Oxfam and 22 civil society organizations applaud IFC’s decision to stop investing in fee-charging private schools, call on other investors to follow its lead

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Oxfam together with 22 civil society organizations welcomes the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) announcement that it will not resume its investments in K-12 private schools, following the release of an independent evaluation by the World Bank Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) on the IFC’s investments in this area.

Hunger, famine and starvation: 750,000 people are in the front line, UN study says

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Latest Hunger Hotspots report from the World Food Programme and Food and Agriculture Organization confirms the agencies' worst fears

Republic of the Philippines joins the Global Partnership for Education

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Washington D.C. / Manila, May 9, 2022 – The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) welcomed the Republic of the Philippines today as its latest member. This brings the total number of GPE partner countries to 77.

World Urban Campaign (UN HABITAT)

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The World Urban Campaign promotes the implementation of the New Urban Agenda to achieve the SDGs. It does so through a set of principles and drivers of change as defined in The City We Need.

World Urban Campaign (UN HABITAT)

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The World Urban Campaign promotes the implementation of the New Urban Agenda to achieve the SDGs. It does so through a set of principles and drivers of change as defined in The City We Need.


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Find here a list of upcoming events of WAIVE, a not for profit based in the USA focused on rebuilding social capital throughout America.

Gender Analysis of Nepal's Local Elections May 2022 ( by Centre for Gender And Politics)

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After its promulgation, Nepal held the second local election for 753 local units in May 2022. The first local election was held in 2017 and it was significant and historic for women’s political representation and the country’s own transition into a federal structure. ​ This report presents our gender analysis of the local elections with a specific focus on women's political participation

Corporate Volunteering for a Post-Pandemic World (IAVE)

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Even in the face of an unprecedented global crisis, corporate volunteering remains a vital force – mobilizing the skills, energy and commitment of workers in every region to help build a better world for all. That is the core message of this report on IAVE’s Global Corporate Volunteering Research Project.


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The AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT is the centrepiece of the Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative: Since its inception in 2017, it has become one of the largest climate conferences in the world. The summit in Vienna provides a platform to present concrete solutions and actions and to connect people. There are already many possibilities to fight the climate crisis.

G20 and beyond: the rise of the Asian Impact Leaders by Julie Pybus

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As the G20 leaders' summit comes to Indonesia this year and then to India in 2023, AVPN – the largest network of social investors in Asia – is launching an initiative to amplify the voices of some of the region’s most ambitious social investors, innovators and policymakers.
