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MicroMappers: Towards Next Generation Humanitarian Technology - http://micromappers.org - Digital Disaster Response
'The vision for MicroMappers is simple: combine human computing (smart crowd-sourcing) with machine computing (artificial intelligence) to filter, fuse and map a variety of different data types such as text, photo, video and satellite/aerial imagery. To do this, there is a collection of “Clickers” for MicroMappers. Clickers are simply web-based crowdsourcing apps used to make sense of “Big Data”. The “Text Cicker” is used to filter tweets & SMS’s; “Photo Clicker” to filter photos; “Video Clicker” to filter videos and, yes, the Satellite & Aerial Clickers to filter both satellite and aerial imagery. These are the Data Clickers.
MicroMappers have mobilized to support wildlife protection efforts in Namibia, food security efforts in the Philippines and, of course, the most recent response to Typhoon Ruby. There is also a collection of Geo Clickers that digital volunteers use to geo-tag tweets, photos and videos filtered by the Data Clickers. Note that these Geo Clickers auto-matically display the results of the crowdsourced geo-tagging on MicroMaps. MicroMappers was developed by QCRI in partnership SBTF/OCHA.'
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