Organizers: Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP), Coalition for UN We Need, Asia Civil Society partnership for Sustainable Development
Description: Considered a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” to address inequities in global governance and reset international cooperation, the Summit of the Future (SoTF) will be a cornerstone among a series of high-level UN meetings in 2024. The Summit will be held on 22-23 September 2024 where the members have agreed towards the adoption of ‘A Pact for the Future’. which will focus on five areas: 1. SDGs and financing for development, 2. International peace and security, 3. Science technology innovation and digital cooperation and 4. Youth and future governance and 5. Transforming global governance The objective of the side event is to discuss the importance of the SoTF for the Agenda 2030 and to critically evaluate its agenda through the lens of Asian civil society and come up with policy recommendations and action plans based on the analysis of the various policy briefs. The deliberations will mainly focus on Asia CSO position and its engagement on the SDGs and Financing for Development robust. Particular attention will be given to the outcomes of the SDGs Summit held in New York in 2023. The recommendations will also be built on the declarations emerging out of the Global and Asia People’s Assemblies held in September 2023.
Organizers: The Coordinating Body of the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA, administered by the United
Nations Environment Programme), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for
Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP), Government of the Republic of Korea (TBC), Government of Indonesia (TBC)
Description: Asia-Pacific is home to vast coral reefs and rich biodiversity, but population growth, unsustainable development, pollution, ocean warming, and overfishing have led to widespread degradation of habitats and their ability to support economies and livelihoods. A healthy ocean and intact ecosystems play a crucial role in regulating the climate, storing carbon, and protecting coastlines from storm surges and sea-level rise. Nature-based Solutions enhance the resilience of coastal and marine ecosystems and their ability to mitigate climate change and its impacts. The event explores how a healthy ocean can accelerate climate action and provide inclusive and sustainable blue economy opportunities for the 2030 Agenda and UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, in the face of the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Speakers will share key challenges and solutions from the region, discuss the role of coastal communities and indigenous knowledge, innovative finance mechanisms, and opportunities to build partnerships and leverage regional initiatives such as the ESCAP Regional Decade Programme and COBSEA mechanism to coordinate action. Speakers include governments, community leaders, civil society, finance and business partners.
Organizers: Asia Pacific Regional CSOs Engagement Mechanism (APRCEM), Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development, Asia Pacific Research Network, ALGA, Centre for Community Economics and Development Consultants Society, International Trade Union Confederation - Asia Pacific
Description: Today’s world with beset with number of problems that are global and systemic and need politically ambitious solutions. Multilateralism in the past decades has seen very little success in containing conflicts and war, eradicating poverty and the environmental and climate crisis has deepened. The multilateral processes have created institutions that favour few (and rich) and increase global inequality and marginalization. To contain climate crisis and achieve sustainable development the fractured multilateralism needs to evolve into one which protects the global commons, creates genuine international cooperation and prioritizes the interests and wellbeing of the people and the most marginalized.
Organizers: UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Description: The UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment in 2023 offered a unique opportunity to leverage sustainable, inclusive, nutritious, and resilient food systems for advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 2023 Global Sustainable Development Report highlights food systems as a pivotal driver for sustainability in the Asia-Pacific Region. The region faces challenges in achieving SDG 13 (climate action), with climate change impacts and contributions to global emissions. Climate change poses significant challenges to environmental stability, economic growth, and human development, particularly in vulnerable nations. In April 2023, the Food Systems Coordination Hub and ESCAP organized a regional preparatory meeting that identified key regional challenges, including climate risks, declining agricultural sector contributions to GDP, and urbanization. Through the Strategic Partnership with the UAE COP28 Presidency, the Hub and 4SD introduced the Convergence Initiative, aiming to support countries in harnessing the synergies between food systems transformation and climate action. The initiative aligns with COP 30 and UNFSS+4, promoting climate-smart, people-centered, and nature-positive food systems at local, national, and regional levels, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The initiative encourages national convergence processes, orientation sessions, resource support, and cross-sectoral collaboration, enabling integrated approaches to align food systems transformation and climate action.The Food Systems Coordination Hub collaborates closely with the broader UN system and stakeholders to ensure food systems transformation addresses climate action challenges at both national and regional levels.
Organizers: Youth Empowerment in Climate Action Platform (YECAP), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
(UNESCAP), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) for Asia-Pacific
Description: This side event will convene and give space to various stakeholders, especially youth, involved in meaningfully engaging youth in climate governance (decision-making, policymaking and review processes), aligned to SDGs 13 and 16. The approach reinforces the nexus between environmental resilience and the fostering of just, peaceful, and inclusive societies, crucial to the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development," especially in these times of compounded global crises. This session aims to highlight the factors enabling the successful youth and government engagement while pin-pointing the complexities of youth participation in policy planning and implementation and identify the best approach to increase government-to-youth partnerships. The panel discussion will focus on best practices and practical examples to create an enabling environment that nurtures youth-led initiatives, offering them the resources they require to translate their unique insights into climate strategies, policies and initiatives.
