As the name suggests, the strategy recognizes that sport can be more than a game for refugees and other displaced and stateless communities and can contribute to improved protection and development outcomes.
The strategy moves beyond simply thinking about sport activities and identifies the potential of the sport ecosystem, through its diversity of actors, to contribute to improving lives through sports’ considerable communication, advocacy, diplomatic and resource mobilization potential. These elements then all contribute to and support the delivery of well-structured, protective, and developmental sport- and play-based activities, for the people UNHCR serves.
The strategy was developed through a 2-year consultative process with key internal and external stakeholders, including refugees, and will guide UNHCR’s engagement with and through sport for the next four years. The strategy aims to bring focus to UNHCR’s work in this area, consolidating current and channeling future efforts, while tapping into UNHCR’s refugee expertise and convening power to engage with the sport sector in refugee response.
With a foreword by Filippo Grandi, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the strategy is structured into 3 clear sections.
- Section 1 sets the scene and develops an understanding of UNHCR’s engagement with the sport ecosystem
- Section 2 outlines the principles and approaches that underpin the strategy
- Section 3 outlines five pillars of work (and associated strategic objectives), the main ways in which UNHCR has engaged with, and will continue to engage with the sport ecosystem to benefit the people they serve.
There are two program-related strategic objectives: sport- and play-based programming; and support to elite refugee talent. These programmatic areas are supported by the three remaining areas of work of the strategy, namely: communication and advocacy; resource mobilization; and sport diplomacy.
1. Sport- and play-based programming
Using the Sport for Protection (S4P) approach, this pillar focusses on the programmatic potential of sport to bring improved social inclusion, social cohesion and psychosocial well-being to communities UNHCR serves. By working with partners, UNHCR aims to better include displaced communities in protective and developmental sport activities without any discrimination.
2. Elite support
The second pillar is focused on elite support. This area of work is concerned with ensuring refugees with elite sporting talent can fulfil their potential and access opportunities to train, compete and potentially live and work in another country. It is focused on increasing engagement with the global, regional, and national sporting bodies to better identify and support those with talent.
3. Communication and advocacy
With millions of followers and global audiences of over 3 billion people watching mega sporting events, the sport ecosystem provides a fantastic communication platform to reach new audiences on displacement issues. This objective aims to use this platform to help break down cultural barriers and change perceptions and attitudes towards displacement.
4. Sport diplomacy
Sport has the unique potential to bring communities and nations together – as such it can be very practical and effective to improve international relations, facilitate interaction and influence public opinion. Increasingly, governments and regional bodies are embracing sport to advance foreign policy goals and promote development. UNHCR aims to leverage this influence to advocate for the support, protection, and inclusion of the people we serve.
5. Resource mobilization
The vast global for-profit sport industry presents significant potential for resource mobilization. Attracting attention and funding from both sport and non-sport brands, the sport ecosystem can be a door opener to reach potential sponsors and partners. Supported by the strategy we will work to leverage the sport ecosystem to raise funds and other resources for sport, recreation, humanitarian, and other programming.
To achieve the strategic objectives in strategy, UNHCR will continue to work with its sports partners at the national, regional, and global level. If you want to find out more about partnering with UNHCR please contact hqsport@unhcr.org.
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