Incheon Youth Declaration on the Future of Work: Youth Calls for Action to Build the Workforce of the Future

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Over 400 youth representatives from Asia and the Pacific launched the Incheon Youth Declaration on the Future of Work, which calls upon the international community to invest in more inclusive, large-scale, and market-relevant solutions for youth employment and entrepreneurship

Global Liveability Index 2018

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Vienna dislodges Melbourne to top the Global Chart of most livable place

Angel Gurría OECD Secretary-General Closing remarks at OECD Roundtable on Equal Access to Justice

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Angel Gurria proposes some ideas on how to create a more equal and fair world: 1) tools for measurement, 2) better understanding of what works, 3) Exchange of good practices is essential.

Harnessing the power of youth through volunteering (UNV)

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UNV promotes youth participation through volunteering, offering opportunities for young people to engage in local and global action, and providing spaces for them to contribute to peace and development as volunteers, while building their skills and professional experience.

The International Congress of Youth Voices

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Students coming together to learn about activism and social change. The congress was held on 3-5 August 2018 in San Francisco.


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This piece was originally published on the Perspectives of The Himalayan Times.


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Since its inception in 2002, the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime (Bali Process) has effectively raised regional awareness of the consequences of people smuggling, trafficking in persons and related transnational crime.

new data visualization tool to identify market gaps in emerging market economies

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This new interactive site offers a visual display of the financial and nonfinancial support that organizations provide for entrepreneurs in emerging market economies. The goal of this site is to identify gaps and opportunities for the small and growing business sector.

EU-ASEAN Blue Book launched in Jakarta

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The new EU-ASEAN Blue Book 2018 was launched in Jakarta today. It demonstrates the success and benefits of the close cooperation between the EU and ASEAN countries, and that joining forces will contribute to prosperity, stability and security for all.
