Volunteerism towards building equal and inclusive societies
Exploring the 2022 UNV State of the World’s Volunteerism Report
15th December, 1030-1130 am (UK time)
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Info and registration: www.bit.ly/SWVR2022
Against the backdrop of widening social inequalities, volunteerism in its many forms could play an important role in sustainable development and peace-building. Volunteering has been a valuable community-based resource that could foster inclusion, resilience and solidarity. From offering time and expertise to deliver community health classes to setting up community pantries, volunteers around the world respond in diverse ways to the needs of their communities. Yet calls for better recognition of volunteers’ work remain, including how to ensure that volunteers have a greater voice in decision-making. Volunteers’ relationship with state and non-state actors are being re-engineered – paving the way for newer forms of collaboration and new spaces to demand for accountability.
The UNESCO Chair in Adult Literacy and Learning for Social Transformation and the Institute for Volunteering Research at the University of East Anglia are hosting a symposium to explore themes in the State of the World’s Volunteerism Report 2022: Building Equal and Inclusive Societies, that was launched by UN Volunteers on 02 December 2021. The event will draw together academics, policymakers and practitioners to explore how volunteerism can help build more equal and inclusive societies.
We are also co-moderating a discussion on UNV’s Knowledge Portal in anticipation of the report: https://knowledge.unv.org/discussion/how-can-volunteering-help-build-equal-and-inclusive-societies.
You are welcome to participate in this event! Please contact Chris Millora (C.Millora@uea.ac.uk) for further informatio
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