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Some of the recommendations include:
- Support financial independence and institutional strengthening of local peacebuilding partners for sustainability of project results by integrating income generation activities into projects, committing to longer-term and flexible funding mechanisms, or facilitating partnerships between local governments and local civil society.
- Strengthen country-wide stakeholder mapping with a focus on local conflict hotspots to ensure that selection of partners goes beyond the well-connected, capital city based national or local elite organizations, and extends to those who represent the spectrum of actors and social groups who are relevant to local conflict dynamics and populations.
- Connect with, mobilize, and recognize volunteers to help build sustainability, promote local ownership and leverage the networks and knowledge of local actors.
- Expand the use of participatory approaches to monitoring and evaluation, including ‘everyday peace indicators’, perception surveys and community-based monitoring and evaluation tools and processes to better measure local-level results and provide feedback for adaptation.
- Deliberately build local-national linkages into peacebuilding projects and sufficiently resource both levels of interventions, exploring ways in which local-level efforts can be catalysts for more structural or institutional change.
Access the publication here: Thematic Review on Local Peacebuilding.
To learn more, please visit www.un.org/peacebuilding/content/local-peacebuilding-2022.
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