Organizers: Asia Dalit Rights Forum, Nagorik Udyog, Feminist Dalit Organisation, Pakistan Solidarity Network, Human Development Organisation, National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights, Global Call to Action against Poverty
Description: The side event will look at the goal 13, impact of Climate change on the most vulnerable population in South Asia. Dalits are distinguished by their occupations of the lowest status; segregated living spaces; and severely restricted access to social, economic and political resources and opportunities. They continue to be subjected to traditional or/and modern forms of ‘untouchability’ practices, or the imposition of social disabilities by reason of their birth into certain ‘low’ castes. Intersectionality of descent and religion in countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh, and a general absence of disaggregated data have further denied the descent /caste discriminated communities the recognition and development benefits. The pre-existing caste or descent and work-induced vulnerabilities have exacerbated the risks and effects of climate change on the Dalit or CDWD communities in the South Asia region. The impacts of climate change have fallen disproportionately on the poorest communities lacking the awareness and representation in climate change adaptation planning. These communities predominantly subsist on biodiversity/farm-based livelihoods and fare poorly on human development indices, high on malnutrition and worst impacted by natural disasters. A UN expert warned of a possible "climate apartheid", where the rich pay to escape from hunger, "while the rest of the world is left to suffer" (2019).
Organizers: All Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia on Sustainable Development Goals, PROHAM
Description: This side event seeks to delve into the critical aspect of localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a specific focus on eradicating poverty and addressing the challenges posed by multiple crises in the Asia-Pacific region. In particular, we aim to explore and share innovative solutions that reinforce the 2030 Agenda while directly addressing SDGs 1 (No Poverty), 2 (Zero Hunger), 13 (Climate Action), 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) through localizing initiatives.
Organizers: Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP), OHCHR Regional Office, International Land Coalition (ILC) Asia, Indigenous Knowledge and Peoples of Asia (IKPA), Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Defenders (IPHRD), Network of Indigenous Women in Asia (NIWA), Asia Indigenous Youth Platform (AYIP)
Description: The secured rights to land, territories and resources (LTR) can contribute to achieve the targets of the goal 1 (no poverty), goal 2 (no hunger), goal 13 (climate action) and goal 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions). The rights to self-determination and development can be only exercised if there is legally secured fundamental human rights to the LTR. Indigenous Peoples are the guardians and safeguards of the LTR who have been protecting and preserving the LTR through their indigenous knowledge and practices. The food security, wealthy and healthy human health and environment, mitigation measures of the environmental crisis including climate change, social peace and security, and just society are possible only with secured rights to LTR. Along with LTR, the legal recognition of the Indigenous Knowledge and practices are equally important to govern the LTR. Indigenous Peoples have the customary institutions to manage, protect and promote the LTR in sustainable ways that can contribute to address the poverty, hunger, climate change, and peace, justice and security.
Organizers: Hiroshima Organization for Global Peace (HOPe)
Co-organizers: Hiroshima Prefecture, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Reverse the Trend: Save Our People, Save Our Planet
Description: This session aims to bridge the severed discourse of "security" and "development" for a sustainable future through the issues surrounding peace and security. Despite of its interconnectedness with various SDG aspirations, the profound peril that conflicts pose toward sustainable development has gone unmentioned too long. In order to realize a truly sustainable future and to secure peace and prosperity for all, this session seeks for collaboration and proposes tangible strategies toward 2045, including the Summit of the Future to be held in September 2024.
Organizers: Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) and ESCAP Subregional Office for the Pacific, Government of Tuvalu
Description: The 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent sets out the long-term vision and goals for the Pacific region to raise the voices and support the aspirations of the Pacific people. In 2023, the annual Forum Economic Ministers have requested the PIFS to develop a Pacific Roadmap for Economic Development (PRED) to drive the economic development aspirations of the 2050 Strategy. By aligning the 2050 Strategy and the PRED with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there are important implications to improve complementarity framework for the policymakers and stakeholders to integrate to their own national sustainable development strategies. A draft PRED is being developed for the consideration of the Forum Economic Ministers by the second half of 2024. In the lead up to the Pacific FEEM, PIFS are conducting several stakeholders consultations in Pacific and beyond. This 11th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development is an important platform to share the latest updates of the draft PRED and its implications to the socio-economic prosperity and partnerships in the Pacific. Furthermore, the side event aims to provide development partners and stakeholders the opportunity to better understand various dimensions of the draft PRED and to receive constructive feedback to ensure that PRED is linked around SDGs, especially around climate action, governance and partnerships.
