UNSDG | UN DCO Disability Inclusion Strategy 2022-2025
Here the full strategy: UN DCO Disability Inclusion Policy 2022-2025. A disability-inclusive RC system
Persons with disabilities represent an estimated 15 percent of the world’s population or approximately 1 billion people. A diverse, heterogeneous population, persons with disabilities face discrimination, stigmatization and other barriers that restrict them from participating in society on an equal basis with others. With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda), UN Member States pledged to leave no one behind, including persons with disabilities.
DCO has developed this Strategy to operationalize its commitment to the inclusion of persons with disabilities across the organization through specific actions to be taken between 2022-2025. The Strategy follows the structure and indicators of the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy. Full implementation of the Strategy will also strengthen DCO’s efforts to implement other UN system-wide strategies relating to inclusion, for example on gender and youth.
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