming remarks

Welcoming remarks by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

Moderator: Ann Mettler


09.45–10.10 Introductory session

Panel with stakeholders to set the scene and create a joint basis for discussions.

Moderator: Ann Mettler


10.10–10.30 Coffee break

10.30–12.30 Working sessions on how to promote fair jobs and growth in the future

Three parallel working sessions. Interactive in- the-round discussions with a moderator in the middle surrounded by all participants.

EU facts and trends: a brief selection (pdf)


About the Moderators

12.35–13.00 Closing remarks, signing ceremony of the European Pillar of Social Rights, group photo

Brief closing remarks by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. Followed by a ceremony for the signing of the European Pillar of Social Rights by President Juncker, President Tajani and Prime Minister Ratas.


13.15–15.15 Lunch

President of the European Council to chair a working lunch for the leaders of the EU Member States and the Presidents of the European Commission and the European Parliament. All other delegates are invited to an informal lunch.

15.30 Press conference and exit doorstep

Press conference with Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Tusk.



Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good

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