ASHOKA EVENT: When Sheep Lead The Way | Cuando las ovejas lideran el camino (25th Jan, 2023)

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Every year in spring and autumn, Ashoka Senior Fellow Jesús (Suso) Garzón and millions of shepherds around the world migrate between climatic regions in search of greener pastures with their livestock. Following the natural rhythms of the seasons, pastoral herding regenerates the earth. What if we let our fellow inhabitants on Earth lead the way more often?


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The page is a directory of e-learning courses on Climate and Land Use Management offered by various organizations. The majority of courses featured here are free of charge. However, please visit the specific course website for more information and update.

Web-seminar: Introduction to S4D

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Join the GIZ S4D Learning Lab for a basic seminar about the philosophy, terminology, methodology and background of sport for development.

Richest 1% bag nearly twice as much wealth as the rest of the world put together over the past two years

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Super-rich outstrip their extraordinary grab of half of all new wealth in past decade. Billionaire fortunes are increasing by $2.7 billion a day even as at least 1.7 billion workers now live in countries where inflation is outpacing wages.

13th Poverty and Social Protection Conference ( Bangkok, 9-11 March 2022)

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This conference’s focus is on issues of poverty and its eradication, social inequality, race relations and policy management and mismanagement with an international perspective.

Recently held Social Innovation Exchange' events (SIX)

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SIX believes in the transformative power of people working together. Exchanges based on mutual value and reciprocity are the missing link in tackling the world’s problems.

UNESCAP: Webinar on Policies and Recommendations to improve meaningful participation of vulnerable groups in the digital economy

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This webinar will examine the policy tools, case studies and recommendations outlined in the Compendium to demonstrate specific actions governments can take to facilitate meaningful participation of vulnerable groups within the digital economy.

EQUIDEM: FIFA Misleading World on Remedy for Migrant Workers

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FIFA Misleading World on Remedy for Migrant Workers New Legacy Fund Should Be Used to Ensure Workers’ Compensation

CEMUS: Dec 21: Online course opens – Climate Change Leadership and Transitions in Practice

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CEMUS, a student led initiative, announces that December 21 we open the new and updated Climate Change Leadership and Transitions in Practice MOOC, a self-study open online course.

Platforms for Deliberation or Disinformation? Social media and development (LSE)

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This panel examined the record of digital technologies and asks what we might do to re-engineer them to fulfil their early promise.Hosted by the Department of International Development at LSE.