Organizers: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Transport Division (TD) and Energy Division (ED); Permanent Mission of China to ESCAP; Ministry of Transport and Highways, Sri Lanka; United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Description: The transport sector poses a significant challenge for achieving low-carbon sustainability due to its heavy reliance on fossil fuels. In 2021, it was responsible for 50% of oil consumption and 13% of CO2 emissions in Asia and the Pacific. To limit global warming to 1.5°C and reach net-zero carbon by 2050, transport must reduce CO2 emissions by at least 3% annually. However, from 1990 to 2021, these emissions increased by nearly 2% annually, outpacing other sectors. Even if all decarbonization commitments are met, global transport emissions will rise by 16% by 2050 compared to 2015 levels, threatening the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals 7, 11, and 13. Transitioning to an electric vehicle (EV)-based transport system is an effective way to reduce emissions. The Paris Declaration on Electro-Mobility and Climate Change calls for 20% of all road transport vehicles to be electric by 2030. The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of Asia-Pacific countries emphasize the importance of electric mobility and renewable energy sources for effective climate action. The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) supports Asia-Pacific countries in developing policies and strategies for electric public transport. A regional guidebook with case studies is available to aid policymakers. The recent Policy Dialogue and capacity-building efforts set the stage for this side event, aiming to help member States implement sustainable and resilient national electric mobility ecosystems, including pilot EV systems.
Organizers: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Regional Office in Bangkok, Save the Children, Global Partnership for Education (GPE), Plan International, World Vision, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat
Description: Strong education systems are essential to power the shift to safer, greener, more equitable and just societies. Learning about climate and environmental protection, in addition to developing 21st century skills, can strengthen an individual’s resilience, including the ability to think critically and other socio-emotional competencies that are central for environmental and climate action. Building a more secure, sustainable world where every boy and girl can fully achieve their potential requires prioritizing and financing education. The world’s interconnected crises, from climate change to economic and food security, affect the well-being of children, denying them their basic rights. Estimates show that 244 million children will not set foot in a classroom this year, while 1 billion are at extremely high risk of suffering from the climate crisis, impacting their health and ability to learn. The economic downturn and debt challenges force the poorest families to decide whether and which children can go to school. Girls are often more at risk of dropping out of school and being forced into domestic labor and early marriage. This event will highlight new research on the multiple impacts of the climate crisis, country progress, young people’s perspectives, and examples of multisectoral partnerships that innovatively address climate impacts on children through education.
Organizers: ESCAP, Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific (UCLG ASPAC) and Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance (CCFLA) as well as other participating Urban-Act partners.
Description: This side event presents a regional assessment framework methodology, “Standardized Approach for Analysis of Enabling Framework Conditions Related to Cities’ Ability to Access Climate Finance” for supporting cities’ access to climate finance in the countries of the Asia Pacific region. This methodology is formulated by CCFLA and ESCAP as part of the Urban-Act project. The ambition is for countries throughout Asia and beyond to leverage the tools and frameworks to support a more conducive environment for cities to finance low-carbon and climate-resilient development.
Organizers: PEACEMOMO, Korean SDG Network, Mongolian CSOs Network
Description: In this dedicated session, we aim to delve into avenues for enhancing SDG16 peace element. We will particularly focus on prevention strategies, regional collaboration, early warning systems, efficient resource allocation, and measures to mitigate the impact of global or regional conflicts and increasing militarization, understanding the immediate and long-term effects on resources and policy commitments. Emphasizing the significance of comprehensive regional peacebuilding measures, we seek to provide a holistic exploration of how SDG16 can be strengthened across various dimensions. This session will actively engage civil society and academia representatives, providing them with a platform to present their valuable ideas and solutions. Their insights will be shared with member states, focusing on strategies to maintain peace in the region and fostering a sustainable development trajectory for the long term. By incorporating diverse perspectives, we aim to cultivate a collaborative and inclusive approach to address the complex challenges related to peace in the region.
Organizers: Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP), "1. Wada Na Todo Abhiyan (WNTA, India 2. NGO Federation of Nepal (NFN), Nepal 3. Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement (PRRM), the Philippines 4. Asia Dalit Rights Forum (ADRF) 5. Global Forum on DWD (GFoD) 6. Noakhali Rural Development Society (NRDS), Bangladesh 7. Sri Lanka United Nations Friendship Organisation (SUNFO), Sri Lanka 8. Pakistan Development Alliance (PDA), Pakistan 9. Coordination Committee of Cambodia (CCC), Cambodia 10. Sanayee Development Organisation (SDO), Afghanistan 11. ONE Singapore, Singapore 12. Africa Japan Forum (AJF), Japan "
Description: This side event will discuss the scope of Universal Social Protection Floors to address poverty, hunger, inequality and adapt to climate change.