Another birthday. A special day meaning that we’ve lived another year. I’m enjoying watching and experiencing myself growing older. Not the part about the inevitable body deterioration, but the part about experiencing more life. This is not about extreme sports or a bucket list, but more about the ability to make deeper connections; to serve others without needing any sort of compensation, letting go of more “crap”, being satisfied with what I have and being authentic. But there is also the side about having less tolerance or maybe trying to have more understanding for those who are not.
I’ve learned to gradually enjoy my life and its circumstances. I haven’t chosen to live in an easy environment. Instead I live in Nepal where we are still suffering from an earthquake and dealing with a border closure which has brought limited petrol, long lines and running out of LPG. But there are also more possibilities for serving.
As I grow older so do my children and parents. I’ve spent time thinking about how I was at my children’s age, how I interacted with others especially my parents. I know that I didn’t have as much understanding and compassion. I feel that I’ve developed good relationships with my children but I wonder how things might be different if I lived closer. With my parents we talk about their aches and pains, their ups and downs and taking care of their funeral arrangements. Not easy topics but at my age I practice being the adult listening to their fears and how they deal with the world. This makes me wonder what I will be like as I approach the later part of my life.
Fortunately I still feel that I have a lot ahead of me. There are many more experiences and possibilities for learning, more that I can contribute towards making the world a better place. Hope.
I see people trying to make themselves look younger, e.g. dyeing their hair. I’ve never really given this a lot of thought as I like the white in my hair. I’m fortunate in that people tell me that I look young, but does it really matter? I know that it does but if we didn’t grow older how would we make room for those whom are younger?
Facebook has made it possible for people to wish other’s a happy birthday even if there is little connection during the year. Can you imagine if every day we connected with others with the same loving thoughts that we do on their birthdays?
Growing older is a good thing, we seem to learn more, can offer more and be more. Serving is key, the older we get the more we have the ability to serve. This shouldn't end until our last breath. For all of my younger friends and even those who are older, it's vital that we try to heal this planet and its people. The only way to do this is through love, kindness, letting go our egos. My birthday wish is not for a thing, but for all of us to do something kind today for someone else. But not only today, every single day of our lives.
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