Survey Here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/V4V_Sport_Volunteering_Survey_2022
V4V needs your view and contribution to develop sport volunteering together.
Volunteers are vital at every level in sport, from local grassroots participation to elite international competitions. So much sport and physical activity simply could not happen without those who freely give their time, energy, and commitment to our sector. Many volunteers gain huge personal and social benefits from their volunteering experiences. Sport volunteering, at its best, is a ‘win-win’ situation.
Even before COVID-19, however, there was evidence that sport volunteering was in decline across Europe. There are now worrying signs that the pandemic has made the situation worse, and this could have a longer-term impact. As European sport moves into recovery, there is a real need to find practical ways to rebuild the volunteer workforce by attracting more people with the right attitudes, motivations and skillsets, and retaining them through good quality volunteer training and management.
This survey is a unique attempt to reach out to the broadest range of sport organisations of all shapes and sizes (clubs, associations, federations etc.) across Europe to find out more about how the sector recruits, trains and manages their volunteers. We also want to explore the challenges sport organisations face in regard to volunteering and hear about possible solutions.
The survey is a key part of V4V, an Erasmus+ sport project led by the European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (EOSE) with the active support of 12 partners (national and international sport federations, a government body, two universities, two research centres and two European networks).
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